Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dream #352 (March 12, 2011)

This was very real at the time.

I dreamt that I had just moved into a big city. The first thing I did when I arrived was join a music apprenticeship program. There were about thirty or forty people participating in this program, all of which I had never met before.

At the first meeting, the instructor (who wore garments similar to what Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would wear) had everyone sit in a circle as he explained the workings of the apprenticeship. A couple times a week, the group would put on a concert at a nearby fairgrounds, and three different people would perform each night. Every performer would be assigned a partner who would serve the performer by getting water and food for them, and doing other various jobs that needed done (fetching instruments, communicating with the sound people, etc.). Another group of students would run sound and lights in the back of the tent that the concert would be held in. Yet another group of students would sit with the audience and boost their spirits. The rest of the students would not be required to attend that show.

The first event began soon after that. I was scheduled to perform in the third time slot, meaning that for the first one I had to be the water boy and for the second performer I had to run sound.

The first guy, a young blonde dude with a modern country style of music, was a poor performer, but I worked hard to serve him. I fetched at least three bottles of water for him while he was singing and ran to the back sound table twice to communicate issues.

During the second performer, a young African American girl with a powerful voice, was outstanding to watch. I ran the sound board for her and had a great time listening to her voice. Her set ended all to soon.

That meant I was up next. My assistant (the blonde cowboy) began setting up my accordion and guitar on the stage as I paced around, deciding what songs I wanted to sing. Right when I got on stage, I picked up the accordion and began playing a song I had written while pacing around (I wish I could remember what it was).

Then my dream jumped ahead to a debrief of the event led by the instructor. The feedback was positive, and everyone felt good about the performances.

The next day I wasn't required to go to the event, but I went anyway. When I got there, I saw that a large group from Prairie Camp was there, and many students that I had worked with in the past were in that group. I went over to see how they were doing.

As I approached them, however, they left, and walked into a nearby tennis court. They hadn't seen me, however, so I decided to follow them to see if anybody would notice me.

When they walked into the court, they began walking up a very tall winding staircase that led to the top of a great curly slide. I caught up with them by the time nearly all of the campers had began climbing the stairs. I shouted up at Carrie Badertscher (who was leading the group), and she waved at me, along with all the other campers. One of the girls threw a tennis ball down at me, which I threw back up to her. She threw it back again, but this time it bounced over the fence into some thick brush.

I ran out of the gate with the intention of fetching the ball, but I saw that much of the brush was poison ivy. I walked into it a little bit, but then I saw Mr. and Mrs. de Araujo (Mrs. de Araujo has been a Prairie Camp nurse for many years). I asked Mr. de Araujo if he was allergic to poison ivy. He told me he wasn't, so I asked him if he could fetch the tennis ball for me. He didn't understand what I had asked, for he lifted up an old fence that was lying on the ground (he thought the ball was under there). Then I told him where it was, and he got it for me.

The ball he fetched probably wasn't the one that I had lost, for it was brown, crusty, and decaying. I took it anyway and went back to the bleachers where the Prairie Camp kids were now sitting. Another show was about to start, so I threw the ball into the group of kids (I heard many complaints of the ball's disgusting condition after doing so), and went back to the sound board to enjoy my peers' work.

Then I awoke.

I fell back asleep and entered a different dream.

I was riding a mountain bike along a skinny mountain path in Utah. I dodged several falling rocks and ran over a snake.

I eventually awoke again, staying awake this time.

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