Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dream #167 (March 31, 2010)

This is a dull way to end a solid month of dreams.

I don't remember much of last night's dream. In fact, I only recall that I was hanging out with some Regent people at a party in some apartment that resembled an apartment in which I once assisted with the production of a short film. Other than that, I don't know anything.

I did awake this morning. I didn't get very much sleep at all last night, which may account for the lack of dream memory.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dream #166 (March 30, 2010)

A dream of camp.

In my dream last night, Kevin Chupp and I took a group of Prairie Camp teens and kids to a large farm. Kevin drove the bus as I tried to entertain the passengers with song and dance, which did not work all that well as I had hoped. When we finally arrived at the farm, I led the people off of the bus and into a field, where we began an ultimate game of capture the flag.

The game, though a little chaotic, ran quite smoothly, especially for the age and size difference between the people involved. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, so Kevin and I sat in a couple of lawn chairs (the kind you lay in) and watched the game.

Because we paid such close attention to the action, we did not see a young boy crawl on top of the bus. When I finally noticed him, he was trying to pull a little girl to the top of the bus with a rope. I immediately ran over there to stop him. Luckily the girl was only a foot off the ground when I made it there. I told the boy to stay put until I got him down. When I did so, I handed him over to Kevin to be punished.

I went back to watching the game, which had turned into a disaster. Morgan Ferch (my neighbor) approached me and informed me that many people, including Josh Cavinder (my little brother's classmate), were cheating. I am not a fan of cheating, so I dealt with the problem by exiling all cheaters from the game. I don't really know how I knew who was cheating, but I did.

As I was walking back to my lawn chair, where Kevin was waiting for me, drinking tea, I fell into a large hole.

Then I awoke.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Dream #165 (March 29, 2010)

Don't ask (not that anyone ever does).

I dreamed that I was at some sort of acting conference. This took place in a large theater with an enormous amount of seating. I was alone among thousands of strangers. The stage was a little too purple, the seats were a little too narrow, and the lighting was a little too dim; thus I was not having a good time.

After siting through a long and dull lecture about acting for romance films (a genre I cannot stand), the instructor informed the audience that it was time to practice kissing. Each person there was to turn to the next person and kiss that person, male or female, stranger or not. That terrified me, for during the entire lecture I had not bothered to even glance at the person to my left (the seat to my right was empty). Was it a girl or guy?

I turned my head and was glad to see a female sitting next to me, looking at me. After my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting (even dimmer than the lighting on the stage), I was surprised that I recognized the woman to be Nicole Kidman. Now, in real life, Nicole Kidman is over forty years old, but in my dream she was only in her twenties and looked much different than she does now.

After the initial surprise and delight wore off, I began to feel anxious and scared. I am probably not a good kisser. In fact, I believe it to be a goofy and ridiculous action. I was surely going to be embarrassed by my efforts. Nicole was looking a little impatient, for the instructor had already ordered the audience to practice what they had learned (had they been paying attention, unlike me). Finally, after much hesitation, I leaned in and kissed Nicole, with very little (if any) feeling, for a very short time. For some reason, she was pleased by my work.

Then the instructor ended the seminar and people all around began to get up and leave in awkward silence (I assume they were stunned by the action they had to take). However, Nicole proceeded to give me her phone number, instructing me to call her sometime.

What? I never get this kind of attention, nor do I desire it.

Without saying a word to Nicole, I left. As I was walking up to the top exit (everyone else was going to the bottom exit), I ran into David Badertscher and Jeff Kreider. They asked me whom I had kissed. I told them what had happened, and they, to my surprise, believed me. I asked them the question they asked me, and they informed me they did not participate. Lucky for them.

I continued out the door and found Adam Pflugshaupt (an old high school classmate). He was attending a taco bar, so I decided to make myself a Pflugshaupt Taco. As I worked on my creation, Adam told me that he heard about my interaction with Nicole Kidman (I don't know how it had 'gotten around' so fast). He then told me that I should "totally go for that."

Once he said that, I looked up and saw Nicole, looking at me from about fifty feet away. She smiled at me. I did not react.

Well, maybe I did react, for I immediately fled into another dream. I do often run away from my problems.

I was in Koontz Lake Missionary Church at some kids' program, which was going on in the sanctuary. There were streamers, balloons, dancing, and singing. I stood outside the sanctuary, looking in. After several minutes of this, I decided to leave. On my way out, I ran into Morgan Ferch (my neighbor) and a friend of hers (that does not exist). She told me that she was excited for her birthday party, or something along those lines.

After waving, I proceeded to get into my car (a gold Buick, like something an old woman would drive). I started it up and drove home.

The home I went to was much smaller than the home in real life. In fact, it was only one room, and all of the beds, the desk, the files, the computer, and the kitchen table were crammed into the space, leaving absolutely no walking room. There were papers everywhere, and my bed was only a foot from the ceiling. I jumped up into my bunk and opened up my mail, discovering three checks: one from my grandfather on my father's side, one from my grandfather on my mother's side, and one from Katelyn Presnell. In my dream, she was paying me for a video I produced for her. However, when my mother saw the check, she assumed that I had a girlfriend. I tried to tell her that I didn't, but she would not believe me. Frustrated, I jumped from my bed and out the door (in a single leap), but in the process I knocked over my father's desk at which he was working, making papers fly in all directions.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dream # 164 (March 28, 2010)

Insanity. Also, this may turn out to be the longest of my dreams thus far.

The very first dream I had last night (that I know of) was very close to reality. I dreamed that I was asleep on an air mattress (the very air mattress on which I was actually sleeping, in the very same room). The going away party for one of the house dwellers (that really was taking place) could be heard (in my dream) coming from downstairs.

What was unlike reality (but not far from it) was that the air mattress was absorbing my body. I dreamed that, because I had no sheet between me and the air mattress that the heat of my body had caused it to melt onto me. Then (this is disgusting and, at the time, I thought it to be real), as I attempted to remove my body from the mattress, I ripped the skin off of my body, revealing muscles and bone. It was a bloody mess. As I tried to clean it up, knowing very well that the owner of the house would be very displeased, I heard a knock on my door. At that instant I thought, "Oh, I'm dreaming, but the knock is real."

So I managed to wake myself up. I don't think that the knock was real, though it very well may have been.

I spent the next hour trying to go back to sleep, but the memory of the previous dream would not allow such an escape. Finally, after turning on my cell phone and looking at the time (3:30), I knew that I had no choice but to return to bed. I soon entered into another dream.

At the onset of the dream, I was in my parents' bedroom with Kelli Lusk (a friend, and my boss' sister). In the dream she did not speak English, and I had a very tough time communicating with her. She was wearing a ridiculous purple dress and, atop that, a brown hooded sweatshirt. She was looking in the mirror, uttering something that I could not comprehend, so I left the room.

I proceeded to run outside, down State Road 23 (the road beside which my parents' house rests), down to the stop sign, and then back toward my house. When I returned to the front yard, I was shocked to discover that Caitlin Geeslin (a friend of my from college) had arrived in a blue Mini-Cooper (I don't know much about cars, but I think that is what the vehicle was), which was decorated with streamers and such. But that was not what shocked me; it was the things she brought. In her hand, she had a small telescope, which was an antique, and could have been quite valuable. She had also guided in a giant telescope. It was most likely over 100 feet tall, and probably 40 feet wide. The thing took up most of my front yard and some of my neighbors. I went to take a peak to see what I could see through the thing, but Caitlin told me it would have to wait until later. I never did get to look through that telescope (foreshadowing?).

