Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dream #145 (March 9, 2010)

This was quite an adventure.

Starting off the dream with excitement, the flying magic ship, on which I was the captain, fell down from the sky and crashed violently into a mountain.

Next thing I knew, it was the next morning, and all of my shipmates were wandering about the rock on which we landed, trying to conjure up some sort of escape. There was more of a threat than what we initially realized when we crashed, for the mountain on which we landed was controlled by an evil sorcerer. This man, who, in my dream memory of studying him, wore a long purple robe and a weird black hat, not only had magical powers at his command, but he also had a large army of giant dinosaurs. When I say giant, I mean insanely huge (hundreds of feet tall, weighing several thousand tons).

As the captain I had studied this man thoroughly, so I knew that he always attacked intruders at certain times on certain days. Therefore I knew that he would attack the following morning. I had to come up with some sort of plan to stop him.

I sat on a rock (by the way, the magic flying ship crashed right next to the edge of a giant cliff) that overlooked the precipice below, thinking of a solution. Then it came to me. If we could fill the bottom of the cliff with water, and if we could create the illusion that the great hole in the mountain was not there, we could trick the dinosaurs and cause them to fall to their deaths.

Luckily, there was a hose coiled up nearby, connected to a water supply, and I had my shipmates begin filling the pit with water. After a long night of work, the trap was set.

Suddenly we all heard a rumble in the forrest, and a large wooly mammoth bursted through the trees that we place right in front of the pit. Then loud screams followed a great fall of mighty dinosaurs. We were victorious.

However, something terrible happened next; the evil sorcerer kidnapped Stella from her parents (David and Carrie Badertscher, my bosses at the camp at which I work during the summer) and took the poor baby into his secret place in the forest.

The whole crew was in despair. In fact, several of the shipmates began to mourn for the child. However, I decided to take action. I began running into the forrest, disregarding all the dangers that potentially awaited me (there were more living dinosaurs). However, my task was much easier than I had thought it would be. I ran up to the sorcerer, who was meditating on a tree stump, snatched stella from a homemade cradle in front of him, and fled the scene without being noticed, or so I thought.

When I returned to the wrecked ship, I realized there was a not attached to the baby, which informed me that the sorcerer planned a full-scale attack upon my crew and me. I immediately began thinking of another plan.

It soon came to me. Instead of fighting back, we would disappear into the cliff. My crew and I lowered a rope ladder, that we had lying around the ship, and lowered it into the cliff. One by one, we all found caves to hide in. I specifically remember Carrie and Stella scrunched up in a little crack in the rock wall, invisible to those who did not know of their whereabouts.

Then the sorcerer came, with the largest army I had ever seen. I had chosen a hiding place above the cliff, for I wanted to make sure I could watch the man's actions so I would know when it would be safe for everyone to come out.

Then my dream jumped ahead in time, and I was in a bomb shelter, giving an account of this whole experience to my Aunt and cousins (on my mother's side).

Once I got to the point when my dream switched to the shelter, I awoke.

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