Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dream #349 (March 9, 2011)

Here are some very interesting dreams.

In the first dream, I witnessed myself from outside of my body, which was not my body at all. I looked a little older and was wearing an Old Dominion sweatshirt and black slacks. I was a detective, and I was hired to investigate the man who played Perry Mason in the old television show. Apparently he had since become a mob boss (I believe he has passed away in real life).

I met with him in a large coffee shop on a bright and sunny afternoon. He had become very skinny in his old age (though in real life he became overweight). As he was talking to me I could tell that he knew my intentions and that he knew almost everything about me.

Several minutes into the conversation, the two of us stood up and prepared for a fist fight. Then we went at each other, but as we did so, several strong men (who looked like body builders) came at me. One hit me over the head with a wooden folding chair, and I was out cold.

When I awoke, I saw that all of my clothes were lying on the ground, but I wasn't there (I still had a third person view). I went to a different setting and found me dressed in the same clothes. However, the person dressed in my clothes wasn't me, though it was difficult to tell, for the room was very dark.

Katie Zook (Bethel College friend) came up to me and began talking to me, asking how I had been. It was then that I discovered that the two of us were imprisoned in some laboratory. However, Katie soon discovered that the man wasn't me, but a refugee that had been dressed to look like me, for the man had different colored eyes and he could not speak English. I remember him being Romanian.

Katie then led the Romanian look-alike to a desk and sat him down. Then she decided to try and figure out what was going on. She looked tirelessly for a way to escape the room, but she couldn't. Minutes later, the real me was thrown into the room. When that happened, the lights in the giant room next to us lit up (there was a giant window that acted as a wall between the rooms, so we could see everything that was going on).

Several engineers were working on a large white machine that had something to do with space travel. Katie asked me what they had done to me, and I told her (though I didn't know the things I was saying until I had said them). I explained how they dressed an impostor to look like me to divert suspicion from the authorities (they had him go to my work place and do the usual things that I did before locking up and going home). As they did so, I was taking into the giant lab and tested in many ways (height, weight, reflexes, eyesight, and more), for they intended to have me operate the experimental space travel device. This made Katie very sad, for she knew how dangerous that could be. I would most likely die in the process.

After I told my story, she was determined to find a way out. As she began searching the walls for weak spots, the room behind us lit up (another giant window separated the room we were in from the room behind us as well). There we could see an entire classroom of science students taking notes on the building of the space travel machine and on our behaviors and reactions to the testing. All the students sat at white desks (the rows of which sloped upward, like stadium seating) and were wearing white tights, and there was an intense glare coming from that room.

As we squinted, we could see a little boy in the room as well.

Then my dream jumped to his perspective. He was playing with a bouncy ball underneath the stadium desks. He accidentally kicked his ball beyond the desks to the front of the classroom. He followed it there and saw what was happening. Then he made eye contact with me and felt pity on me. He ran over to a giant switch on the wall and pulled it, not knowing what its function was.

Then I switched back to my point of view, and I watched the sealed door to the room slowly open up. Katie shouted with joy and began to spur all of the others to wake up and leave so that they could be free. People began sprinting out, but for some reason, I didn't leave the room. Before Katie left, she stopped by me and asked me why I had not yet left.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was substitute teaching an English class at Oregon-Davis High School. Though they were upperclassmen, the teacher had instructed me to show them Bambi 2 (is there a Bambi 2? Probably). We watched as the young animal danced around in a woods, talking to rabbits, squirrels, and skunks along the way. It was terrible. Finally and announcement came on that everyone was to report to the office to get their special box.

I didn't know what that was all about, but I followed the instructions. The students formed a line at the door, then I held it open for them as they left and followed them down the hallway. On the way I saw Wayne Schafer (a former classmate of mine; I haven't seen him since high school) opening up a locker an putting books into it. Apparently he still hadn't graduated. Then I saw Patrick McCullough (another former classmate of mine I haven't seen for years) mopping the floor in the hallway, for he was the school's new janitor. I waved at him, and he asked me what I was doing there. I told him I was a substitute. The I said, "Wouldn't it be funny if I were still a student here? Hey, I 'm a Junior in high school again."