Caitlin and I then walked into the garage and discovered a wild party going on inside (wild meaning disco lights, dancing, and punch). We went over and enjoyed some punch (well, I didn't really enjoy it; I never do) and looked on at the people there. Then the lights went down and some slow music began to play. Contrary to what one would suspect happened next, David Badertcher (the husband of my "boss" and the maintenance man at the camp at which I work in the summer) walked up for me and asked me to dance with him. I accepted, and we began to twirl around. I, assuming that David was joking around, began to do some funny dance moves, but David seemed to be seriously trying to dance well. He wasn't that bad, but people laughed regardless. By the end of the dance, I realized that it was his type of humor to act as if he took our dance quite seriously.

After the dance, I went inside my house so that I could change into something more comfortable (I was wearing the colorful shirt handed down to me from Kyle Heffelfinger, along with pants). I entered my parents' bedroom and removed my shoes and pants (I was still relatively clothed) when, without warning. Caitlin opened the door and nearly walked in on me. I quickly hid in the corner behind the door, where I could not be seen, and asked her to go away. She did, but right when she left, Kelli walked in on me. Fortunately I was still behind the door, so I was still hidden. However, for one reason or another, I snapped and yelled angrily at Kelli, causing her to say something in her primitive language and run away. This then caused Penny (my family's little dog), Naeko (my friend Jeff's dog, which may be spelled incorrectly), and a clone of Naeko to run out from under my parents' bed and attack me. Penny (who has always been very passive) bit hard into my right forearm.

The scene immediately cut to me laying on the couch with my mother attending to my wounds, explaining to me that Penny doesn't usually bite people.

Then, as if that dream were not enough, I entered into a different dream.

I was substitute teaching for the P.E. teacher. However, instead of taking place at a school, it took place at a Medieval castle. I was in the courtyard with all the kids, and Mrs. Pucel (who was my 4th, 5th, and 6th grade teacher and for whom I have been a substitute) was giving me instructions on what to do. This day was to be different from typical days, for all the kids in the school would have P.E. at some point during the day instead of just a few. She then handed me a clipboard with students names and left, going inside the castle.

I was alone with 100 kids. However, I knew what I wanted to do. I happened to have a truckload of inflatable pools (they were all bright yellow and had a fountain system build into them). I unloaded these, hooked them up to various hoses that were laying around, and, on the spot, invented about eight different games that could be played with the pools and with the multi-colored pit balls that I also happened to have with me (the kind one could find in a Chuck E. Cheese's).

As the children played the various games (I had different games for each age group), a secretary ran out of the castle and informed me that I would have some of the classes more than once, so I would have to create different games. I was out of ideas, but fortunately, my dream changed completely.

I was no longer a substitute gym teacher at a castle. Instead, I was running a 'get together' at a state park picnic area. There were tons of people there, meaning that there was tons to do. I had some of my minions (really they were just acquaintances) grilling hot dogs and hamburgers (typical). I also had a few games set up. There was a relay race taking place on one side of the picnic area and a few friendly games of horseshoes being played on the other side. I was located under a large tent in the center of the picnic area, overseeing the most interesting game of all.

The game was much like ping-pong, except instead of a ping-pong ball there was a little sausage, and instead of the ping-pong paddles there were hot-dog roasters (not the nice and sturdy kind, but the short and flimsy kind). The sausages being used were coming hot off the grill, so there was a little danger involved.

The game I was observing was a game of doubles being played by four friends of mine. Chuck Zook and Jenee' Antoniu were playing against Katie Zook and a friend my subconscious created. The game was very friendly until Katie accidentally hit Jenee' in the hand with a hot sausage. Well, it was a serve, and because it hit Katie's side first, it still counted as a point for Katie's team. (By the way, this game defies physics.) This started a very horrible precedent, for now the players were aiming for their opponents' bodies instead of their opponents' side of the table. Furthermore, as other people looked on, they began to become excited about the idea of throwing hot sausages at people. It was not long before half of the people attending the 'get together' were armed with sausages fresh off the grill, throwing them at people.

I had to do something about this, for people were being injured all around me. I decided to use my voice and scream at anyone throwing a sausage. Now, I'm not much of a yeller, but I seemed to do it quite a bit in these dreams. Interestingly enough, it was effective. People began to stop the dangerous game, and they threw the sausages away. However, one kid had to get his finally throw in. He managed to hit somebody in the eye, causing instant blindness. I ran over to the kid, turned him around, and scolded him harshly, spraying spit in his face as I yelled.

Then I realized that I was scolding the wrong person. Instead of yelling at the perpetrator, I was yelling at Katie, who was not doing anything wrong. I apologized several times for my mistake, even getting on my knees, begging for her forgiveness. To my surprise, she shrugged it off an forgave me without any sort of mean or 'correcting' thing to say to me. She went back to her game. Her next hit, she accidentally hit her brother Chuck in the arm with a sausage, but I let it slide.

Then I awoke. I hate to imaging what this dream expresses about me subconscious. Congratulations to those of you who actually read this far. You are very supportive of my ridiculousness.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dream #163 (March 27, 2010)

A dream.

I was driving an old white car on the backroads of Goshen, Indiana in the middle of the night. After driving through a few corn fields, stoplights, and sheds, my car broke down on 119. I exited the vehicle to see what was the matter, only to discover Justin Allen, who in the dream had several scars on his face and a forest green hoodie. He smiled at me menacingly, then turned and walked away.

I walked around my car a few times, inspecting it, trying to see if I could do anything at all to make the situation better. Finally, my parents pulled up in their blue Ford. My dad, who was driving, rolled down his window and asked me if I needed some assistance. Well, I told him no, and he drove away.

Providing positive reinforcement for my poor choice, my car started right up when my parents were gone. Thinking nothing of it, I pulled onto State Road 19.

Then I awoke.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Dream #162 (March 26, 2010)

This is on the long side, and it is also a bit weird (and wonderful).

The first section of the dream placed me on the deck of a boat in the middle of the ocean on a cloudy night. This deck had a stage, weird yellow lighting, and folding chairs, and was the setting of two consecutive motivational speeches, both of which I was attending. The first was given by a Jewish giant (he must have been at least nine feet tall). It was very boring, and I don't really remember what it was about (probably because I was staring at my feet the majority of the time, lost in my own thoughts). After the first speaker, there was an intermission, during which I went back to my submarine for a quick snack.

The giant yellow submarine, parked right next to the big ship, had many large windows, and all kinds of snacks (mostly various types of cereal). After eating some Rice Chex (reoccurring theme?) I went back to the deck of the ship. Shortly after my arrival, a leprechaun leaped up onto the stage and gave a very entertaining speech. He told all kinds of funny life stories (I don't remember their contents, except for one bicycle story, a near death, which I experienced in my own life), and at the end everyone began to laugh. Well, I did not laugh, for I did not get his joke. I asked the person next to me what was so funny, and he told me that his entire half hour speech was one fantastic and elaborate joke. I didn't get it still, so I decided to replay the entire speech in my head (which I was able to do perfectly). After watching the entire speech again in my head, I began to laugh hysterically. I finally got it.

