Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dream #361 (March 23, 2011)

A dream with famous people.

In the first part of the dream, I was setting up for a concert in a large barn in Knox, Indiana. I had created videos, light displays, and pyrotechnics for this performance. The performer was Mark Oliver Everett (also known as simply 'E') of a band known as Eels. I love that guy, so I was very excited for the opportunity (though I wasn't sure why he wanted to perform in Knox).

In the barn I had set up a couple hundred folding chairs near the stage, and there were concessions in the back. Brandon Kercher and I were on opposite sides of the barn, each manning a large studio camera.

Finally, E came in carrying a baby blue electric guitar and an acoustic. He climbed onstage and began playing one of the funnest shows I've seen to date. I must say, my videos and light show were superb.

When E had finished his set, the crowd began to cheer loudly, for they wanted an encore. E was ready to leave, but he decided to appease them. Before going back up to the stage with his acoustic guitar, he asked me if i wanted to play along with him on the piano. I asked him what song he was playing, and all he told me was that it was in the key of D.

He began strumming and I began plucking the keys along to the tune.

Then I kind of stayed in that dream, but entered a different one.

Instead of E playing a concert at the barn in Knox, the show "The Office" was shooting an episode there. In the storyline, Michael Scott had taken his employees to a concert that was really loud. He had met a film director there who was looking for actors for a new film of his; Michael wanted to impress him, so he pretended to have turned def after the concert. It was very goofy, and I though it was a pretty dumb episode myself.

Later on, Michael Scott returned, with his employees, to the office. There he continued to act def, to the annoyance of everyone else. Then, randomly, he found the love of his life (an older woman with red hair) and began doing things to impress her, while still acting def. (This part of the dream doesn't make much sense at all, in case you haven't noticed).

Then the whole crew from the office went to a football game and ended up, somehow, on the field playing.

Then my point of view switched back to my own. I was standing in a restaurant/bar watching the episode on a small television there. There were tons of commercial breaks, and one commercial that kept playing over and over was one that said, "If you spot what color the balloon is that plays in the third setting of this commercial, you will be credited as the cinematographer for this episode of The Office." That was ludicrous. Jacob Bartlette (a friend of mine) was standing next to me, making fun of how strange that reward was.

Then I walked over to the restaurant part of the place and saw the episode playing on more small televisions in there. The place was crowded, and everyone was there to watch the show. I saw Brandon Johnston eating a Philly cheesesteak, and I wondered why he was there by himself.

Then I awoke.

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