Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dream #168 (April 1, 2010)


The first part of the dream was a surreal adventure through a giant jungle (or maybe I was just small). I was the captain of a bunch of young men, and Kody Heffelfinger was my assistant. Together we led the teenagers through the jungle as we searched for a hidden temple. The entire world we were in was covered in giant leaves, vines, and trees.

After climbing up a giant vine about 200 feet, we reached the top of the leaves. When we did so, we noticed our enemies, which were a bunch of short goblins in armor. We knew that we had to hurry across the leaves if we were to avoid a violent battle. So, with me in the front and Kody in the rear, we leapt from leaf to leaf. There were several close calls, and I believe one of our companions slipped and fell into a green abyss.

After an exciting journey across the leaves, we found a vine that we could slide down, back to solid ground. I had everyone else go first. When it was my turn, I cut the vine from the leaf so that the goblins could not follow us. I took a breath and swung on the vine toward the ground. I don't know how I survived.

When I reached my companions, I was surprised to discover that they had discovered the ancient temple, which resembled an old elementary school near my parents' home. Were we in the future? I did not find out.

I switched over to another dream in which I was a volunteer police officer. My partner, Adam Pflugshaupt, and I were on a dock on a the ocean. Though the town we were in resembled something out of the 1800s, Adam and I were watching a Muppet movie on a portable DVD player.

As we were enjoying ourselves, the police captain called and informed us that we were to take over a dangerous case in the stead of Bo Ennis. I did not understand this, for Bo is a great police officer (in real life and in the dream). However the captain insisted that Bo had a poor work ethic and struggled too much with depression to work on that particular case. I grew suspicious, because I knew Bo to be very good. I was also a little angry, for I was enjoying the Muppet movie Adam and I were watching, which involved sword fights, pirates, and puns.

Shortly after the captain called, I awoke.

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