Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dream #343 (March 3, 2011)

Here is a dream I had.

I was leading a group of kids on a journey. All of the kids had rough home lives, and people had sponsored them so that they could go on a fun journey with me. Ben, Jen, and Jessica Smith all accompanied me and assisted in helping the kids.

In the beginning of the dream, we crossed a great snowy field (it was very warm outside, though) and went down many wooden stairs, which were tall and winding, to a ditch (similar to the one I had walked in real life a couple weeks before). The sky was gray, though all seemed quite pleasant. When we got into flowing water of the ditch, be began having a water war.

The kids were having a blast. Everyone was running about, shouting with joy. Ben, Jen, and I began to play an active game with the kids where we would chase them around, pick them up, and take them to our "layer," where other kids would have to tag them before they could begin running around again. Jessica was over with a couple less active kids making bracelets. She called me over, and when I got there, she secretly instructed me to grab her foot and pull her into the water so that the kids would get a good laugh out of it. I did as she instructed, and her plan worked. The boy and girl who were with her began laughing hysterically, and they began to chase me around the ditch, splashing water in my direction.

Then Jen walked up to me and asked me if I had remembered a commercial she was in a long time ago.

I thought about it and pictured an office where Jen was the secretary. She delivered a cheesy line to a guy that looked like Ben as she handed him a stack of papers. As the memory of the commercial paused, I asked Jen if Ben was in it as well. She said no, so I zoomed in on the guy I thought was Ben, turned him around, and realized it indeed didn't really look at all like Ben in the face. He just was wearing a fleece similar to a fleece Ben would wear.

Then I awoke.

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