Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dream #173 (April 6, 2010)


I dreamed that my little brother Mike and I were taking part in a series of alternate realities in which he was the Joker (from the Batman cartoon) and I was a life-size Batman action figure. Some of the details are a little muddy, but I do remember playing through at least three scenarios. The first took place in and around a castle in the Middle Ages. Mike tried to bomb me as I attempted to scale the castle in order to defeat him. The second scenario took place in a dark bathroom. I was laying in the bath water, still dressed as Batman (and still an action figure), with the curtain blocking my view from the rest of the room. Then Mike (the Joker) stormed in. However, Mike was a small action figure, so he was much less scary than he was in the previous scenario. After I drowned him, I entered the third scenario, which took place in my front yard. I was still Batman, but I was wearing my green Woolen jacket atop my suit. I don't remember the outcome of this scenario, for it ended abruptly.

I was taken into a different dream. I was walking around Meijers (Wal-Mart's competition in northern Indiana) with my sister (I don't have a sister). She had red hair and a kid. Tom Marks (my friend Stan Marks' father) walked up to me and told me that I had no prospects in life and that I was not a hard worker. Then I argued with him, explaining that I was working three jobs trying to survive.

Then I awoke.

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