Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dream #117 (February 9, 2009)

I nearly forgot this one.

I was being chased by wolves on a snowy mountain. I started the dream atop the peak, so I didn't have to worry about going uphill into the thinner air, which was good because I don't think I could have outrun the wolves otherwise.

After several long and exhausting minutes of fleeing to the base of the mountain, I finally found a place where I could escape from my pursuers. This place was a small cave in the mountainside that must have been man-made, for it had a bright yellow door on the outside. Fortunately for me the door was not locked, and I was able to get in and slam the door behind me just in time.

Though I was grateful to whomever owned the little cave home for aiding me in my escape 0f the wolves, I was disturbed by the shape and contents of the place. All over the ground were puss-covered and shattered bones (I looked down and realized I was standing on one, quickly relocating my foot). There were also bits of flesh on the walls. In the center of the room was a small wooden table with a few bottles of wine, some crackers, and some cheddar cheese (I wish it would have been Swiss; I love swiss cheese). At least I was alone in the room (to my knowledge).

After walking over to the wooden table with the intention of taking a bite of the cheddar cheese (in spite of the gut-wrenching home decor) I awoke.

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