Monday, April 19, 2010

Dream #186 (April 19, 2010)

I remembered this dream when I woke up, then forgot it later when I went to write about it in the afternoon, then remembered it again before going to bed. By the way, when I forget a dream, I forget all aspects of it, but when I remember a part of a dream, I typically recall nearly all major details.

Anyway, last night I wandered about the exterior of a large stone castle as Derrick Collins shot a short film along a walkway that ran around the permitter of the place. There were about four people throwing around a large foam square (this square was about three times bigger than the people throwing it). They would catch the square and hold it above their heads for a short period of time, then throw it again. When the square was being held still, a projector shooting from a castle window would project an image of a stone wall upon the square, creating a weird illusion. This went on for quite some time. I asked Lyndsey Tschetter (a former Bethel College classmate), who was acting in the film, what it all meant. She had no idea and thought it was kind of a dumb idea.

I decided to enter the castle because there was a reception taking place inside, and I was hungry. I walked inside, then into a stairwell, which was packed with people waiting in line for food. I didn't know anybody, and we were all uncomfortably close to each other.

Finally, I reached the bland, carpeted room at the top of the stairs where crackers and shrimp were being served (not quite the meal I was expecting). After I grabbed a plate of food, I saw Wyatt Smith (former paster of a church I attended, and father of some friends of mine), and he shook my hand. Then, after the shake, he held out his hand again and said, "Thanks for stopping by. I'll see you later." Thinking the shake was intended for me (foreshadowing), I took his hand in mine, yet again, and shook it. Then, laughing, Wyatt informed me that the shake was intended for another person, Emily de Araujo (sister of former Bethel College classmate, and friend, Eric). Wyatt then shook hands with Emily, but I, to cover up my foolishness, told Wyatt that I, too, had to leave the reception because I had to catch a flight (a complete lie). I then walked down the stairs from which I came, which were no longer crowded with people). That was a strange choice for me, for I didn't get to stay for the main meal, and I didn't really make myself look any better, for I ate and ran.

After I ran, I awoke.

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