Then I found myself in another dream. I was in the basement of my parents' house, next to the piano, and I was creating an elaborate scheme. I was going to sell muffins and pretzels for much more than they were worth. Ingenious. I had all the little ziplock bags of pretzels (they were the short and fat sticks; honey I believe) lined up in rows on the white table, along with some printed out pieces of paper with my overpricing plans. Suddenly the youngest brother and sister of Greg Neumayer came downstairs and began asking me several questions about what I was doing. Because of their innocence I explained that I was going to sell the pretzels and muffins on the streets at very low prices so that hungry people could eat. Then they said they wanted to go with me, which ruined all of my plans.

We hit the streets (it was the middle of the night, and a little intimidating) and set up several long wooden tables up on the sidewalk and began calling for customers. Well, logically, the only customers we found in the middle of the night in the middle of the city were a bunch of gang members. They circled around us and stared down upon us. Then, oddly, they all fell to the ground, clutching their stomachs (there must have been a hundred of them), and they all shouted out in pain. They were very hungry.

Suddenly, I felt compassion on the poor teens. Then and there I decided to give away all of my pretzels and muffins, free of charge, forsaking my 'elaborate' scheme of overpricing them. I passed all the food out, with the help of the Neumayers, giving a bag of pretzels and a muffin to every individual.

After a while, they all thanked me and left, except for one young man, who was still on the ground in pain. I walked over to him and (this is where this dream takes a very odd turn), he suddenly disappeared and reappeared ten feet away. He repeated this action several times until he reappeared right in front of me. I then told him about a group called the X-Men who could help him control his powers (apparently I was already a member of the X-Men, which I haven't read anything about for a very long time).

Together we went into the secret X-Men warehouse. There we talked to professor Xavier, who then took us into a weird giant room filled with vats of neon green chemicals.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dream #161 (March 25, 2010)

I don't really remember this dream. I know that this morning I remembered it and thought it very boring.

The only part of the dream I remember took place in a YMCA where I was playing some mean racquetball. I was wearing short shorts, goggles, and a long-sleeve jersey (if such a thing exists), and I was full of energy. I honestly don't know how racquetball works, so I probably was playing it incorrectly in my dream.

Well, I woke up at some point in the dream. There may or may not have been more.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dream #160 (March 24, 2010)

This makes me want to make another stop-motion film.

The first dream involving animation was quite odd. I was in the basement of my parents' house with a teenager. This kid would open his mouth and expel this colored gas. I would then mold the gas with my hands, take a picture, change the gas slightly, take another picture, repeating that process over and over. I did this a few times. The first gas creation I made was a green dragon that had fiery breath. The second animation was Spider-Man swinging around a building. The last animation was abstract colored gas.

I then transferred to a different, yet slightly similar dream. I found myself in a room that oddly resembled my old Sunday school room from when I was in first grade. In this room were four groups of three guys, and each group was working on a project for some contest. The winner of this contest would be the group who created the most interesting and intricate live animation using primarily LEGOs.

The group I was in had a pretty cool set up. The engines we used were somehow able to make the Legos form into different letters (I believed they spelled AFV; I don't know what that means). We also had some cars that, for the finale, ramped up over the letters and spun around in front of them. One of the other groups created a fountain that flowed from a Lego garden (it wasn't as cool as my groups). Another group had a lame project (I knew this even though I couldn't see it due to the very dim lighting; maybe I was just biased). The last group, which was led by Danny Hutchins, had a very neat set-up, in which the Lego people popped out of the Lego ground and sang a Lego song. It was amazing. In my mind, it would easily defeat my group's project, which forced me to do a last minute change. The cars that jumped out from behind the letters would now be programmed to spell a word, with the use of a roll of blue painter's tape attached to the back of the Lego car. I immediately picked up one of the cars and a roll of tape and began working on programming the tiny vehicle.

Not long after that I awoke. Who won the contest? I will most likely never know.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dream #159 (March 23, 2010)

I had a dream last night, even though I didn't sleep very well.

My little brother Mike and I were hanging out in my grandfather's basement. In the dream Mike was fat, though he is far from that in real life. Anyway, we were running around in a red cement room, jumping off walls and doing flips occasionally. After a while, I became tired and left the room.

I found Mr. Ash (a high school P.E./Health teacher) outside the room watching me. After an awkward pause, he asked me how I dream such crazy things (apparently I knew I was dreaming, though I didn't really know I was dreaming). I told him to watch me and figured it out for himself.

I then began to look slowly across the room as various zoo animals appeared in various place in my grandfather's basement. These animals included a panda bear, a giraffe, a cheetah, an ostrich, a dingo, and more. Mr. Ash was amazed at what I could do, but I did not stop there. A jungle began to grow out of the walls and floor of the basement, and snakes, monkeys, and lizards began to emerge from it. Mr. Ash stared on in amazement.

Then I awoke.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dream #158 (March 22, 2010)

I don't remember much from this dream, but what I do remember is interesting.

Throughout the entire dream, as far as I can tell, I was a peg-legged evangelist preacher delivering a powerful sermon to a large congregation in the middle of a circus tent. I don't remember anything about what I said or if anything else of note happened in the dream.

I awoke eventually.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dream #157 (March 21, 2010)

Where is this from?

The first dream I had was quite interesting. I was in a snowy world in ancient times, and this world was quickly being destroyed. Tall buildings were collapsing, turning to dust. I was with a middle-aged man, who was explaining everything to me. He informed me that the cause of the fall of our civilization (we were the only two survivors of our civilization, for we were hiding out in a safe snow cave) was that the men there had drilled too deep into the ground. They searched too far for special coal used for their ancient machinery (the civilization was actually pretty advanced for the time period). All the while, the ground was shaking severely.

Suddenly the shaking stopped, and there was an odd calm. Most of the buildings were ash, but there were a few still standing (though they were also turned to dust). My companion and I emerged from our cave and began to explore. I walked up to one ancient apartment (not like today's apartments in any way) and noticed that the snow around it had turned to rust, and the building looked like a mound of salt. I touched the building, and it collapsed completely before me, gone forever. Then the middle-aged man put his hand on my shoulder and said to me, "Interestingly, the world will end in a similar way to the end of this civilization. Man will go too far, disregarding all of the warnings, and will, in essence, destroy themselves." I wonder what it all means.

After that powerful line, I was in a much less important dream. I found myself in my parents' basement, where my little brother Mike was playing a Star Wars computer game. He asked if I could beat a really difficult level for him, and I agreed, taking his place on the spinny chair in front of the computer. I then entered completely into the world of the game. The start of the level had me flying a tiny Millennium Falcon around two giant spaceships that were thousands of times greater than the Falcon. I lost right away when the two space crafts crashed into each other. I guess I was supposed to prevent this. The second life, I started much better. I swerved around the large spaceships, signaling to their pilots that they had to change their course, else they would perish, along with their passengers.

After I save the ships, I boarded one of them. I proceeded up to the cockpit and took over the ship. I flew the ship to a nearby green and red planet, following the instructions of the game. When I arrived at the planet, I pulled out all my weapons and began firing at its civilians, including women and children. Apparently that was the wrong thing to do (I don't know what drove me to do it in the first place), for I lost another life.

