Friday, March 26, 2010

Dream #162 (March 26, 2010)

This is on the long side, and it is also a bit weird (and wonderful).

The first section of the dream placed me on the deck of a boat in the middle of the ocean on a cloudy night. This deck had a stage, weird yellow lighting, and folding chairs, and was the setting of two consecutive motivational speeches, both of which I was attending. The first was given by a Jewish giant (he must have been at least nine feet tall). It was very boring, and I don't really remember what it was about (probably because I was staring at my feet the majority of the time, lost in my own thoughts). After the first speaker, there was an intermission, during which I went back to my submarine for a quick snack.

The giant yellow submarine, parked right next to the big ship, had many large windows, and all kinds of snacks (mostly various types of cereal). After eating some Rice Chex (reoccurring theme?) I went back to the deck of the ship. Shortly after my arrival, a leprechaun leaped up onto the stage and gave a very entertaining speech. He told all kinds of funny life stories (I don't remember their contents, except for one bicycle story, a near death, which I experienced in my own life), and at the end everyone began to laugh. Well, I did not laugh, for I did not get his joke. I asked the person next to me what was so funny, and he told me that his entire half hour speech was one fantastic and elaborate joke. I didn't get it still, so I decided to replay the entire speech in my head (which I was able to do perfectly). After watching the entire speech again in my head, I began to laugh hysterically. I finally got it.

Then I found myself in another dream. I was in the basement of my parents' house, next to the piano, and I was creating an elaborate scheme. I was going to sell muffins and pretzels for much more than they were worth. Ingenious. I had all the little ziplock bags of pretzels (they were the short and fat sticks; honey I believe) lined up in rows on the white table, along with some printed out pieces of paper with my overpricing plans. Suddenly the youngest brother and sister of Greg Neumayer came downstairs and began asking me several questions about what I was doing. Because of their innocence I explained that I was going to sell the pretzels and muffins on the streets at very low prices so that hungry people could eat. Then they said they wanted to go with me, which ruined all of my plans.

We hit the streets (it was the middle of the night, and a little intimidating) and set up several long wooden tables up on the sidewalk and began calling for customers. Well, logically, the only customers we found in the middle of the night in the middle of the city were a bunch of gang members. They circled around us and stared down upon us. Then, oddly, they all fell to the ground, clutching their stomachs (there must have been a hundred of them), and they all shouted out in pain. They were very hungry.

Suddenly, I felt compassion on the poor teens. Then and there I decided to give away all of my pretzels and muffins, free of charge, forsaking my 'elaborate' scheme of overpricing them. I passed all the food out, with the help of the Neumayers, giving a bag of pretzels and a muffin to every individual.

After a while, they all thanked me and left, except for one young man, who was still on the ground in pain. I walked over to him and (this is where this dream takes a very odd turn), he suddenly disappeared and reappeared ten feet away. He repeated this action several times until he reappeared right in front of me. I then told him about a group called the X-Men who could help him control his powers (apparently I was already a member of the X-Men, which I haven't read anything about for a very long time).

Together we went into the secret X-Men warehouse. There we talked to professor Xavier, who then took us into a weird giant room filled with vats of neon green chemicals.

Then I awoke.

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