Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dream #175 (April 8, 2010)

I don't remember much from this dream.

I began the dream in an airport. I was sent there by my superiors in order to meet my fellow operative on an upcoming mission. Interestingly the airport looked very similar to the hotel in Toledo, Ohio in which 3DYC (Three District Youth Conference) was held last year (I worked there for the three day event). I was surprised to discover that my fellow operative was Amy Ennis (coworker at Prairie Camp). When we found each other we left and hopped into an unmarked white van and drove off into the country (I found it odd that the airport was located in the middle of a woods). Our mission was to save Carrie Badertscher (my boss at Prairie Camp). Apparently she was being held hostage by some small rebel group that had gained much power recently (in my dream, not in real life).

As we were on our way, we were suddenly ambushed and overtaken by a mob of mask and sash-wearing people.

Then I awoke. There may have been more to the end, but it is not in my memory at this moment in time.

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