Monday, February 15, 2010

Dream #123 (February 15, 2010)

I had a dream last night.

I found myself in a campground in the middle of a thick woods. I walked about the various campers and tents;, whistling all the while, studying how much visual damage man can do to nature. After about a quarter mile, I crossed paths with Michael Kaser, a former classmate, who was on his mountain bike. It just so happened that he was towing another mountain bike behind him just in case he ran into somebody he knew that would like to ride (such as me). I, of course, refused to accept his offer, for I wanted to go to the ocean. Michael then warned me of an approaching hurricane and left.

I proceeded to the ocean as if it was were I was intending to go all along (though I really was just wandering around aimlessly before). I took a shortcut through some very thick brush, climbing over fallen trees, fighting through branches, and dodging thorns. Fortunately the bushwhacking did not last long, and I reached the sand of the beach. Unfortunately, however, the hurricane hit right when I arrived.

Everything was taken by the wind, including trees, towels, beach balls, lawn chairs, and tourists, though somehow I was able to walk normally in the midst of all of it. Then Asha, an actress whom I occasionally assisted during my work with a Jane Eyre musical, ran up to me and begged me to aid her in her search for a missing rag doll. Having nothing better to do but watch what was happening around me, I offered my assistance.

Together Asha and I searched the beach, digging up several holes in the sand and going through several picnic baskets. All the while we were forced to dodge the flying objects in the air. I was only hit once, but that blow was dealt by a large wooden outhouse, which sent me flying right along with it. Looking on the bright side, though, the hit caused me to turn my head awkwardly, which allowed me to see the rag doll riding a distant wave to the shore. I called for Asha and we rushed onto the nearest peer to await the arrival of the doll.

Then I awoke.

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