Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dream #142 (March 6, 2010)


The dream began in a very big and very trippy version of my house. The floors were all slanted, there were no doors or windows anywhere, and the walls met the ceilings and floors at very odd angles.

I was in a small closet, in the middle of the night (I had woken up and I couldn't go back to sleep), and I was listening to an old book on tape by C. S. Lewis. It was actually a book that he wrote, according to my dream, before he was a good author. In fact, the book was so bad that it gave me food poisoning.

I felt very ill, so I staggered out of the closet, trying to refrain from spewing my stomach sauce all over the floor. I had that longing to be healthy that I get when I'm very sick. It's a great appreciation for something I usually take for granted: not feeling pain. I didn't think anything could make me feel better, but then I came across a young woman (who was wearing a white dress shirt with a black vest) who also felt sick to her stomach. I sat beside her, and we began talking about how bad we felt. Interestingly enough, we both felt perfectly healthy after the conversation was over. As I sat there with the woman, Kevin Chupp (my old friend and roommate) walked by and scowled at me, making me feel very uncomfortable. My older brother Matt followed him and gave me the same look. It was then that I realized the woman I was with was a prostitute. For some reason, it didn't really faze me, and I continued to talk to her for several minutes.

Shortly after, I saw my dad approaching, and I wanted him to know how bad that book on tape was. I ran to the closet, picked it up, took it over to his home office, plugged it in, and watched his face it began to twist in agony.

Then I found myself in another dream altogether. I was in the basement of a fun house, and Kevin Chupp and I were a team for a city-wide scavenger hunt. We were searching through several old and creepy toys, trying to find some sort of object. I don't think I actually knew what I was looking for in the dream, but I know I knew I was looking for something.

After sifting through much strange junk, we found an awesome game that distracted us completely from the task we were trying to complete. The game was a strange combination of billiards and pinball. There was a pool table tilted at about a 35 degree angle, and the bumpers were used to knock pool balls into the right holes that would light up at various times. There were also some crazily lit bumpers in the middle, and the whole game had a Super Mario theme.

I played that game for the remainder of the dream, even though Kevin tried to pull me away from the game, as well as the twenty or so people who were lined up behind me, waiting to play the game.

When I awoke, I felt quite refreshed. I liked that game.

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