Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dream #182 (April 15, 2010)

I have a lot to write about in a small amount of time.

The first segment of my dream took place in a rented house where my little brother Mike and I were living while visiting Regent University. The white house had a beautiful garden and driveway, which wound around for about a quarter mile before reaching the dirt road connected to it. Even though I was visiting Regent, I kept running into people from Bethel College, like Neil Silveus and Kevin Chupp. Oh, I ran into them at the airport, which I believe looked very similar to the South Bend Airport (you may be able to tell how tired I am from this out of order and confusing writing).

Nathan Galvez, who actually goes to Regent, picked Mike and me up from the airport, and he took us to that nice rental house I described earlier. Then we sat our bags down in the living room and began to play cards. When Nathan left, which was some time after Mike went to bed in his bedroom, I went into my bedroom. Inside was a large television and a bunk bed. Brandon Surma (high school classmate) was in the bottom bunk eating Resses' Pieces. I climbed into the top bunk, watched a little bit of basketball, then went to bed. As I tried to sleep, Surma kept trying to talk philosophically with me. However, I was able to fall asleep anyway.

When I woke up in the morning (in my dream), I hit my head hard on the ceiling. Brandon was gone, but Mike had walked into my room. For some reason, he had transformed into a strange creature, what I called a "wormhead" in my dream (which is how I referred to that worm head guy in "Return of the Jedi," Jabba the Hutt's assistant). Mike was pale white with a few neon blue spots on him, and he had a large wormy tail coming out of the back of his head. I told him that he should die so that he could come back to life as himself (this seemed very logical to me at the time). However, he was too nervous to go through with it, so he accompanied me to the airport in that condition.

Then I switched to a different dream. I was at a high school basketball game, but instead of bleachers, there were theater seats, and the seat that I chose was different from everyone else's. It had a golden crown on the back of it, and the armrests were gold-plated. I did not know what that meant, but I was curious. As the home team announced its starting lineup, I realized who was sitting around me. My mom was to my left, Mike was to my right, Kelsey Minix (my little brother's classmate) was in front of me, and Morgan Ferch (neighbor) was behind me.

When the lights went back up, everyone was ordered to stand for a song of worship. I then remembered that I was in a private school, so this was normal practice (in the dream world). The first worship song involved a lot of clapping, and it was too long as usual. The second song was a song entitled "Hallelujah." Right when the song began to play, my gold crown chair elevated until it was ten feet higher than the other chairs (I was now sitting in it). Then a spotlight shown upon me, while "Hallelujah" was still being sung, and the chair began to swing and spin all around, like a carnival ride. Apparently I was a special spectator. Finally, when the song ended, the chair lowered back to the ground.

Then I awoke.

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