Friday, February 26, 2010

Dream #134 (February 26, 2010)

Where do these come from?

Last night (in my dream), my little brother (Mike), his friend Kody, and I rented a car and took off down the road.

After driving for several minutes, we decided to stop to eat because it was a tradition for us to do so. We had two choices: Taco Bell and McDonald's. For some reason I chose the latter. I think maybe in the dream history we went to Taco Bell the time before.

Mike and Kody stayed in the car while I went inside the trashy, ghetto McDonald's to pick up some McChickens and Double Cheeses (I always order from the Dollar Menu). As I was waiting in line, I began to feel a severe pain in my chest. Then I blacked out.

When I drifted back into consciousness, I opened my eyes to discover the cashier standing above me, explaining to me that I had suffered a heart attack (was he a doctor as well?). He then advised me to immediately enter the back room of the McDonald's and get a shot. Trusting the advice of the McDonald's cashier, I followed him into a concrete room, in which a toothless employee was standing, holding a needle that was hooked up to a large air compressor.

He said to me, "Now I'm just going to jab this thing into your chest..." With that, I bolted from the room, forsaking my desire to eat a McChicken or a Double Cheese, entered my car, and drove away.

Mike, Kody, and I next stopped at a beach. We decided to leave the car in the parking lot so that we could find another ride. We searched through the beach possessions of many people there and finally found some sort of cart with a handicapped parking pass stuck on the back of it. We all jumped into the cart and rolled down the road (lucky for us it was all downhill from there).

Minutes later we were at the final destination: a water park. There to great us was a tall, arrogant, middle-aged man who had informed us that, because he owned the place, he could get us to the front of every line for free (the place charged per ride).

It was at that moment that I had a strange revelation: I said to myself, "I have already seen this one," meaning that I had already seen the outcome of the dream (which is very unlikely, seeing how I have never before dreamed this dream, to my conscious knowledge anyway). I knew that the man we were with was going to turn out to be a fake, the we were not going to even get into the park, and that the man would sit for several minutes with his head in his hands, crying. Now, even though I knew all of these things, I let the rest of the dream play out exactly as I knew it would.

Then, before waking, I fell into a completely different dream in which I was the stage manager of the musical "Jane Eyre." I will give only a brief description of a much longer dream.

I set up all of the props on the stage, for the opening show was about to start. Unfortunately I left my ladder and Walkman out on the stage, and I also forgot to move one of the gold vases and the large bush into their correct positions. To make matters worse, I forgot to leave the stage before the curtain opened at the begging. Tim Matteson (my supervisor) was very upset with me, and he scolded me for several long minutes on the catwalk as the play was going on.

Then I awoke.

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