Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dream #114 (February 6, 2010)

So strange.

I began this dream flying down Indiana 23 in a Gator (a glorified 4-wheeler), headed toward school in the middle of the night. On my way there, I was attacked by one of the teacher's sons. He leapt from a stack of hay as I was zooming past it full throttle, and he landed on my back and began biting my shoulder. I quickly swerved, launching him from my back into darkness.

When I arrived at the school, it turned out that it wasn't a school after all; it was a hotel. I entered the run-down building and took a rickety elevator to the third floor, where I met a young teacher there. She scolded me for being late, but all the while was gave a seductive look (some teachers are desperate) that contradicted everything she was explaining to me. To make matters even stranger (for she was a complete stranger), she asked me to come to her room to stay a while. Knowing her authority, I complied. She led me into the room, and she shut the door behind us after we entered. Then she pulled out a large roasted turkey and asked me if I wanted some. Knowing very well that I would love the food, I turned her down in my head, not saying a word, and I fled the scene. Instead of taking the door and the elevator, I decided to be dramatic and leap out the window.

Fortunately I landed right next to my Gator, entered it, and sped away. After a few miles, I stopped by a gas station to refuel. Chance would have it that my father and older brother, Matt, were there at the exact same time (by this time, the sun was starting to go up again). Then Matt proceeded to invite me into his home, which was apparently right across the street from the gas station.

When my father and I entered his humble residence, he invited us to join him in a new game he bought on the Wii. My father, to my knowledge, has never played the Wii, or any other game system since Nintendo. However, he seemed quite excited at the opportunity.

My brother turned the game on, and immediately I entered into it. I was no longer myself, for I was now two characters: a woman and a man in their thirties. The game setting was a small water park. The object of the game was to destroy all of the evil ducks. From that description the game sounds like a cake walk; however, it was not so easy. These ducks could fly very fast, and many of them had laser cannons in their bills. It was quite scary.

Throughout the game duration I switched back and forth from the man to the woman, feeling everything they felt and thinking the characters' thoughts. After killing many of the smaller ducks, several two-headed ducks emerged from a fake waterfall near the edge of the map. As the male, I tried take them out early with my fists, which did not go as planned, for I found myself hurled into a black ghost-world, which I could not escape. I was left to only play as the woman.

Knowing that my fate would not be pleasant (the ducks were rapidly increasing in number), I made a suicidal move. I grabbed the largest two-headed duck in the water park and aimed its bill at the other mallards, blasting them to animal kingdom come. My kamikaze attack was actually working for quite a while, for I nearly cleared the map of all the evil ducks. But this hope of victory did not last long, for the large duck I was holding began to wiggle out of my grasp. After much desperate struggling by both the duck and me, the animal managed to squirm free. Instead of flying away, which is what I expected it to do, it flew in a circle and nose-dove right into my left shoulder.

This great shock and pain caused me to shake, wake, and nearly fall out of the bunk bed in which I was sleeping for the night.

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