Friday, February 5, 2010

Dream #113 (February 5, 2010)


I was on vacation with my family in this dream. However, my family was not my family. Instead of having a father, mother, a younger brother, and an older brother, I had a mother, a little brother (ten years younger than I), and a very little sister. We were vacationing in the ancient ruins of an inexistent oceanfront.

When my family arrived on the beach in our big green van, we carried our supplies (a multi-colored beach umbrella, a picnic basket, towels, and a beach ball) down to the waterside and set up a little base. Unfortunately, we did not have much room, for the beach was extremely crowded, even though it was cloudy outside. Then a family friend (a tall and strong man in his fifties) came over to us wearing scuba gear. He asked me if I wanted to explore the underwater hieroglyphs with him. Of coarse I accepted.

After I was all hooked up to the oxygen machine by the cliff that dropped off into the area where the underwater hieroglyphs were located, I was overeager to get down there, so I leaped off the edge of the cliff into the pool of water below, disregarding the crowd below, of which I could have easily injured any single person. For some reason, the family friend was shouting at me, telling me not to go yet, saying I was not fully ready. I soon realized what he meant, for I began looking underwater and discovered that, other than the large blue flippers I was wearing, I was completely naked from head to ankle.

I did not know what to do, for if I took the long climb back up, I would be exposed to the people below for a long period of time, but I couldn't just stay there. Well, actually, that is exactly what I did. I sat there in indecision for several minutes, wondering what to do.

Luckily I was taken out of my dream this morning by a blessed phone call.

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