Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dream #367 (March 30, 2011)

This was violent.

I dreamt that I had two associates; one was a grizzly bear wearing a pinstripe suit, and the other was an oblong hula hoop with eyes floating above its head. We were teamed up against another man with two associates; the man was the evil drug guy from a 90s anti-drug video with a bunch of cartoon characters (viewable at, and his sidekicks were just a couple of strongmen.

We started out in the playground of Oregon-Davis Elementary School where we were fist fighting. I punched one of the brute opponents in the face about fifty times in a row without him hitting me, but nothing seemed to phase him. I was getting tired of hitting him.

The fight continued into a bar. The hula hoop guy was 'biting' (he didn't have teeth) the drug guy, but was doing no good. The bear threw a chair at the two brutes, knocking them to the ground. I then switched places with the hula hoop and took on the drug guy.

We were immediately transported to an ancient stone structure amidst a bunch of tourists. The structure was in the middle of a grassy field, and it was sunny and beautiful outside. The tourists seemed to ignore the crazy throwing of fists that was happening before their eyes.

I hit the drug guy in the face over and over and, like earlier, delivered no damage.

I eventually awoke.

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