Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dream #132 (February 24, 2010)

This was interesting and entertaining.

At the onset of my dream, I attended a reunion for the Indiana state championship Class 1A basketball team of 2007 (a team for which I 'warmed the bench' throughout high school). I was not too excited about it, for I never really connected with many people on the team (or in high school for that matter). However, I did go, showing that I had at least some interest.

When I arrived at a weird room that was carpeted on the floor, walls, and ceiling, Austin Corneil and Andrew Jensen (who actually quit playing the year the team won the championship) greeted my by attacking me with ping pong balls. After that shock, they made it up to me by giving me some orange juice (it was not good at all).

I then followed them out of the doorway into the main part of the room and saw a large projector and screen set up, and it was playing a documentary. As I watched the documentary, I entered into a different dream.

I found myself in my thirties at a reunion party hosted by the old 'gang' of friends (which never existed in my real life, not even one of the other people; I was even completely different: overweight, black hair, and very tall). We all sat in a grassy and tree-filled junk yard (a weird combination) and ate a picnic on the ground. We even had one of those red-and-white checkerboard cloths to eat on. As we were eating, an older woman, who had the appearance of being a former tomboy, began to tell a story about Lucas's death, and how my cowardice caused it.

The story took place in the exact same picnic area, and the 'gang' and I were eating a picnic in a similar style, though we were about 20 years younger. Suddenly a gang of sweatshirt-wearing old men came and began throwing our food everywhere. Then they pulled out some nasty knives (there were about ten in all), and they headed straight for Lucas, who was mentally and physically handicapped. I was sitting next to him, and instead of defending him I...

Suddenly, the story began to change and the younger version of my dream self changed the dream history. Instead of running away as I recalled, I fought off all ten of the old bullies, saving Lucas' life. The weird thing is that the older woman telling the story was surprised when the outcome was different, even though it came from her old mouth.

After the story was told, my girlfriend and I (I have no girlfriend, and this woman came out of nowhere in the dream. She didn't really even have a face that I can remember) left and went to the train station. We sat on the steps there together, as annoyed people walked around the inconvenient place we were sitting, and we talked about the past. Then I opened up a secret compartment in the steps and pulled out an old silver hubcap, and we reminisced about how we used it to play frisbee, bake pies, and rob trains.

Then I found myself back in the room full of basketball players living in the past, watching this documentary. The whole team was there by that time, and people were running around, throwing liquid at each other.

Then I awoke.

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