Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dream #157 (March 21, 2010)

Where is this from?

The first dream I had was quite interesting. I was in a snowy world in ancient times, and this world was quickly being destroyed. Tall buildings were collapsing, turning to dust. I was with a middle-aged man, who was explaining everything to me. He informed me that the cause of the fall of our civilization (we were the only two survivors of our civilization, for we were hiding out in a safe snow cave) was that the men there had drilled too deep into the ground. They searched too far for special coal used for their ancient machinery (the civilization was actually pretty advanced for the time period). All the while, the ground was shaking severely.

Suddenly the shaking stopped, and there was an odd calm. Most of the buildings were ash, but there were a few still standing (though they were also turned to dust). My companion and I emerged from our cave and began to explore. I walked up to one ancient apartment (not like today's apartments in any way) and noticed that the snow around it had turned to rust, and the building looked like a mound of salt. I touched the building, and it collapsed completely before me, gone forever. Then the middle-aged man put his hand on my shoulder and said to me, "Interestingly, the world will end in a similar way to the end of this civilization. Man will go too far, disregarding all of the warnings, and will, in essence, destroy themselves." I wonder what it all means.

After that powerful line, I was in a much less important dream. I found myself in my parents' basement, where my little brother Mike was playing a Star Wars computer game. He asked if I could beat a really difficult level for him, and I agreed, taking his place on the spinny chair in front of the computer. I then entered completely into the world of the game. The start of the level had me flying a tiny Millennium Falcon around two giant spaceships that were thousands of times greater than the Falcon. I lost right away when the two space crafts crashed into each other. I guess I was supposed to prevent this. The second life, I started much better. I swerved around the large spaceships, signaling to their pilots that they had to change their course, else they would perish, along with their passengers.

After I save the ships, I boarded one of them. I proceeded up to the cockpit and took over the ship. I flew the ship to a nearby green and red planet, following the instructions of the game. When I arrived at the planet, I pulled out all my weapons and began firing at its civilians, including women and children. Apparently that was the wrong thing to do (I don't know what drove me to do it in the first place), for I lost another life.

Then I found myself in a completely different dream. I was looking at myself from a third person point of view. I watched myself shoot a basketball in the lobby of Oregon-Davis Elementary School. My little brother's basketball coach (Coach Richie), and a young kid were watching me. The kid bet me that I could not make a shot from the opposite side of the lobby. Then I informed him that I was a legend in Africa as the greatest basketball player to ever live. I then air-balled the shot. My penalty for losing the bet with the young kid was that I had to cover myself with whipped cream and run around the school. I did this, and felt very embarrassed.

I walked outside and Coach Richie pulled me aside and asked me where my 'touch' had gone. I told him that I did not know, so he took me to a weird party in an underground bar. There were black lights and strange dancers and comedians (I'm not a big fan of comedians). I felt very uncomfortable.

Then I awoke.

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