Friday, March 25, 2011

Dream #363 (March 25, 2011)

This dream is a bit insane.

I began the dream walking in an old city. The buildings weren't all that tall, but they were close together. I made my way to a strange house that was elevated about twenty feet above the ground by several concrete beams. After walking up the metal steps to the front door, I was greeted by an elderly couple and a young girl. The old man offered me some tea, and I accepted (though I don't like tea). As the elderly woman was fixing it up for me, a masked man came into the house, armed with a handgun, and kidnapped the little girl.

When he left, the telephone rang. I answered it, and a man told me to meet at the public library that evening.

I immediately left the home and appeared in the library.

As I walked about, I noticed that everybody there was acting oddly. Suddenly, Vinnie Jones (actor, from "In Bruges" and "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels") walked in, carrying a gun. He announced on the loudspeaker that he was going to kill the man who kidnapped the little girl. Though I had nothing to do with the crime, I feared for my life.

Then I realized that everybody else was carrying handguns. I then began to stealthily creep about the library so as not to be seen. The only man that had spotted me was an employee of the library who had a cast on his left arm and a bandage on his stomach. As I snuck about, I heard several silenced gunshots and bodies falling to the ground. When I entered the study area, I saw a man point over to another man and shoot him in the chest. Then another man said, "This is ludicrous. Why is one guy making us kill each other?" He then was hit in the chest by several bullets.

Then I heard another voice on the loudspeaker, taunting Vinnie Jones. Just then, I ran into Vinnie. He handed me a gun and told me to watch my back. The voice continued talking on the loudspeaker. I began to crawl around again and I discovered that it was the library employee with the broken arm making all the commotion. He winked at me and signed for me to be quiet.

Then I decided to leave the library. I don't know why I stayed there so long. When I walked out of the front door, I entered an enormous metallic hallway that was fifty feet high and fifty feet wide. There was nobody else in the hallway. A bullet came from inside and hit me in the lower back. Though I was in great pain, I kept quiet so as not to attract attention from whomever had hit me. I began running down the metal hallway for several minutes, until I finally found a sign of life.

There was a treehouse with a rope ladder leading up to the front door. I climbed it up to the top, but found that it was locked. Then a woman walked up with some groceries, and when she noticed me with blood dripping from my back, she screamed. I told her that I meant no harm. She seemed a bit crazy, and she wore clothes that resembled those of a witch from a children's movie. After I told her that I just wanted to dress my wound, she finally told me where the secret key to the door was. I walked in and saw a cozy little bedroom with a kitchen to the left of it. It was a pretty neat place. I walked over to the sink and washed out my wound, then thanked the woman and left.

For some reason I went back to the library. I thought I should help find that little girl who had been kidnapped, I guess.

There I found Vinnie Jones and the library employee shooting at each other from across the library. The employee was holding the girl with his casted hand, and she looked quite frightened. Vinnie gave me a mean look, and he must have known that I had left him hanging all alone.

I then decided to sneak up on the employee from behind. Before I could help any, however, Vinnie had shot the criminal, and the girl was free. Then he vanished.

I made my way back to the tree house and used the secret key again. I startled the crazy woman there, and she told me that she regretted letting me in on her secret. Then I saw Jessica Smith there (Bethel friend). Apparently she was the crazy woman's roommate, and she explained the the woman that I could be trusted, which settled her down.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was taking an advanced course on rocket launching in a giant space station.

Each student had their own supercomputer, which were about eight feet tall and six feet wide, with hundreds of crazy buttons, and each student had their own rocket launching pad.

Adam Pflugshaupt, Erin Rosander, Alik Hall (all former Oregon-Davis High School classmates), and Chris Curl (sound guy for Prairie Camp and formerly for Bethel College) were also students there. During lunch break, after I had finished reading a thick manual, I went over and talked to Adam about his rocket design. It was pretty awesome. We also at out of old school metal lunch boxes, which was neat.

When lunch was over, I went back and prepared to launch my first rocket.

Then I awoke.

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