Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dream #135 (February 27, 2010)

Another dream.

This dream began on a long and hilly road in the middle of a grassy green field. My little brother Mike and I were riding bicycles up and down the inclines and declines. After several fun minutes, we ended up at a camp (there seem to be many camps in my dreams) and met up with Kelsey Minix, a classmate of Mike's whom I do not know very well, and several little kids that were with her.

We then journeyed out of the camp; it felt a little like the Exodus from Egypt. After a long journey of few words (though I did ask Kelsey a few questions as to why she was in charge of so many children), we arrived at cliff that dropped down to an ocean beach. Near the edge of the cliff stood my old youth paster, Peter Badertscher, and he was doing some sort of funky dance. He tried to get the attention of the children, but they just ignored him.

What they were paying attention to was something far more interesting. I looked into the area they were starring into and witnessed the tide coming in quite quickly. Then, after only a matter of about a minute, the water had risen at a rapid pace, almost reaching the top of the 80 foot cliff on which we were standing.

Fearing for the lives of the children, I began to shout, telling everyone to move back toward the road. The water kept rising, and the kids didn't respond, so I started pushing them away, encouraging them to "run for the hills." Instead, everyone, including myself, began to play in the waves. It was so much fun.

After the waves died down, the water began to sink back. After I reached dry ground, I found that only Mike, Kelsey, and I remained, yet not one of us was concerned. We simply left the place.

Then I awoke.

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