Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dream #139 (March 3, 2010)


First of all, in my dream I was Hispanic. Second of all, I was living in World War II Germany, and instead of the Jews being threatened, the Hispanic people were being threatened, persecuted, and executed by the Germans.

My parter, who was an American, and I were wandering about a dark forest that surrounded a German military base. Our plan was to infiltrate the base and gather information regarding the German's next location of attack. We had an interesting plan, which will unfold as I tell it to you (though I had foreknowledge of my plan in the dream).

Right after we snuck all the way through the woods without being detected, we allowed ourselves to get caught and be taken in by a skinny, goofy-looking German kid who couldn't have been more than 16 (I was much older in my dream, which is why I referred to a 16-year-old as a kid). He proceeded to take us into the base, shackling us inside of a barbed wire fence that surrounded a small area that resembled a chicken coop.

We were not distressed, however, for we knew that we would be shackled, and we knew that they would have to use large shackles on our bodies, for we had, with the use of prosthetics and make-up, given ourselves much fatter legs, ankles, and wrists. Once the guard left us to get his superiors, we, with our teeth, ripped off the fake flub and slipped right out of our chains.

Next, my partner launched me over the chicken wire, which allowed me to get a nearby rope, which I then used to pull my partner over the fence. We were out, but more importantly, we were in.

We snuck around the base, almost as if we were invisible, checking out various offices, digging through secret papers, and taking notes on everything we discovered. Then my dream lost all of its excitement and order.

I looked into a large greenhouse and found the basketball players from the high school team that I played with holding a practice right there in the middle of my World War II dream. Once my coach saw me, he immediately ordered me to get changed and begin working out with the team (they were conditioning). I did as he told, and for the rest of the dream, I practiced basketball. What a waste.

I finally woke up in the middle of doing high-knees around the greenhouse gym.

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