Friday, March 18, 2011

Dream #358 (March 18, 2011)

Here is a crazy mashup of dreams that might be worth your time.

In the first part of the dream, I was working with Amber Kreider over the phone. I had her pick up a bunch of weird cheese things (they were like cheese puff, but they were large rectangular prisms). Every time I had her order one, I would also asked her to shave it down to a skinny stick of cheese puff, then send what she had made to me. I would instantly get what she made right after I asked for it.

Out of the skinny cheese puffs, I created a chair for the stop-motion puppet version of myself for the film I am working on. It was very frustrating, for the cheese things kept crumbling, and my fingertips were becoming dark orange.

Then I switched over to another dream.

In this dream, I was looking for a place to go camping. I had a car full of my camping gear, and I pulled into the only campground in the area. It was far too busy for my liking, but I needed a place to rest. I finally found a place to set up my tent. It happened to be right next to Terry Pucel's tent (a guy I know from Koontz Lake Missionary Church). He was having a wild marshmallow toast over on his site. If I had had more energy I would have joined him.

I decided to walk up to the front of the camp to the booth where they collected the camping fees. There I saw Peter Badertscher (my former youth pastor), whom I have not seen for a long time. I ran up to him, then realized I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hug him or shake his hand. I decided that he would probably want a hug (I myself am not much of a hugger), so I went in for one. He stopped me and said, "Brothers don't hug; they shake hands" (a mixed up line from "Tommy Boy").

Then we talked about the time we were sucked into Narnia together (which, of course, didn't happen in real life. I wish that could have been in the dream).

Then I went into yet another dream.

I was in a different world. I was in a horse pasture. The sky was dark green and cloudy. I was armed with a broad sword and several knives, and my skin was blue and my body was muscular. I ran and leapt over an electric fence and hurdled over cows as I made my way to a giant evil ship that was floating on the grass in a nearby pasture. I began to speak with some of the horses that were galloping beside me, and they informed me that the evil emperor of the land was making his way through the villages, destroying the lives of the people there. I told the horses that I would free their land of him.

I picked up the pace and dashed toward the ship. It was guarded by a giant electric fence that moved along with it. I asked one of the horses to assist me, which it did. I climbed on its back and, after it jumped, I too jumped, and flipped myself over the fence. I had made it.

I climbed aboard the ship and declared everyone to make their way off of it or I would slay them. Everyone (about seven monstrous creatures in all) drew their swords and prepared to fight. Then I did a crazy move. I jumped up to the mast, attached seven knives to it, then chopped the mast down with my broad sword, causing it to land on my opponents. The knives that I had attached to it cut through the foreheads of each of them.

Then the emperor made his way out of his cabin with his magic wand. As he was about to cast some spell on me, I chopped his head off.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was in my parents' house (though it looked more like a house I visited a couple times as a child). I was hungry for a bowl of cereal, so I searched through the cabinets for a bowl. I couldn't find one; instead I realized that my parents had replaced all their old dishes for new ones that had weird and crazy curves on the edges of everything. Then my mom walked in and I asked her where the bowls were. She said that they only had saucers now, which are much too shallow for a hardy bowl of cereal.

Then I switched over to still another dream.

I was in a giant sanctuary. A ceremony for the Olympics was being held there, and medals were being awarded. It was strange for they were awarding track runners as well as writers and directors (it was as if the Oscars were grafted into the Olympics). I was nominated for several awards (Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Original Score). I sat through the awards for the 100, 200, 400, and 800 meter races. Finally my categories were announced, and I didn't win any of them.

Then the Olympic MVP was announced (the person who had won the most medals) and it was some woman from Indiana who was a shot put and discus thrower, as well as a long-jumper. She had won three gold medals, yet she was surprised that she had won.

After the ceremony, I saw Reed Lyons (Bethel friend) walking toward me. He had a big plastic bag filled with tiny magazines he had made (they were 1.5" x 1" in size, roughly). He had made them for me, and I began to look at the covers. They were all comedic plays on movie titles, and though I didn't get most of the references, I laughed hardily at all of them so he knew I appreciated his hard work. One cover I remember had a bunch of walnuts that stood in the place of the people on the cover of the "Adventureland" movie, and Reed had entitled it "Walnut Land."

I asked Reed why he had granted me such a gift. He told me that he appreciated the Christmas card I had given him (I had actually filled out a notecard for him once in real life, but had forgotten to give it back to Jessica Smith, his fiance, before she mailed a bunch to him; this fact was also known to me in my dream, so I wondered what he was getting at, though he seemed genuinely grateful). Then we sat down by his fiance and Neil Silveus (his former roommate) and talked about the tiny magazines he had created.

Then I finally awoke.

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