Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dream #353 (March 13, 2011)

I'm a few days late.

In this dream, I was traveling with my brother (Mike Baughman), his friend Brandon Kercher (I traveled with the two of them to Virginia a couple weeks ago), and a new band known as Scout and the Finches (containing Bethel friends Lyndsey Tschetter, Jessica Smith, and Karen Dickerson). We were all piled in a small blue car that I was driving, and we were on our way to Virginia Beach, though we were at the time only in Goshen, Indiana.

While we drove, we listened to Paul Simon, which lasted us all the way to Fort Wayne. There we decided to rest for a while.

Scout and the Finches were planning on doing some shows there, so they wouldn't be continuing on with Mike, Brandon, and I, but before we went our separate ways, we visited my grandfather's house. He wasn't there, so we let ourselves in, walked downstairs, sat up some folding chairs, and viewed some of my grandpa's old slides. We had a very fun time (my grandpa is a good photographer) and afterward, Lyndsey, Karen, and Brandon cooked up a tasty meal.

When we had finished eating, we said farewell then left in the little blue car.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was at my iMac watching the news live. After a bit of talk about the weather, Matt Lauer introduced a clip from the Simpsons that they aired.

The clip had real people in it, so I'm not sure what it had to do with the "yellow people cartoon" (as my dad calls it). Anyway, in the clip, a guy delivered a pizza to this girl's house. She asked him to step inside, and when he did, she began to mutate into some weird creature, and another woman burst out of her body. It was gross and strange, and I quickly closed the news window on my computer.

I walked into the kitchen where my dad, mom, and grandpa were eating dinner (chicken, salad, and green grapes) and told my dad about what I had seen. He immediately sent a text to the news station about my complaint (which is weird, because my dad seldom texts anyone). I then decided that I would write Matt Lauer an email.

Then I awoke.

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