Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dream #177 (April 10, 2010)

This related slightly to the film I watched the night before ("An Education").

I spent the first part of my dream on a long journey in a flying ship that floated over an unending forest. Much of this part of the dream was almost a montage, with very short portions of the journey lived out, while the rest of it just appeared in my dream memory. Besides exploring various types of trees and talking to members of the ship's crew, I had only one very exciting episode.

This took place when we landed to restock the food supply. We were in a large woodland city (the houses were built into large evergreen trees), and the city's greatest archer challenged me to a duel to the death. I had not choice but to accept, for the city punished those who turned down the challenge, and that punishment was often life in prison or death. We were placed in the thick woods (a portion which slightly resembled the woods in my backyard) and each given a bow and five very fancy arrows. When we were left alone, the renowned archer immediately began attacking me. His first three shots hit the trees that I ducked behind. I was sweating profusely as the archer (who had long flowing blonde hair) walked confidently in my direction, bow drawn and pointed at me. I wanted to try to fire back at him, but I knew that if I did, he would surely get a successful shot off before I could even aim.

His next shot hit exactly where his last arrow hit. I knew then that he had just been playing with me all along, saving his last arrow for the kill. I had to do something unexpected, to throw him off, so I jumped at him and sprinted in his direction. Then, as he drew back his bowstring, I fell to my back, kicking up my right foot. The man fired as I did so, and I managed to kick the guy's arrow out of its path to my head. I now had time to load my bow.

As the great archer walked backwards away from me, I fumbled through my arrows, picked one out, placed it on the string (after three unsuccessful attempts at doing so; the string was hard to see in the dim light), and fired at him. That first shot was a dud, for it went about five feet in front of me before sticking in the ground.

However, to my surprise, the archer began sprinting away from me as fast as he could. I chased him through the woods, all the way to where my flying ship was parked. There I finally caught up with him, but by then he had already forfeited to my captain (who looked like the guy from Reading Rainbow). The captain smiled, then informed me it was time to leave. I climbed up into the boat, and it took off.

Then I transported to the future, where I was back at school. Now, this school was Regent University in my dream, but it was located in a big house instead of on a campus. Also, I appeared there mid-semester, so I was far behind in my studies. Unfortunately, the first day back was test day, and I got a 72% on it, which is the worst grade I've ever received (by the way, each student got his/her own room for the test, which was kind of nice). I knew if I wanted to graduate I would have to work extra hard on my homework.

I immediately locked myself in my room and began studying hard for my one class that I was registered for (in my dream, I only needed 3 credits to graduate). Then Professor Garcia, who apparently was my professor in the dream, told me he was very disappointed in my recent grades.

Then I awoke.

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