Monday, April 5, 2010

Dream #172 (April 5, 2010)

I remember a lot more this time around. However, due to a lack of time today I will need to condense this dream slightly, leaving out a few minor details (mainly those regarding setting, for I could describe that all day long and not give a complete image of what I saw).

Where should I begin? Last night's dream was all over the place. I believe the first section took place at Regent University. I was sitting in my apartment on this particular day, brainstorming ways to punish all of the bullies at the school (I may have mixed up elementary school and college). Then I had an idea; I would form an alliance of underdogs and together we would take down the bullies, one by one.

I called the first meeting by sending out tons of emails to Regent students that I knew were tired of being mistreated. Next thing I saw was a shopping center parking lot full of the people whom I had called together (which included many stranger, along with De la, Jordan Miller, and Jonathan Ayee). We were all laying in a circle, on the asphalt, preparing our minds for the tough road ahead of us. Then I came up with the idea to dress up like giant candy bars. The rest of the team seemed to be up for this (though it took a little persuasion for Jordan Miller to accept this fairly outrageous proposition). So, we stopped in one of the stores and bought several different chocolate bar outfits, most of which were colorful and nonexistent in the real world. To top off the outfit, we all put on enormous orange cones atop our heads.

Then the bullies came from all around the shopping area, surrounding us. Some were carrying guns, others had large chains, and still others were armed only with their fists (which were powerful enough to justify not having a weapon). Apparently my plan of baiting the bullies worked (though maybe a little too well). I really did not know what I was going to do next.

Well, somehow my dream either skipped ahead, or went into an alternate reality. I was inside of an enormous building (this place could house 100 warehouses at least), with a very high ceiling and more beds than I can estimate. I was, before waking, sleeping in my bunk next to Kevin Chupp and Stan Marks (both Bethel students). I was very thirsty, so I decided to get up and get a drink of water. In my dream, though, I was unfamiliar with the layout of my living quarters, so I did not know where to go.

I walked out of the section of room I was in and tried to find a fountain or a kitchen or a sink. In the process, I passed the beds of several people I know, including Caitlin Geeslin, Nathan Galvez, Jonathan Ayee, and Jordan Miller (all Regent students). Then I entered the biggest room I have ever seen. There were towers of bunk beds reaching up and over 100 feet in height, with a person on each one. There must have been thousands of people in there (if not more). Then I found Kevin Chupp (which does not make sense, since he was back in my room sleeping) in a bed listening to a large pink iPod. He began to show me some very good folk rock music, and we listened to that for quite some time.

Then I realized that I had a meeting with the bullied people (the same people from earlier in the dream). I left Kevin and ran outside, hopped in my car, and drove through pitch black to another enormous building. I entered the place and found that there was a class going on there (taught by Keuthan, and the place looked similar to a chemical plant that one would view in an old super-hero cartoon), so the meeting took place in a side room, with all the usual people, with a couple extra (Nathan Galvez and Caitlin Geeslin). Unlike the former group that actually was created to defend weaklings being tormented by bullies, this anti-bully group was more of a get together and talk group than a take action group. All we did was talk, about trivial things, and we threw some popcorn in the microwave, ate it, and watched a movie.

Then I was in a different dream. Instead of being at the anti-bully meeting, I was at a gnarly old house, very small, in the middle of the night, playing the trumpet. In real life I struggle to accomplish this feat, but I was having no problem in my dream throwing down some sweet bluesy trumpet solos. An old African American blues player was in the other room, hollerin' the blues as I played it on the trumpet. We were quite good, and when the song was finished, the old guy walked into the room I was in, patted me on the back, and said, "Boy, you can really tear that thing to pieces."

After the two of us smoked some cigarettes (I do not partake in these in real life, but it seemed natural in the environment I was in), I decided to go home with my trumpet. My house was ten miles from where I was, but I went by foot regardless.

After about a mile, Caitlin Geeslin pulled up beside me in her car, rolled down the passenger window, and asked if I wanted a ride. Because I was tired, I accepted.

Then I switched to yet another dream. Instead of playing the blues on the trumpet, I was the drum major of the Oregon-Davis High School Marching Band, and I even wore the ridiculous oversized, fuzzy hat, and I twirled a baton. I was leading the band in an upbeat song that resembled something one would hear at a college basketball game. However, the setting was very odd. We were all marching in a field of tall brown grass, with nothing else in sight. We were also marching toward another marching band, John Glenn High School's marching band (led by Adam Pearish), as if we were about to fight an old school European battle.

Right before the two bands collided, my father called me and told me that my older brother had accidentally shot himself in the head and would soon pass away. He had purchase a handgun and, on that very same day, accidentally set it off while it was in his pants. The bullet ricocheted off the floor and into his head. He was in the hospital, still alive, but they didn't give him long to live. I couldn't believe that a stupid accident could have such painful permanence.

After thinking about the news for a few moments, I awoke.

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