Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dream #136 (February 28, 2010)

This was a little frightening.

Right at the beginning of the dream, a middle-aged man, tall with blond hair, hired me, along with about fifty others, to mine and polish crystals at an old building in the middle of a big city.

For my first day of work, I prepared myself some scrambled eggs in my clustered, tiny apartment as I dressed myself in a white shirt and blue work pants. I don't remember actually eating the eggs.

Next thing I knew, I was in the building. The room I first saw looked like a large carpeted gymnasium, with a ceiling that must have been forty or fifty feet above the floor, and only two doors, one leading to a pure white hallway, and the other leading to an old science lab.

I began harvesting a 300 pound red crystal out of the carpet, when the boss spoke to us from a large glass box office near the ceiling. He ordered us to work hard.

I noticed a couple other people that I know in real life (Nathan Boyle and Justyne Kranenburg), but I did not know any of the others. So I just focused on my work.

After I finally uncovered the large red crystal, I noticed a small note which read, "you must escape." I immediately understood everything that was once unknown. I knew that the man who hired me actually hired the fifty people to work as slaves forever, never to escape the dungeon I was in. So I ran.

I first decided to try the old science room to hide, for the horn was blowing, letting everyone know that it was time to go. I ducked into a little white cabinet, closing the door behind me.

I listened as the sound of footsteps disappeared. I was greatly relieved, until I heard an announcement proclaiming that I had stolen a gem, and that I must be captured and taken in. Instead of searching for an exit, I remained hidden.

For several minutes I heard people snooping around the science lab, but I remained undiscovered. Unfortunately, I next heard the sound of Nathan Boyle's voice as he informed everyone else that I was hiding there. As I emerged from the little place I saw two large henchmen coming for me. It was then I decided to run.

I managed to duck under the big men's grasps, making my way back into the carpeted gym, then into the other door that led into the pure white hallway. The hallway was so white that I could barely see. However, I could make out an exit sign about thirty feet down, so I ran there and rammed my body into the door, forcing it open.

I was surprised to find a high class hotel on the other side. There were no guest there, which was odd, but there was a desk clerk, who stared at me, not missing a single move of mine. I bolted the door behind me, ignoring the man at the desk for the moment, and searched for a way out. However, there were no other doors. There was, on the other hand, I large window looking out into the city. Just when I noticed this window, I noticed a large bus full of people leaving the parking lot.

Knowing they were my only hoped, I jumped up onto the window, pounding my fists hard onto the glass, shouting with every bit of air in my lungs, but to no avail. Moments later, several large men pulled me off the window and began beating me with their nightsticks. I looked up and saw my 'employer,' laughing at me.

Then I awoke.

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