Then I found myself in a completely different dream. I was looking at myself from a third person point of view. I watched myself shoot a basketball in the lobby of Oregon-Davis Elementary School. My little brother's basketball coach (Coach Richie), and a young kid were watching me. The kid bet me that I could not make a shot from the opposite side of the lobby. Then I informed him that I was a legend in Africa as the greatest basketball player to ever live. I then air-balled the shot. My penalty for losing the bet with the young kid was that I had to cover myself with whipped cream and run around the school. I did this, and felt very embarrassed.

I walked outside and Coach Richie pulled me aside and asked me where my 'touch' had gone. I told him that I did not know, so he took me to a weird party in an underground bar. There were black lights and strange dancers and comedians (I'm not a big fan of comedians). I felt very uncomfortable.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dream #156 (March 20, 2010)

This is short, for I don't remember much.

All I can recall of last night's dream is a large banquet that was taking place. I was there, along with thousands of others who were dressed up quite nicely. The only other person I knew there was Neil Silveus (was that two days in a row?). The only significant action in the dream I remember is giving him a gift: an autographed copy of "The Killing Joke" by Alan Moore. The version I gave him looked like an old library book, and it even had that nasty clear plastic cover that one would find on books in an elementary school library. Oh, I also remember sliding down a banister and being scolded.

Then I awoke.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dream #155 (March 19, 2010)


In my dream last night, I was a part of a major NERF battle, which took place in Koontz Lake Missionary church. There were hundreds of people all over the church, and each person was a part of the game. Everyone had twenty lives, and the winner would attain glory, honor, and a big cash prize.

I started out the battle hiding with Kody Heffelfinger under a table in the fellowship hall in the upstairs of the church. Kody and I had decided to team up so that at least one of us would win the prize. Also, he had a pretty sweet NERF rifle that I did not want to go up against, especially since I just had a small blue handgun. After several minutes of watching other people shoot each other, I finally decided to go on the offensive. There were two brothers who I knew to be complete jerks that I wanted to take out (these brothers do not exist in real life). So, I rolled out from under the table and fired a couple shots (reloading in between, of coarse) into the chest of the older brother. Then the younger one came at me with a sword (this was a legal part of the competition; if you were close enough to another competitor, you could attack them with a non-gun), so I quickly backed up to my former hiding spot. Unfortunately, his sword could still reach me, and he whacked me four times with its broad side, not giving me any time to recover from the sting.

Finally, Kody came to the rescue and nailed the younger brother in the eye with his rifle, allowing me to escape the former hiding place that had become a trap. I ran out of the fellowship hall and down to the sanctuary, where a less stealthy battle was taking place (really, it was all-out kamikaze war) . I did much better in this environment. I took out several people (half of them men, half of them women, all of them strangers) while running blindly through the sanctuary in the dark. After my run, I decided to go back to the fellowship hall and use all of my remaining NERF bullets in on those brothers.

When I got there, I was ambushed by the very brothers I sought to destroy. Luckily for me, as the jumped out from behind the white plastic tables, I was only hit once. Then I let loose, firing all of my bullets into the older brother, which must have taken all of his twenty lives and then some. However, he kept playing. He must have been cheating.

I decided to quite then and there. I had no more bullets, and I was upset by the fact that people could get away with cheating. So I walked down into the basement of the church (which looked nothing like Koontz Lake Church's basement), where the pacifists were watching movies in people's apartments (yes, there were apartments in the basement of the church). I went into one of the apartment rooms, which belonged to a woman in her thirties whom I did not know (her picture was pasted up on the wall by the door), and found Kyle Heffelfinger laying on a mattress that was on the floor, among some other people. I looked at Kyle and noticed that, in my dream, he looked almost exactly like Kody (not true in real life). I sat down next to him and realized that he and the others were all watching some artsy romantic film set in Paris.

After watching a very long scene of a woman walking around her apartment not saying a single word or taking any important actions, the woman who lived in the apartment walked in. Everyone there fled the scene, except for me, for I was too scared to even move. I just sat there, shaking. Fortunately, the woman was not angry. In fact, she was blind and had not even noticed my presence. I'm still not sure why she had an expensive projector and screen set up in her room. She sat down right next to me, and I struggled not to make any sound that would give away my presence.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dream # 154 (March 18, 2010)

Dream within a dream. Shakespeare?

In my dream, Neil Silveus (a friend of mine from Bethel College) was living in my parents' house. I followed him around as he slowly moped about the house. He first went from the bedroom to the kitchen and pulled out a bowl, a spoon, milk, and Rice Chex, and began eating his breakfast. Then he left the table and went into the shower. Fortunately I did not follow him in there.

As Neil bathed, I went back into my bedroom, sat on my bed, and opened up my MacBook (which I don't really own in life), and opened up Safari. I then went to Blogger and began blogging the dream that I had the night before (which was very odd, for I didn't actually dream that dream). The dream within a dream had something to do with Mr. Ash (a health/P.E. teacher at O-D High School) going crazy, dressing up as a member of a mariachi band, and crashing wedding parties. Interestingly, in the dream blogger, I was able to upload a mental picture onto my post by simply thinking about it. I was even able to re-size the picture in my head and on the computer simultaneously.

Then Neil came out of the shower and entered my room. He wanted to know how to use Blogger, so I showed him how it works.

As I was showing him the whole mental picture thing, I awoke.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dream #153 (March 17, 2010)


The first dream section took place in a prisoner barracks next to a thick woods. The era was the early 1900s, and there were three prisoners: Morgan Freeman and two other old white guys. I was a guard at the prison, but, in my dream memory, I often had long and thoughtful conversations with the inmates. I was especially fond of Morgan Freeman, who often traded me special candy he received from his family back home for cigarettes.

On this particular cloudy day in the dream, I decided that I would free Freeman and the other guys because I found out from a letter I received that day that the head officer at the prison was planning on executing all of the prisoners. I snuck up to their barracks, looked through the barred window, and passed them the key to the place, encouraging them to wait until nightfall to sneak out.

Then I switched into a different dream. I was playing laser tag (a very extreme version of the game, complete with a full body suite and an obnoxiously enormous gun) in a large abandoned warehouse. The interesting thing was that I was actually fighting 'bad guys.' They were criminals and I was a law officer, but we all had laser tag suites and weapons, so none of us were injured. Somehow I still believed that I could have arrested the two men.

I went all out in this particular laser tag battle; I jumped over green metal cans, ran through boxes, leapt over little fences, and successfully completed many summersaults. Finally, in the end of that part of the dream, I was able to sneak up on the criminals and apprehend them.

I then entered the next part of the dream, in which I was walking with Amber Kreider and David and Carrie Badertscher (who work at Prairie Camp), explaining the laser tag dream to them as if I was fully conscious. We were walking down a dirt road that ran through a brown field of wheat. It was very sunny and warm, I remember. Anyway, I had no idea that I was indeed dreaming at the time.

After I finished recalling the other dream, I woke up (for real this time, I believe).

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dream #152 (March 16, 2010)

When I woke up this morning, I didn't remember even a brief moment of this dream. However, as I was getting dressed, I had a memory flash of my boxers being stuck in the trunk of a car, which triggered several other memories of last night's dream into my head. Thank you, underwear.

