Monday, April 12, 2010

Dream #179 (April 12, 2010)


Last night I was walking down Indiana 23 in the middle of a gorgeous day, minding my own business, when an old blue car unexpectedly stopped in front of me. Out of it came two young women (both attend Bethel College, though I don't know their names). The shorter girl, who had blonde hair, was carrying a shotgun in one hand and a crossbow in the other. The taller of the two girls (with black hair) was carrying rope. I submitted to them and allowed them to tie me up and throw me in the back seat of the car.

I rode in silence for a few minutes, then we arrived at a house that looked very much like the house of my parents. The girls dragged me inside and threw me in a closet by the front door of the house. After a while of sitting in the darkness, I was again taken and dragged to a room that looks very much like my bedroom. There I was questioned by the blonde, who was still holding her weapons. After she asked some generic questions regarding who I am, I began to ask her why she was committing such a crime. I told her that I always thought her to be the kind-hearted, home-schooled type, innocent and pure. My questions seemed to catch her off guard, and she was unable to answer me. She sat down and put her head in her hands.

This gave me a chance to escape. By then I had already managed to free my hands and feet of the weak knots that had previously bound them, so I jumped with my behind out of my chair and sprinted out the door. As I ran away, I turned back to see if the blonde was pursuing me. She indeed was, and she seemed determined to stop me in any mode necessary.

Luckily, because of the weight of her weapons, I was able to outrun her, and I made it all the way to the blue car, which I proceeded to hot wire (I really have no idea how that works, but I pulled it off anyway). I drove away as fast as I could.

It began to rain, so I decided to go to a baseball game (that may not seem like a logical progression, but that is the thought process I went through, for the game would surely not be as crowded in the rain). The field looked like a track from a distance, but it was indeed a baseball field.

My friend Neil Silveus was playing left field when I arrived, and I walked over to the fence and began telling him of my adventures. After a bit, he explained to me that he was in the middle of a game, and could not chat much. So I went over to the concession stand to get myself a hot dog. On my way, I ran into Matt Boyle and Brandon Porter (high school classmates of mine). In my dream, Matt had long hair and a flowing beard, and was wearing a red Hawaiian shirt, along with jean shorts. He and Brandon waved to me, but we didn't stop and chat.

After they passed me, I realized that I should probably call 911 and tell them about what had happened to me earlier. I pulled out my track phone and dialed the number. The first time I tried, I got a busy signal. Then, as I began dialing the number again, I saw the blonde and the other girl/woman (I don't know when a girl becomes a woman) approaching me, weapons in hand. I quickly dialed the number again and was connected to a prerecorded audio clip directing me to press various numbers for different options. Unfortunately I had poor reception, so I could not understand what to do. By the time I hung up to try again, the girls had caught up to me. They took me and put me in the back seat of the old blue car again.

For some reason, they left my hands free, so I dialed 911 again. My older brother answered, and I acted as if I were not asking for help by telling him of a fishing trip I recently had taken (hoping the 'fish story' would trigger his suspicion).

Then I awoke.

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