Friday, March 12, 2010

Dream #148 (March 12, 2010)


The dream began in a hallway in Oregon-Davis Elementary, right outside the circular bathroom. I was teaching a gym class there, in the hall. All the little kids were running circles around me, jumping and screaming all the while, as I attempted to read the notes that the teacher left for me, which were spread out over the space of about twenty note cards.

Suddenly, all of the children began to close in on me until I could not longer see any light through them.

I was in another setting, completely different from before. I had somehow been transported to the middle of a forest, where an enormous picnic was taking place. Brandon Johnston (who used to by on my basketball team in high school) was in charge of setting up all of the seats for all of the guests, who were supposed to sit on the ground around a red-and-white checkered cloth (typical picnic material). There were about fifty other people there, most of which I could not recognize due to the fact that they all had their backs turned away from me (they didn't want to know what they were going to be eating, and I was standing next to all of the food).

What was a very pleasant atmosphere instantly turned into a place of panic when several very loud sirens began to sound. Brandon sprinted up to me an warned me that an army of dwarves were approaching the picnic area. This was serious, and it called for action. I gathered three other stealthy friends (one of them being Tim, I young guy I barely know; I don't even know his last name). We snuck up to the paved path in the woods and hid among the bushes as we spied on the passing dwarves.

They were very mean-looking, and my knees began to shiver when I saw them in their loose blue shirts, pointy red hats, gnarly grey beards, yellow baggy pants, and purple elf shoes.

After the dwarves passed, I awoke.

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