Friday, March 19, 2010

Dream #155 (March 19, 2010)


In my dream last night, I was a part of a major NERF battle, which took place in Koontz Lake Missionary church. There were hundreds of people all over the church, and each person was a part of the game. Everyone had twenty lives, and the winner would attain glory, honor, and a big cash prize.

I started out the battle hiding with Kody Heffelfinger under a table in the fellowship hall in the upstairs of the church. Kody and I had decided to team up so that at least one of us would win the prize. Also, he had a pretty sweet NERF rifle that I did not want to go up against, especially since I just had a small blue handgun. After several minutes of watching other people shoot each other, I finally decided to go on the offensive. There were two brothers who I knew to be complete jerks that I wanted to take out (these brothers do not exist in real life). So, I rolled out from under the table and fired a couple shots (reloading in between, of coarse) into the chest of the older brother. Then the younger one came at me with a sword (this was a legal part of the competition; if you were close enough to another competitor, you could attack them with a non-gun), so I quickly backed up to my former hiding spot. Unfortunately, his sword could still reach me, and he whacked me four times with its broad side, not giving me any time to recover from the sting.

Finally, Kody came to the rescue and nailed the younger brother in the eye with his rifle, allowing me to escape the former hiding place that had become a trap. I ran out of the fellowship hall and down to the sanctuary, where a less stealthy battle was taking place (really, it was all-out kamikaze war) . I did much better in this environment. I took out several people (half of them men, half of them women, all of them strangers) while running blindly through the sanctuary in the dark. After my run, I decided to go back to the fellowship hall and use all of my remaining NERF bullets in on those brothers.

When I got there, I was ambushed by the very brothers I sought to destroy. Luckily for me, as the jumped out from behind the white plastic tables, I was only hit once. Then I let loose, firing all of my bullets into the older brother, which must have taken all of his twenty lives and then some. However, he kept playing. He must have been cheating.

I decided to quite then and there. I had no more bullets, and I was upset by the fact that people could get away with cheating. So I walked down into the basement of the church (which looked nothing like Koontz Lake Church's basement), where the pacifists were watching movies in people's apartments (yes, there were apartments in the basement of the church). I went into one of the apartment rooms, which belonged to a woman in her thirties whom I did not know (her picture was pasted up on the wall by the door), and found Kyle Heffelfinger laying on a mattress that was on the floor, among some other people. I looked at Kyle and noticed that, in my dream, he looked almost exactly like Kody (not true in real life). I sat down next to him and realized that he and the others were all watching some artsy romantic film set in Paris.

After watching a very long scene of a woman walking around her apartment not saying a single word or taking any important actions, the woman who lived in the apartment walked in. Everyone there fled the scene, except for me, for I was too scared to even move. I just sat there, shaking. Fortunately, the woman was not angry. In fact, she was blind and had not even noticed my presence. I'm still not sure why she had an expensive projector and screen set up in her room. She sat down right next to me, and I struggled not to make any sound that would give away my presence.

Then I awoke.

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