The dream was rather surreal, which is really nothing new to my subconscious. It all took place in a beautiful field of grass on a gorgeous sunny day. There were several hundred, perhaps even a few thousand, people gathered together, all standing around in different areas.

There were all kinds of different activities going on; in one part of the field some folk were hosting a masquerade party; in another part, there were clowns putting on a show for some kids; in yet another part, there were some youth pastors trying to be funny but failing to make people laugh. There were also many other things happening: basketball tournament, hockey, a jug stomping concert, a barbeque, a balloon launching, a much more.

I was desperately trying to prepare for the basketball tournament. I jumped into the trunk of my parents' Buick LaSabre, shut it, and changed from my nice clothes (which I only wear when I substitute teach) into my athletic shots and jersey. I snapped my rec specs onto my face and leaped out of the trunk. It was then that I realized I was not wearing any underwear, for I saw the boxers (the dark green pair I own) stuck in the latch of the trunk. I considered trying to get them out, but then I decided to leave them there. I had to remind myself of their whereabouts several times so that I would not forget them and leave them their forever (which may be why I remembered there whereabouts this morning).

I ran over to the basketball court where the tournament was taking place, but I found out that there were all ready enough people to play, so I was not needed. I went and walked around the large field of grass, trying to find something else to do.

After receiving a llama-shaped balloon, given to me by a clown, I discovered a basement in the field. I don't know if natural basements exist in real life, but there was one in my dream, and it was pretty cool. It was also literally cold, causing me to turn purple, shake, and shiver.

As I wandered further into the basement, the things around me decreased slowly in visibility until I could no longer see anything.

Then I awoke.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dream # 151 (March 15, 2010)

I guess I needed the exercise.

My dream began in a large parking lot in the middle of a wheat field.

I was there waiting. As I waited, I rode my bright red bicycle in circles, which I did for several minutes. Finally, a red sports car pulled into the parking lot, followed by a white van. Out of the sports car came Katie Zook (fellow employee at Prairie Camp), Ryan Sweeney (an old classmate and teammate of mine in high school), and several other people.

Everyone present at the parking lot, except for me, all gathered around the back of the white van, and each pulled out a bike to ride. When we were all ready, I led the group and we began to ride down the asphalt road.

We went for miles and miles, at quite an impressive pace. There were several hills, but other than that, the only scenery to be seen were trees, grass, and fields (not that I do not appreciate those things). At the end of the ride, we reached a large wooden playground. I was about a quarter mile in front of everybody else, so I dismounted from the bike and began running. Next, Katie yelled to me that I only had about ten seconds left to reach the brick building at which I was running.

I knew I had to sprint at full speed if I was going to make it. Nick Hofferth (my little brothers classmate in high school) was playing on the playground, and he told me I would never make it. I had to prove him wrong.

However, when I tried to sprint, I found that I could not. This mental block that prevented me from running as fast as I could has plagued me in many dreams, and it drives me crazy. I know I can run much faster, but something keeps me from reaching my full potential.

The time ran out when I was about fifty meters from my goal.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dream #150 (March 14, 2010)


In the first part of the dream, Alec Baldwin (the skinnier version of himself) was chasing orphans around in a white convertible.

The first setting looked similar to my black light stop-motion sets that my friend David and I created a couple of weeks ago. However, all of the miniatures were life-size. Because everything was lit with black lights, the white convertible, along with Alec Baldwin's white suite, possessed an eerie glow.

The car slowly pulled up to me and parked. Alec leaned his head out of the side (I noticed he was smoking a ridiculously large cigar) and laughed menacingly at me. He explained to me that he was going to find all of the orphans and disclose their secrets (this is all I know about the plot, so I'm just as confused as any reader, if there are any, would be). He then ignited the car and sped away, leaving me to think how I was going to warn the orphans.

In order to keep up with Alec, I hopped on my little blue moped (I put a helmet on, of coarse), and chased him.

He led me to a strange snowy entrance to an apartment building in New York City. Behind a snow drift, a little girl, wearing all brown, tattered clothes, was playing with a mangy orange cat. Alec pulled up next to her and asked her several questions as I simply looked on, helpless to help her. Out of the blue, the little girl began shouting at Alec, and the orange cat transformed into a snow god of sorts. It flew around in a cloud of snow and hurled snow lightning (this is the first I've heard of such a thing also) at Alec as he sped away in his car.

It was at that moment that I was transported to a different dream. I found myself in the basement of David and Carrie Badertscher (it didn't look anything like their basement in real life, for it was much more spacey with a lot more furniture, though the carpeting was similar). There was a party going on down there, and a lot of people were walking about with cake and punch. In spite of the crowd, baby Stella (David and Carrie's baby) and I were away from everyone else, talking. Now, Stella can't exactly talk yet, but in my dream she was saying several phrases far advanced for her age. She talked to me about how punch was overrated and how I should spend the night at the Badertschers' so I could play toys with her the next day. Interestingly enough, I didn't know at the time that Stella could say so many words in such a coherent way (though she did have a few grammatical slip-ups). I rushed upstairs and found Carrie immediately, explaining to her what Stella was saying.

Instead of being surprised at Stella, she sided with her, and told me I should indeed spend the night at there house so I could go to church with her in the morning. She argued that she lived right next to the church (I was getting the Badertscher house confused with my family's old house in Elkhart).

Then I awoke.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dream #149 (March 13, 2010)

I'm having a tough time remembering this one. I remembered it this morning.

All I know about the dream is that I was in a trailer. Inside the trailer was completely decorated with blue things (curtains, carpet, walls, tablecloth, blankets, etc.). Outside of the trailer was a desert (I remember seeing at least one very green cactus).

That is all I can remember. I woke up eventually.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dream #148 (March 12, 2010)


The dream began in a hallway in Oregon-Davis Elementary, right outside the circular bathroom. I was teaching a gym class there, in the hall. All the little kids were running circles around me, jumping and screaming all the while, as I attempted to read the notes that the teacher left for me, which were spread out over the space of about twenty note cards.

Suddenly, all of the children began to close in on me until I could not longer see any light through them.

I was in another setting, completely different from before. I had somehow been transported to the middle of a forest, where an enormous picnic was taking place. Brandon Johnston (who used to by on my basketball team in high school) was in charge of setting up all of the seats for all of the guests, who were supposed to sit on the ground around a red-and-white checkered cloth (typical picnic material). There were about fifty other people there, most of which I could not recognize due to the fact that they all had their backs turned away from me (they didn't want to know what they were going to be eating, and I was standing next to all of the food).

What was a very pleasant atmosphere instantly turned into a place of panic when several very loud sirens began to sound. Brandon sprinted up to me an warned me that an army of dwarves were approaching the picnic area. This was serious, and it called for action. I gathered three other stealthy friends (one of them being Tim, I young guy I barely know; I don't even know his last name). We snuck up to the paved path in the woods and hid among the bushes as we spied on the passing dwarves.

They were very mean-looking, and my knees began to shiver when I saw them in their loose blue shirts, pointy red hats, gnarly grey beards, yellow baggy pants, and purple elf shoes.

After the dwarves passed, I awoke.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dream #147 (March 11, 2010)


The dream began with my little brother (Mike), my neighbor (Morgan), and Mike's classmate (Matt Richie), and we were all outside of a large building that resembled a warehouse. We were on some sort of journey, trying to find some sort of artifact. We decided to enter the building.

