Friday, March 5, 2010

Dream #141 (March 5, 2010)

This kind of applies to and feeds from my real life. Sorry about the lengthiness of this description.

In this dream I was searching for a job. I desperately wanted to have some sort of career in film (like in real life), so I decided to move back to Virginia and look for one (a move I probably will not make in real life). In the beginning of the dream, I argued my point to my father, who, for reasons unknown, wanted to keep me in the house (most likely not true in life).

After a little persuasion, I was granted my father's blessing as I left. And I took my little brother with me.

The process of getting through the airport security was very easy; we bored the plane, flew to Virginia, and left the airport in a matter of minutes.

When we reached the city (we were then traveling by foot), it was past midnight, and there was no sign of life anywhere. Nonetheless, I decided to try to find a place to work and a place to live. So, my brother (Mike) and I split up so that we could double the ground we covered. As I searched, I passed by many production companies and other places that I thought would be great places to be employed. I made mental notes of those establishments and proceeded to find a place to live.

I wandered through empty streets. At one point I came across a street light that was changing from red to green to yellow in random and quick patters. I had to sprint across the street in order not to jay walk. After getting past that obstacle, I found a long road of mansions. I figured that I wouldn't be able to afford any of those places, but I continued down that road anyway.

It paid off, for I discovered a huge old-school wooden mansion that was acting as an apartment building. Even though I guessed that nobody would be manning the front desk at such an hour, I entered the place anyway. There I found a young military man sitting on a bench filling out paperwork, and a middle-aged woman at the desk, looking quite busy.

I approached the woman and asked if there were any vacancies, and she informed me that every room was open, but they (the apartment owners) were very picky about who they let live there. She also told me that I had to fill out a load of paperwork and meet with a representative of the apartment to qualify. That was a lot to ask for a place so trashy.

She handed me the paperwork (my little brother, by the way, completely dropped out of the dream for a while). I quickly filled out the 6-inch thick stack of paper. When I was finished, the woman gave me a number to call, so I called it. The woman on the other end of the line told me to wait at the front of the building for a man in a nice baby blue car to pick me up. I did exactly as I was told, and the the man visited picked me up just moments later. The man who picked me up was actually an actor from the show Psych (Lassider is his character's name, I believe).

We drove around town for a bit, entertaining ourselves with small talk (by this time, the sun had come up). He asked me why I moved, and I asked him some questions about the area. Eventually we got on the subject of schools, so he decided to show me a "promising college" that he was very fond of. In the dream I had forgotten that I had already graduated, so I went with him.

He took me to a gnarly looking campus. All of the buildings were made of brick, but looked as if they had been unkempt for over a decade. There were vines and weeds all over them, and several of them had large holes in their sides. I didn't notice any electricity running through any of the buildings, but I may not have noticed due to the fact that most of my attention was devoted to choosing where to step so as not to place my foot on one of the many shards of metal lying in the tall grass and weeds. To make things more interesting, I noticed several slaves breaking rocks that were to be used for gravel on the path that did not yet exist. Despite all of this, the man that was guiding me around the campus was still proud of the college, as if it were a child of his.

After looking at his proud face, I looked up to the sky and noticed a giant billboard for Burger King.

Then I awoke.

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