Monday, April 26, 2010

Dream #193 (April 26, 2010)

This was interesting.

Last night I was, in my dream, at Prairie Camp. I was walking through the woods there with my little brother, for we were preparing for a group game for the campers. Suddenly I stumbled over a large hole in the ground, which I had never before notice. My brother (Mike) and I leaned over the hole and examined it. Without warning, a large, naked figure leaped out of the hole and began growling at me, trying to bite my ankles. I ran behind a tree so I could get a good look of my pursuer. Interestingly enough, it was a clone of me. My brother and I were very confused, especially since my clone was acting like a fox (that is what I thought in my dream).

Then, nonchalantly, Kevin Chupp approached me and informed me that my clone was raised to act like a fox, but could quickly be taught human ways. He had a leash in his hand that he put around the wild version of me, and we all walked together to the camp director's house. When we should the clone to Carrie (the director), she informed me that she liked that version of me better, and could make more use out of it. That made me a little angry, especially after all the work I had put into camp, so Mike and I drove home.

Then I kind of switched to a different dream. I arrived home after just returning from camp, but Mike was returning from his trip to Florida (where he is currently vacationing). However, our parents were not home. Instead, there were four guests at the kitchen table (two older men and two older women), eating a large dinner. We asked for some food, but they refused to feed us. Because we were both exhausted, we walked down the hallway to go to bed. However, the ring leader of the guests informed us that they were each going to sleep in separate rooms, and that we would have to go back to Prairie Camp (which is about an hour away from the house) if we wanted to go to sleep. Then he locked us in the garage.

We snuck back into the house by going out the doggie door and into the back door, and we both fell asleep in the lobby of the house (which does not exist). Then, in my dream, I had a dream that I was in the lobby with the main cast of "Seinfeld." We were all laughing and having a grand ol' time.

Suddenly I awoke. Now, this is rather odd. I was kind of conscious, but I was still in the lobby of my house. I knew that I should probably wake up in real life, but I refused to do so. I decided instead, after checking the time (which read, incorrectly, 3 A.M., though I convinced myself that was the actually time), that I would walk to the city.

The sky was cloudy and the streets were empty. When I arrived at the town center, I found a skateboarder and a roller skater.

Then I awoke.

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