The inside, which had strange purple/pink carpet and a very high ceiling, was a combination of an instrument store and Chuck E. Cheese's. It was weird. Near the front of the store was the place where tickets could be cashed in for junky prizes (with impossible-to-get cool stuff on display just to get people's hopes up). There were also a few arcade games in the store, as well as Ski Ball and the Ninja Turtles golf ball game I remember from my childhood. To go along with all that, there was a massive plastic ball pit in the rear of the store, and in the middle of the ball pit was a colorful mary-go-round. Also scattered about the room were various organs, pianos, and African percussion instruments.

Morgan and I immediately found our way to the keyed instruments, with Morgan on a black grand piano and me on a sweet pipe organ. Mike darted over to the African drums. He began playing a rhythm, Morgan began laying down some jazz chords, and I wailed away on the organ like Billy Preston on speed. Matt Richie jumped in the ball pit and played around in there for a while, though there was nobody to push him on the mary-go-round.

After the awesome jam session, Morgan, Mike, and I all started playing various arcade games. I especially like this baseball one in which I had to throw baseballs at various things that popped up. It had a similar game mechanic to Whack-a-Mole.

After I finished that, I jumped ahead in time (I think) to a muddy and grassy field. Morgan and Mike were still with me, but Matt had been replaced by his little brother Nathan.

This field was indeed muddy, for I could not even see my feet below me. Furthermore, the grass was at least five feet long, I could not see anything for miles in any direction. I had no hope of ever getting out of the mess.

Fortunately my dream saved me and transported me into yet another part of the dream. I was in Alik Hall's basement (he was a friend of mine in high school and my first year of college). There was a crazy black light party going on, and a fat green alien was dancing in the middle of the room on a light-up stage.

I was only in that part of the dream for a few moments, for I woke up right after I realized what was going on around me.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dream #146 (March 10, 2010)

This will be short and dull.

I don't remember much from last night's dream. All I can recall is sitting in some sort of classroom suspended in the middle of an ocean. There were about one hundred other students in the classroom, which was gray with many windows that allowed my eyes to be distracted by the water all around the building. There was also an enormous projector screen, which displayed a simple white-text-on-black powerpoint presentation as the professor (who was so far away from me that I couldn't really see any detail in his features or clothing) lectured for quite some time.

That is all I remember. I awoke early this morning by an unexpected phone call.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dream #145 (March 9, 2010)

This was quite an adventure.

Starting off the dream with excitement, the flying magic ship, on which I was the captain, fell down from the sky and crashed violently into a mountain.

Next thing I knew, it was the next morning, and all of my shipmates were wandering about the rock on which we landed, trying to conjure up some sort of escape. There was more of a threat than what we initially realized when we crashed, for the mountain on which we landed was controlled by an evil sorcerer. This man, who, in my dream memory of studying him, wore a long purple robe and a weird black hat, not only had magical powers at his command, but he also had a large army of giant dinosaurs. When I say giant, I mean insanely huge (hundreds of feet tall, weighing several thousand tons).

As the captain I had studied this man thoroughly, so I knew that he always attacked intruders at certain times on certain days. Therefore I knew that he would attack the following morning. I had to come up with some sort of plan to stop him.

I sat on a rock (by the way, the magic flying ship crashed right next to the edge of a giant cliff) that overlooked the precipice below, thinking of a solution. Then it came to me. If we could fill the bottom of the cliff with water, and if we could create the illusion that the great hole in the mountain was not there, we could trick the dinosaurs and cause them to fall to their deaths.

Luckily, there was a hose coiled up nearby, connected to a water supply, and I had my shipmates begin filling the pit with water. After a long night of work, the trap was set.

Suddenly we all heard a rumble in the forrest, and a large wooly mammoth bursted through the trees that we place right in front of the pit. Then loud screams followed a great fall of mighty dinosaurs. We were victorious.

However, something terrible happened next; the evil sorcerer kidnapped Stella from her parents (David and Carrie Badertscher, my bosses at the camp at which I work during the summer) and took the poor baby into his secret place in the forest.

The whole crew was in despair. In fact, several of the shipmates began to mourn for the child. However, I decided to take action. I began running into the forrest, disregarding all the dangers that potentially awaited me (there were more living dinosaurs). However, my task was much easier than I had thought it would be. I ran up to the sorcerer, who was meditating on a tree stump, snatched stella from a homemade cradle in front of him, and fled the scene without being noticed, or so I thought.

When I returned to the wrecked ship, I realized there was a not attached to the baby, which informed me that the sorcerer planned a full-scale attack upon my crew and me. I immediately began thinking of another plan.

It soon came to me. Instead of fighting back, we would disappear into the cliff. My crew and I lowered a rope ladder, that we had lying around the ship, and lowered it into the cliff. One by one, we all found caves to hide in. I specifically remember Carrie and Stella scrunched up in a little crack in the rock wall, invisible to those who did not know of their whereabouts.

Then the sorcerer came, with the largest army I had ever seen. I had chosen a hiding place above the cliff, for I wanted to make sure I could watch the man's actions so I would know when it would be safe for everyone to come out.

Then my dream jumped ahead in time, and I was in a bomb shelter, giving an account of this whole experience to my Aunt and cousins (on my mother's side).

Once I got to the point when my dream switched to the shelter, I awoke.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Dream #144 (March 8, 2010)

This won't be as long as the past few dreams.

Most of last night's dream took place in a huge, futuristic ballroom. There were no lights on, but the floor and the people in the place were all magically lit. Everything had a blueish tint to it, and there were rocket displays everywhere. Some people were even wearing space suits.

After wandering about the ball for a very long time, I decided to take a break and look out the balcony. In the hallway that lead there I discovered a weird set of pull down maps (like one would find in a high school Geography room several years ago). However, instead of maps, there were graphically violent Charlie Brown comic strips. These were supposedly the 1980s holiday releases that were create during Charles Shultz's dark years (this is completely made up by my brain). I remember specifically that in one comic strip, Charlie Brown was a red-headed vampire, and he bit the heads off of all his friends.

After looking at the comics, I turned my head to see my older brother Matt coming down the hall way. I ran to him and pulled him over and showed him my discovery.

Then I found myself in a completely different setting. I was wandering about a trailer park in the middle of the night (I could, like in the ballroom, only see the ground and the objects on the ground). I was searching around a large grassy area when I found a cymbal in the dirt. Suddenly a junky blue car parked right beside me, nearly resting on the cymbal. Shortly afterward, Austin Corneil, an old high school basketball teammate of mine, jumped out of the car and told me that he would sell me that cymbal, along with the rest of the drums set to which the cymbal belonged, for only $70. I thought that was an awesome deal, so I paid him right at that moment.

I then found myself in my trailer park home. I was studying the drum set that I had purchased. It was then that I realized I had been ripped off, for the drum set was a cheap, old, and junky Wal-Mart set.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dream #143 (March 7, 2010)

Today is my little brother's birthday.

Last night's dream made me feel miserable, but it was very interesting. At the very beginning of the dream, I was walking around a beautiful sunny beach at a corporate party of sorts. There were about thirty people there, but I had wandered about a mile away from everyone else. Next thing I knew, somebody chopped the back of my neck with a hatchet.

