Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dream #338 (February 26, 2010)

A two-part dream (though I slept very little last night).

I first dreamt that I was sitting with my brother Mike Baughman in front of my iMac teaching him how to edit video in Final Cut Pro. The source material that we were editing was all from my memories of that night before (these were real memories). I had gone to a hockey game (my first one ever) with Shana Beers, along with her cousin and uncle, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. In the dream, I was looking back on what I had seen, pausing it, and making small edits to each frame, all as I described what I was doing to my brother. However, I was getting very frustrated, for the video was interlaced, and there were many glitches in the recording, so the interlaced lines were messing up the picture (I apologize for the video terms; I tried dumbing them down a bit, but I think I was unsuccessful).

One frame was of a goal I had witnessed the home team score. I was color correcting the jerseys to make them more saturated. Another part I edited was when I turned my attention from the game to the drunk guy sitting next to Shana (I wasn't very chivalrous and I made her sit on the outside). My attention in this shot was paid to the beer in the plastic cup. I was trying to make it the only saturated element in each frame.

As I was working on that shot, I switched dreams.

I was inside a large tent on the edge of a forest. I received a call from Carrie Badertscher on my phone and walked outside the tent. The stars were spectacular that night and were so bright they lit the field before me.

Carrie informed me that a car was going to pick me up. I then hung up the phone and, sure enough, a black limousine pulled up beside me. I hopped in and rode a few miles down a dirt road to a long hill with a neat line of trees at the top of the hill. I ran up that hill with a satchel I had found in the car and, from the satchel, pulled out a disc golf disc.

I threw a solid drive to the goal at the bottom of the hill. Suddenly, four other people appeared from behind me, also with discs: Norm Dial (youth pastor at Koontz Lake Missionary Church, where my dad pastors), his wife Tara, and my brothers Mike and Matt. They all threw off at the same time, and to my surprise, Tara had the greatest throw of all, coming short of the goal by only about twenty feet (it was a very long drive).

I ran to the bottom of the hill to retrieve my disc as Norm threw another one, which nearly hit me in the head.

Then I awoke very early in the morning (and I didn't fall back asleep; it was 3:45).

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