Friday, April 16, 2010

Dream #183 (April 16, 2010)

I'm getting back into the filmmaking mode.

Last night was a fairly long story that was all connected. At the very beginning I walked along a back road, surrounded by cornfields, in the middle of the night, and met Caitlin Geeslin, Morgan Lewis, and Austin Burnette in a little blue car that belonged, in the dream, to Caitlin. We all sat there together and talked about the day and had a good time (the details were not interesting enough for me to remember fully). After the good time had passed, we went our separate way, vowing that we would return again to that special spot every night.

Well, the next night came around (I skipped the rest of the day in my dream). However, I was spending time with Kyle and Kody Heffelfinger and my older brother Matt. We were by ourselves at a drive-in theater, watching a hip hop documentary that Kyle had found very interesting (the only thing I remember about it is Mos Def as the narrator). Even though the film was excellent, I tried to slip away, unnoticed, so that I could hang out at the secret and special place, just as I had vowed the night before. As I almost slipped into darkness, Kyle caught me and asked why I was leaving such a good movie. Guilty, I stayed and finished it out.

Afterward I ran all the way to the special place, only to find Caitlin driving away, leaving me all alone.

The next night came. This time I was working on a film set with a bunch of elementary-aged kids and Doug Miller (my Cinematography professor). Each kid was in a different costume, representing some sort of made-up animal. It was a very trippy film. (I won't go into too much detail) Doug and I filmed an hour's worth of difficult shots, including long monologues, one delivered by a kid in a blue octopus costume, and the other by a young girl in a white Jackalope costume.

Then I looked up and noticed Caitlin in her blue car, with Mary Fish in the passenger seat (I was envisioning this, for the car was not in the house in which I was filming). Apparently Mary had taken my place in the group, which made me feel very sad. I didn't even try to go to the special place that night.

The next night came about. Doug and I were still filming that weird kids' movie. After shooting an odd scene in which a kid dressed as a spider climbs around a brick fireplace, followed by an even stranger scene in which a kid dressed as a goat man threw knives at a regular child, I checked the DV tape in the camera. I then noticed that I had taped over half of the footage from the night before. I felt that horrible feeling I always feel when I do something irreversible. I was so flustered that I quit working on the project altogether, leaving Doug there to fix all the problems alone.

At that point I desperately needed the company of the secret special place people. I ran out of the house I was filming in, and ran down the back roads surrounded by cornfields in the middle of the night until I reached the special place. Nobody was there for me.

Then I awoke.

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