I continued to follow the students through the hallway. Then we walked through a strange corridor that never existed at the school. It was dark and eerie, and I saw Adam Pflugshaupt (another former classmate) in there (he was also substitute teaching), though he didn't see me.

Finally we arrived at the office. Each student was given a box that had a telephone cord attached to it. They were instructed to carry their boxes around the figure 8 shape of the school so that the cord would have enough slack when the event began (I still didn't know what was going on). I also received a box.

I walked around the school for a bit, then walked, with my students, out the main entrance of the school. As I went through the doors, I saw the basketball team walk in. They were all wearing tuxedos and were also carrying boxes. I recognized two the guys: Daniel Hennigsmith and Andy Lawrence. I waved at them, but they didn't wave back.

It was dark outside, which is strange, for it was a school day.

As we were about to walk back into the gym entrance of the school (where the activity was going to be explained), I ran into Carrie Badertscher and her daughter Stella. I stopped, and made my students stop, so that I could play with Stella for a little while. However, Stella was tiny in the dream, no bigger than the size of my hand. She was playing on a mound of dirt when I knelt down close to her and wived at her. Then I had her pound my fist with her fist, which impressed all of the students. Then stella ran over to a little boy (who was only half as tall as my knee though he looked like he was twelve years old) and karate chopped him in the neck. The boy looked like he was going to beat up Stella, so I picked him up and told him to go back to his classroom in the elementary school (I don't understand why I had a weird little section in the dream with tiny people).

After that incident, I waved goodbye to Carrie and Stella and entered into the school with the kids. When we got there, we had discovered that the great event had already started. Everyone was wearing black sweats and was carrying a light gun (they were like the guns used for laser tag, though they had a bigger beam). People were running around shooting each other, and when people were hit with light shots, they froze right where they were. When people saw my students and me, the began shooting at us, though we were unarmed. The students ran in several directions, though I held me ground. I looked into the box I had been given earlier and discovered that I, too, had a light gun. I pulled it out and fired back at my enemies. However, I didn't know the rules of the game, so I tried to call a temporary truce, but nobody would stop and listen to me.

In a burst of confusion I left the bench I had taken cover under and ran at my opponents, hitting them each in the head with a beam of light, making them freeze (not literally, but like in freeze tag). I though I was free to look for more targets, but I had missed one student, who shot a beam of light at me, which hit me in the shoulder. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I shot the guy in the face anyway, making him freeze. He shouted at me, saying that he had hit me in the head (which he did not), and that I should be out. The other people who had been frozen there for a while sided withe me, putting an end to the argument. As I left I asked was was going on. Someone behind me shouted, "One in the head and two on the body."

As I ran off I tried figuring out what that meant. I soon understood that one shot to the head meant I was out and two shots to the body would also take me out.

As I ran I noticed many junior high kids were frozen with angry looks on their face. They had been the easy targets and they weren't too happy with that fact.

Then I heard what sounded like a stampede coming from behind me. Before I could escape, a band of men dressed in black sweats and black masks came upon me. However, before they began shooting, they stopped. Their leader took off his mask, and I recognized him. He was Chuck Zook (Katie's older brother and also a Bethel friend of mine). Before he shot at me, he told me that I should be out (apparently the guy who hit me in the shoulder was one of him friends). He held up one finger, then pointed to his head. I knew this meant he was about to shoot me, so I rolled on the ground, dodging his blast, then hit him twice in the chest, knocking him down somehow (which is a shame, for I would have liked being a part of his team). I also managed to hit three of his men in the head.

I turned to make my escape (the band of men in black still outnumbered me greatly), but was hit in the back of the head by a beam of light. I was finished, and I felt very sad, for I had been doing quite well up to that point.

I stood there, frozen, watching the band of men run off to take out more people. I'm pretty sure Chuck was somehow revived, along with the three guys I had taken out. They may have been cheating, but I didn't knew the exact rules to the game.

After a while, and announcement came on. The voice delivering it belonged to Chuck, and he said he noticed that he was shooting the same people on several occasions, meaning that some people were cheating. He specifically mentioned that he had three head shots on a young girl with black hair wearing a green sweater.

I then ignored the announcement and began thinking of ways that would make the game better and less subjective.

I soon awoke.

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