Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dream #345 (March 5, 2011)

This was insane and very funny.

In the beginning of the dream, my brother Mike Baughman and I, along with a large group of people that we were associated with, arrived at an airport coming into the United States from China. As we walked through airport security, all of us made it through smoothly except for Mike, who was pulled aside for further searching.

They made him open his bags and pull out the contents (as he did this, he gave me an annoyed look, for we had packed the bags as tight as we could, and we didn't have much time before our connecting flight was leaving). His clothes were strewn about before the security guards discovered what they were after.

They were most upset about the Chris Brown album that Mike had on vinyl, along with several hip-hop posters (apparently hip-hop had been banned in the U.S., and Mike had purchased these things in China; he doesn't actually like Chris Brown, by the way). They confiscated all of these things and told him to go on his way in shame.

When he met back up with us, a half-crazy man from our group walked up to us and told us how angry he was with the airport government and that he wanted to get back at them. He told us he planned to stage an airport hold-up, for he had snuck a bunch of fake guns into the airport. I expressed how terrible the idea was, but he would not listen to me. Apparently this guy had many connections and resources, for at the touch of a button on a remote control he carried, everything went crazy.

People entered waiving around the fake guns, and all the airport customers fell to the floor in terror. Mike and I snuck off to a side room where we watched all the goings on of the next several minutes.

The half-crazy dude stood at the front of the airport with his cell phone, talking to somebody about acquiring a tank as several masked men ran around beating the airport security guards on their heads with the butts of their fake guns.

Finally, the only man left standing was the owner of the airport, a slightly chunky white-haired old man. The crazy guy had something special planned for him, but he got distracted by the person he was conversing with. As he was talking, he sad down and began to cry, for he couldn't get the tank he wanted. As he sat down, a huge truck with an enormous painting of a sunny suburban landscape pulled up next to the airport, stopped for a while, then left.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I entered a blue room that was very dark. As I did so, the lights came on and a bunch of people shouted "surprise." I was startled, for it wasn't my birthday. I saw Lita Hall there (a lady from Koontz Lake church) and asked her what the special occasion was, and she told me they were throwing an engagement party. I was confused, for I couldn't recall getting engaged.

I thought back to conversations I had with my parents a while before, but I couldn't recall ever telling them that I was engaged. Then, as people began to dance around and eat the party food (little sausages, baby carrots, and lasagna) my parents came up to me and my mom handed me a wooden box. I opened it and found a ring that had been passed on through my family (I don't know if we actually have such a ring in my family in real life) and a hand-written note from Brittany Baughman (my brother's wife). It expressed how happy she was for me, and I felt very guilty as I read it, for she had seemingly put much effort into it.

I didn't break the news to my parents just yet, for I wanted to figure out to whom I was engaged. I never did. I walked around and talked to many people I know, but could not get any further information. I began walking back to my parents when I ran into Claire Lyons (Bethel friend). I asked her what was going on and she said she had no idea. Then she began hopping around like a rabbit, and I tried following her so I could ask her who had set up this party (my parents don't know her, so I figured someone else may have been responsible for the whole misunderstanding). However, I couldn't keep up with her, for she was bouncing at an inhuman speed.

Then I walked over to my parents and broke the news to them. They were disappointed and they immediately walked left the party. I left with them.

I rode in the backseat of the car with both of my brothers (who made their first appearance of the dream in the car). They were joking around with me about the misunderstanding, and my parents began to see the humor in it all.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was walking in mud that was waste deep in a field outside a cathedral. It was storming outside, and lighting was flashing all about me. I finally made it to the entrance of the church where my brother Mike was there waiting for me, holding the door open.

Then I awoke.

1 comment:

  1. "...he doesn't actually like Chris Brown, by the way."

    I like that you care enough about defending your brother's reputation in musical taste to include this. Such a good brother.
