Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dream #160 (March 24, 2010)

This makes me want to make another stop-motion film.

The first dream involving animation was quite odd. I was in the basement of my parents' house with a teenager. This kid would open his mouth and expel this colored gas. I would then mold the gas with my hands, take a picture, change the gas slightly, take another picture, repeating that process over and over. I did this a few times. The first gas creation I made was a green dragon that had fiery breath. The second animation was Spider-Man swinging around a building. The last animation was abstract colored gas.

I then transferred to a different, yet slightly similar dream. I found myself in a room that oddly resembled my old Sunday school room from when I was in first grade. In this room were four groups of three guys, and each group was working on a project for some contest. The winner of this contest would be the group who created the most interesting and intricate live animation using primarily LEGOs.

The group I was in had a pretty cool set up. The engines we used were somehow able to make the Legos form into different letters (I believed they spelled AFV; I don't know what that means). We also had some cars that, for the finale, ramped up over the letters and spun around in front of them. One of the other groups created a fountain that flowed from a Lego garden (it wasn't as cool as my groups). Another group had a lame project (I knew this even though I couldn't see it due to the very dim lighting; maybe I was just biased). The last group, which was led by Danny Hutchins, had a very neat set-up, in which the Lego people popped out of the Lego ground and sang a Lego song. It was amazing. In my mind, it would easily defeat my group's project, which forced me to do a last minute change. The cars that jumped out from behind the letters would now be programmed to spell a word, with the use of a roll of blue painter's tape attached to the back of the Lego car. I immediately picked up one of the cars and a roll of tape and began working on programming the tiny vehicle.

Not long after that I awoke. Who won the contest? I will most likely never know.

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