Friday, April 30, 2010

Dream #197 (April 30, 2010)

I apologize for the brevity of the past few dream. I really have not had much time for this lately, which, I guess, is a good thing.

Last night I was sitting in a Irish pub, watching the night's entertainment (nothing shady). I was sitting at a round, wooden table drinking a mug of water (I always get water) as a bunch of leprechauns were square dancing on the stage in the middle of the pub. It was quite delightful.

After I left the pub (I stayed and watched the leprechauns perform several different numbers, though they all seemed to be very similar), I walked into a town that, instead of streets, was connected by water. I saw Dori Walterhouse walking on water, and I was not all that impressed.

Then I awoke.

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