Friday, March 11, 2011

Dream #351 (March 11, 2011)

Here are a some dreams I had last night.

The dream began inside of a supermarket. I was by myself in the store (there were many other people there, but none of them were with me), and I didn't really know what I was looking for.

In the shoe section, I saw a mother trying to get her twelve-year-old son to try on shoes, but he would have no part of it. He even began climbing up the aisle so that he could escape his mother.

Then I saw some teenage girls loading up their carts with makeup. They carts were overflowing, even though the girls had enough makeup on their face to last them for a few months.

Then I saw an elderly woman trying to pick out muskmelon. She looked like she was having a difficult time deciding what to get.

Finally I walked back to the front of the store and saw a tall man, about thirty years old, trying to buy some Nike shoes. The cashier, a young woman who looked like she didn't know what she was doing, had trouble ringing up the shoes. She asked the other cashier, an elderly woman, to help her out, but she couldn't figure out the problem either. After much trial and error, the older lady told the man that he couldn't purchase the shoes. He was pretty upset, and he began to complain. To compensate for the mistake, the woman told the guy that he could have a free lawn chair. There were dozens of fancy lawn chairs sitting at the front of the store, so the guy walked over, picked one out, and carried it to his car.

Then an announcement came on that all the lawn chairs were free. I grabbed one that was marked at $80 and walked out of the store. As I left, I saw some much more highly priced lawn chairs that looked awesome, but I knew I wouldn't be able to carry them.

The parking lot was indoors. I saw the man who couldn't buy the Nike shoes, and I ran over to him to congratulate him on his free lawn chair. I said, "Did you see that one of the chairs cost 5,000 bucks?" He didn't acknowledge my existence and entered a very expensive looking car (I don't know cars, so I have no idea what it was called, if it was a real car at all; I just know that it was shiny).

I then remembered that I didn't drive to the store, so I left the lawn chair in the parking lot and headed for the exit (the building that the parking lot was in had roof that was at least 50 feet high, by the way).

When I got to the back of the parking lot, the small door that led out suddenly burst open. Nathaniel Wertz burst into the lot, along with three other guys, and they were all carrying airsoft guns. Before I knew what was going on, Nathaniel began shooting at me. Not knowing what to do, I began hitting Nathaniel until he dropped his gun. I then rushed out of the lot and into the hallway from where they had come.

I locked the door behind me and I began to walk cautiously to the other end. When I was about 50 feet from the opposite door, Kevin Chupp, carrying a 6 shooter with a curved barrel, entered the hallway, followed by Mike Coon and my brother Mike Baughman, and they began to approach me menacingly. I then realized, though it doesn't make much sense, that this was a big game put on by Bethel College (they actually play a game similar to this, but it uses water pistols instead of airsoft guns). Kevin then lifted his barrel. "Sorry, Joe."

I threw myself into a men's restroom that was to my right, dodging the bullet. I heard them come after me, so I hid behind the door.

Nobody came in for a long time, so I peeped out of the door and saw that the hallway was empty. I wanted to find out if I was really safe, so I began to creep down the hallway yet again. Suddenly Kevin's gun and arm burst through a low hole in the wall. Startled, I accidentally kicked his wrist, and he dropped his gun. It took me a short while to realized that I now had the advantage over him. I picked up his weird little weapon and went to chase him. By that time his whole body had fallen through the hole, so he took cover in the bathroom where I had once hid. I chased him in there and saw that he had climbed up to the top of the stall and was trying to crawl into the ceiling (he had opened up a ceiling tile). I fired a shot at him, hitting just above his head.

Then I felt pity on him. I didn't want to hurt Kevin, and I didn't care much about the game, so I put the gun to the ground and ran away.

I finally made it out of the door at the end of the hallway. There I saw Mike Coon climbing up a sloping roof (apparently we were on the top of a city), trying to escape me. I caught up with him and told him that I didn't want to be his enemy. He was cool with that idea, so he told me he could lead me to a safe place.

He took me to a room with a large glass window that overlooked the dark city. It was a beautiful sight. As I was lost in the scenery, my brother Mike snuck up behind me and put a gun to my back. I turned and saw that Mike Coon had tricked me, and he had notified my brother and Kevin of my whereabouts. I was trapped.

All of a sudden, Nathaniel Wertz burst into the room and began shooting up the place, hitting both Mikes with several pellets. Then Kevin retaliated and hit him and a couple of his followers with some of his rounds. In the end, I was the only one who remained untouched.

Then I jumped forward in time. I was sitting in my bedroom, checking my email. I red that Nathaniel Wertz's team had won the airsoft game, though Kevin Chupp was awarded with the MVP.

I then decided it was time to take a shower. Oddly enough, I had a full bath in my bedroom, and I hopped in there and began to wash up. Then I realized I had left the door to my room open. I also remembered that my mother had invited Lita Hall and a bunch of other ladies over to the house. I didn't want anyone to walk in on me, so I stopped the shower, dried off, closed and locked the door, and got back into the shower.

Then I switched over to another dream.

I was riding in an old truck that Shawn Eastridge (former Regent University classmate) was driving. He was talking to me about graduate school. Several times he almost hit trees that were lying across the road (we didn't see them until the last second, for it was very dark outside).

Suddenly Shawn turned into Kyle Heffelfinger. Kyle then drove the truck into an a field where his family was having a picnic. Without exiting the truck I saw his mother and his brother there, along with a bunch of people I didn't know.

Then I awoke.

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