I hit the ground, blood flowing strongly from my neck, and I was sure I was going to die. My attacker must have thought the same thing, for she (she was a middle-aged blond woman; I too was middle-aged in my dream) snuck away as my eyes followed her feet quickly fleeing the scene. I then blacked out.

When I was revived, I was able to stand up and walk around. The muscles on my neck were visible to anyone who would dare look on upon my grotesque wound. I staggered back over to where the party was, but everyone had already went home, leaving me there alone. I desperately wanted to go to the hospital, but I had no vehicle.

By the way, the pain was quite severe, as one would image a deep hatchet wound would cause.

After I wandered for several minutes, I came across a house that looked quite familiar (by this time, the dream had become a mystery; I was the detective). It was large and pastel blue, and it seemed to move with the wind. I entered the house and searched the premises.

After sifting through my memories, I realized that a man had been murdered by a hatchet in the house, a fact I remembered from a newspaper article (cliche). As I searched the place, I found some incriminating pictures of the blond woman whom had previously tried to slay me. Suddenly, I was greeted by the police, and arrested for breaking and entering.

As I was riding in the back seat of the police car, begging to be taken to a hospital, I blacked out again.

When I awoke yet again, I found myself in prison. On the bright side, my parents had come to visit me. My father sat beside me, and I began to weep, claiming that I would surely die as the result of my wound.

This part is interesting. Several thoughts about death ran through my mind, and I realized that I was deeply afraid of it, almost as if it were running at me at full speed with a dangerous weapon. But I felt even more fear than that. I imagined myself no longer existing. To not exist has always been my biggest fear, and I have been lost in thought at the idea for many hours throughout my life. These thoughts all ran through my mind within my dream, and changed me throughout the rest of my dream.

I leaped forward in time about five years. I was running around my yard, still with a large gash in the back of my head. I was thankful to still be alive (I still felt the pain as strong as ever), but I could not get my mind off the fact that I was going to die young.

I again jumped into a different dream. This time, the wound was gone. However, I still felt the pain as strongly as before and, in my dream, thought to myself, "I must have hit my head last night while I was dreaming to have caused such an injury." This shows that I still had a memory of my other dream while not being aware of my unconsciousness.

Anyway, I was in a large, black convention center, and about a hundred people were gathered together for a special giveaway. After some lame prizes and other giveaways, my boss at summer camp, Carrie Badertscher, walked up onto the stage and held up a neon green shirt with the yellow outline of a female country singer on the front. It was hideous, but she was auctioning off a set of twenty of those exact shirts. For some reason, many people, including myself, bid for the shirt package. I even despised the country singer on the shirt (in my dream, for she does not exist in real life). I bid so high that I won the bid and bought the shirts.

I took the large box of them from Carrie, all the while asking myself why I had done such a foolish thing, and answering, "Carrie is dangerously persuasive."

Then I walked into the next room and played a sort of oversized arcade game in which I controlled a ghost that floated through levels in a very two-dimensional way. I broke the score record in the game.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dream #142 (March 6, 2010)


The dream began in a very big and very trippy version of my house. The floors were all slanted, there were no doors or windows anywhere, and the walls met the ceilings and floors at very odd angles.

I was in a small closet, in the middle of the night (I had woken up and I couldn't go back to sleep), and I was listening to an old book on tape by C. S. Lewis. It was actually a book that he wrote, according to my dream, before he was a good author. In fact, the book was so bad that it gave me food poisoning.

I felt very ill, so I staggered out of the closet, trying to refrain from spewing my stomach sauce all over the floor. I had that longing to be healthy that I get when I'm very sick. It's a great appreciation for something I usually take for granted: not feeling pain. I didn't think anything could make me feel better, but then I came across a young woman (who was wearing a white dress shirt with a black vest) who also felt sick to her stomach. I sat beside her, and we began talking about how bad we felt. Interestingly enough, we both felt perfectly healthy after the conversation was over. As I sat there with the woman, Kevin Chupp (my old friend and roommate) walked by and scowled at me, making me feel very uncomfortable. My older brother Matt followed him and gave me the same look. It was then that I realized the woman I was with was a prostitute. For some reason, it didn't really faze me, and I continued to talk to her for several minutes.

Shortly after, I saw my dad approaching, and I wanted him to know how bad that book on tape was. I ran to the closet, picked it up, took it over to his home office, plugged it in, and watched his face it began to twist in agony.

Then I found myself in another dream altogether. I was in the basement of a fun house, and Kevin Chupp and I were a team for a city-wide scavenger hunt. We were searching through several old and creepy toys, trying to find some sort of object. I don't think I actually knew what I was looking for in the dream, but I know I knew I was looking for something.

After sifting through much strange junk, we found an awesome game that distracted us completely from the task we were trying to complete. The game was a strange combination of billiards and pinball. There was a pool table tilted at about a 35 degree angle, and the bumpers were used to knock pool balls into the right holes that would light up at various times. There were also some crazily lit bumpers in the middle, and the whole game had a Super Mario theme.

I played that game for the remainder of the dream, even though Kevin tried to pull me away from the game, as well as the twenty or so people who were lined up behind me, waiting to play the game.

When I awoke, I felt quite refreshed. I liked that game.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Dream #141 (March 5, 2010)

This kind of applies to and feeds from my real life. Sorry about the lengthiness of this description.

In this dream I was searching for a job. I desperately wanted to have some sort of career in film (like in real life), so I decided to move back to Virginia and look for one (a move I probably will not make in real life). In the beginning of the dream, I argued my point to my father, who, for reasons unknown, wanted to keep me in the house (most likely not true in life).

After a little persuasion, I was granted my father's blessing as I left. And I took my little brother with me.

The process of getting through the airport security was very easy; we bored the plane, flew to Virginia, and left the airport in a matter of minutes.

When we reached the city (we were then traveling by foot), it was past midnight, and there was no sign of life anywhere. Nonetheless, I decided to try to find a place to work and a place to live. So, my brother (Mike) and I split up so that we could double the ground we covered. As I searched, I passed by many production companies and other places that I thought would be great places to be employed. I made mental notes of those establishments and proceeded to find a place to live.

I wandered through empty streets. At one point I came across a street light that was changing from red to green to yellow in random and quick patters. I had to sprint across the street in order not to jay walk. After getting past that obstacle, I found a long road of mansions. I figured that I wouldn't be able to afford any of those places, but I continued down that road anyway.

It paid off, for I discovered a huge old-school wooden mansion that was acting as an apartment building. Even though I guessed that nobody would be manning the front desk at such an hour, I entered the place anyway. There I found a young military man sitting on a bench filling out paperwork, and a middle-aged woman at the desk, looking quite busy.

I approached the woman and asked if there were any vacancies, and she informed me that every room was open, but they (the apartment owners) were very picky about who they let live there. She also told me that I had to fill out a load of paperwork and meet with a representative of the apartment to qualify. That was a lot to ask for a place so trashy.

She handed me the paperwork (my little brother, by the way, completely dropped out of the dream for a while). I quickly filled out the 6-inch thick stack of paper. When I was finished, the woman gave me a number to call, so I called it. The woman on the other end of the line told me to wait at the front of the building for a man in a nice baby blue car to pick me up. I did exactly as I was told, and the the man visited picked me up just moments later. The man who picked me up was actually an actor from the show Psych (Lassider is his character's name, I believe).

