Monday, March 29, 2010

Dream #165 (March 29, 2010)

Don't ask (not that anyone ever does).

I dreamed that I was at some sort of acting conference. This took place in a large theater with an enormous amount of seating. I was alone among thousands of strangers. The stage was a little too purple, the seats were a little too narrow, and the lighting was a little too dim; thus I was not having a good time.

After siting through a long and dull lecture about acting for romance films (a genre I cannot stand), the instructor informed the audience that it was time to practice kissing. Each person there was to turn to the next person and kiss that person, male or female, stranger or not. That terrified me, for during the entire lecture I had not bothered to even glance at the person to my left (the seat to my right was empty). Was it a girl or guy?

I turned my head and was glad to see a female sitting next to me, looking at me. After my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting (even dimmer than the lighting on the stage), I was surprised that I recognized the woman to be Nicole Kidman. Now, in real life, Nicole Kidman is over forty years old, but in my dream she was only in her twenties and looked much different than she does now.

After the initial surprise and delight wore off, I began to feel anxious and scared. I am probably not a good kisser. In fact, I believe it to be a goofy and ridiculous action. I was surely going to be embarrassed by my efforts. Nicole was looking a little impatient, for the instructor had already ordered the audience to practice what they had learned (had they been paying attention, unlike me). Finally, after much hesitation, I leaned in and kissed Nicole, with very little (if any) feeling, for a very short time. For some reason, she was pleased by my work.

Then the instructor ended the seminar and people all around began to get up and leave in awkward silence (I assume they were stunned by the action they had to take). However, Nicole proceeded to give me her phone number, instructing me to call her sometime.

What? I never get this kind of attention, nor do I desire it.

Without saying a word to Nicole, I left. As I was walking up to the top exit (everyone else was going to the bottom exit), I ran into David Badertscher and Jeff Kreider. They asked me whom I had kissed. I told them what had happened, and they, to my surprise, believed me. I asked them the question they asked me, and they informed me they did not participate. Lucky for them.

I continued out the door and found Adam Pflugshaupt (an old high school classmate). He was attending a taco bar, so I decided to make myself a Pflugshaupt Taco. As I worked on my creation, Adam told me that he heard about my interaction with Nicole Kidman (I don't know how it had 'gotten around' so fast). He then told me that I should "totally go for that."

Once he said that, I looked up and saw Nicole, looking at me from about fifty feet away. She smiled at me. I did not react.

Well, maybe I did react, for I immediately fled into another dream. I do often run away from my problems.

I was in Koontz Lake Missionary Church at some kids' program, which was going on in the sanctuary. There were streamers, balloons, dancing, and singing. I stood outside the sanctuary, looking in. After several minutes of this, I decided to leave. On my way out, I ran into Morgan Ferch (my neighbor) and a friend of hers (that does not exist). She told me that she was excited for her birthday party, or something along those lines.

After waving, I proceeded to get into my car (a gold Buick, like something an old woman would drive). I started it up and drove home.

The home I went to was much smaller than the home in real life. In fact, it was only one room, and all of the beds, the desk, the files, the computer, and the kitchen table were crammed into the space, leaving absolutely no walking room. There were papers everywhere, and my bed was only a foot from the ceiling. I jumped up into my bunk and opened up my mail, discovering three checks: one from my grandfather on my father's side, one from my grandfather on my mother's side, and one from Katelyn Presnell. In my dream, she was paying me for a video I produced for her. However, when my mother saw the check, she assumed that I had a girlfriend. I tried to tell her that I didn't, but she would not believe me. Frustrated, I jumped from my bed and out the door (in a single leap), but in the process I knocked over my father's desk at which he was working, making papers fly in all directions.

Then I awoke.

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