We drove around town for a bit, entertaining ourselves with small talk (by this time, the sun had come up). He asked me why I moved, and I asked him some questions about the area. Eventually we got on the subject of schools, so he decided to show me a "promising college" that he was very fond of. In the dream I had forgotten that I had already graduated, so I went with him.

He took me to a gnarly looking campus. All of the buildings were made of brick, but looked as if they had been unkempt for over a decade. There were vines and weeds all over them, and several of them had large holes in their sides. I didn't notice any electricity running through any of the buildings, but I may not have noticed due to the fact that most of my attention was devoted to choosing where to step so as not to place my foot on one of the many shards of metal lying in the tall grass and weeds. To make things more interesting, I noticed several slaves breaking rocks that were to be used for gravel on the path that did not yet exist. Despite all of this, the man that was guiding me around the campus was still proud of the college, as if it were a child of his.

After looking at his proud face, I looked up to the sky and noticed a giant billboard for Burger King.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dream #140 (March 4, 2010)

A three part dream.

The first section of my dream began with me alone on the doorstep of a moderately fancy one-story house. After I waited there for a minute or so, Caitlin Geeslin answered the door (which was a beautiful stained-glass door, which I have never before seen). She invited me to come in, but I could not really hear what she was saying to me because I was listening to my iPod.

When I walked into her house, which was lit only by a few candles, I took the earbuds out of my head and began socializing with Caitlin and with Morgan Lewis, who was walking around the house eating a pumpkin pie straight from the pan. We all sat down at the kitchen table, and Caitlin pulled out a blueprint from under her chair and began explaining a plan of hers to do something. I didn't really pay attention.

Suddenly I heard some loud noises coming from outside. When I looked out the window, I saw several people dressed in black darting across the yard. I immediately jumped through the window.

I was then in a completely different dream.

I regret to inform you that I have forgotten the next two portions of my dream. Interestingly enough, I remembered them all this morning. Furthermore, I remembered them all as I was writing the first paragraph of this dream. That goes to show how delicate the mind is. If I ever remember the rest of last night's adventures, I will replace this paragraph with them.

I lied. I will not replace the last paragraph, even though I did remember the dream right before I fell asleep.

After crashing through the window, I found myself at a beach house. It was the only building visible, and it rested on a beautiful beach that was then facing the setting sun.

Then I found myself in yet another dream. I was in a college English class that was being taught by Professor David Garcia, who taught the editing classes I took at film school. During this particular class period, I turned in an eight page paper half a semester early. Because I turned it in so early, Professor Garcia decided to make me do another eight-page paper. I was infuriated. For some reason, in my dream, I thought that eight pages was long, though its really not all that bad.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dream #139 (March 3, 2010)


First of all, in my dream I was Hispanic. Second of all, I was living in World War II Germany, and instead of the Jews being threatened, the Hispanic people were being threatened, persecuted, and executed by the Germans.

My parter, who was an American, and I were wandering about a dark forest that surrounded a German military base. Our plan was to infiltrate the base and gather information regarding the German's next location of attack. We had an interesting plan, which will unfold as I tell it to you (though I had foreknowledge of my plan in the dream).

Right after we snuck all the way through the woods without being detected, we allowed ourselves to get caught and be taken in by a skinny, goofy-looking German kid who couldn't have been more than 16 (I was much older in my dream, which is why I referred to a 16-year-old as a kid). He proceeded to take us into the base, shackling us inside of a barbed wire fence that surrounded a small area that resembled a chicken coop.

We were not distressed, however, for we knew that we would be shackled, and we knew that they would have to use large shackles on our bodies, for we had, with the use of prosthetics and make-up, given ourselves much fatter legs, ankles, and wrists. Once the guard left us to get his superiors, we, with our teeth, ripped off the fake flub and slipped right out of our chains.

Next, my partner launched me over the chicken wire, which allowed me to get a nearby rope, which I then used to pull my partner over the fence. We were out, but more importantly, we were in.

We snuck around the base, almost as if we were invisible, checking out various offices, digging through secret papers, and taking notes on everything we discovered. Then my dream lost all of its excitement and order.

I looked into a large greenhouse and found the basketball players from the high school team that I played with holding a practice right there in the middle of my World War II dream. Once my coach saw me, he immediately ordered me to get changed and begin working out with the team (they were conditioning). I did as he told, and for the rest of the dream, I practiced basketball. What a waste.

I finally woke up in the middle of doing high-knees around the greenhouse gym.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dream #138 (March 2, 2010)

I will keep this dream brief.

I began last night's dream inside of a school. The room I was in was completely white, with no windows or doors. I was on a mission, along with three other people, a ninja, coach Richie (my little brother's basketball coach), and a guy who resembled Art Garfunkel, and we were plotting our way to get around the school, past the guards, and into a certain classroom. I'm still not sure why we wanted to get into that classroom so badly.

The ninja, who was dressed completely in black and carried a thin sword on his cloth belt, was pointing at several locations on a blueprint of the school that was unfolded upon a table in the middle of all of us. Without words he informed us of the guards' positions in the hallways, and he showed us each of our routes that we were to take to the classroom, for there was no way we could all go at once. After I saw my route, I left the room, not staying to hear what the Art Garfunkel look-alike was supposed to do.

I turned right out of the room we were in and quickly and quietly darted down an orange and red hallway. Several times I encountered large red exercise balls, but I managed to avoid them without allowing any one of them to harm me. These big exercise balls played an important roll in my sneaking, for they distracted the guards in my hallway, allowing me safe passage to the classroom.

When I arrived in the room, coach Richie was there waiting for me. He greeted me, then directed my attention to a group of children standing outside the classroom window. There I saw some of the worst behaved kids from my real life as a substitute, and I grew afraid. But coach Richie informed me that they were all being shipped away on a special bus to a special destination.

Finally the guy that looked like Art and the ninja came into the classroom, but they were accompanied by a guard. Apparently Art, who had been throwing the exercise balls down the hallway, had been caught, pressured, and had ratted us out to our enemies. Man.

All four of us were escorted (roughly I might add) to the principal's office.

Then I awoke.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Dream #137 (March 1, 2010)

Another month.

Last night I spent my dream on one of my least favorite things in life: shopping.

My little brother Mike, Kody, and I were all walking around a 10 acre thrift store looking for good deals. The shelves, which were covered with old junk and dust, towered about thirty feet above the ground. There was so much crap to sift through. To make matters worse, the store was lit only by the sun coming in through high and foggy windows, and the air had the smell one would experience sticking his nose into a pair of sweatpants hanging on a rack in Goodwill and taking a long and thorough sniff.

I'm not sure what I was looking for. I climbed up several shelves all the way to the top in search of something that I wanted. However, after many long minutes of a thorough combing of the merchandise, I only had a forest green plastic garbage can and a grip-less basketball.

I was ready to purchase the goods, so I went to the closest store manager, who was wearing a fancy black suit and red checkered tie, as well as a thick black mustache and mullet. Come to think of it, he was the only thing in the store that was not desaturated. Right as I walked up to him, however, I stumbled upon an outstanding toy collection that included Legos, Ninja Turtles, and Batman toys.

Then I awoke.