Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dream #112 (February 4, 2010)

School seems to be a strong element in my dreams as of late.

I was in a small elementary school, which looked a little like my kindergarten building, attending high school. I was in class with Adam Pflugshaupt, an old classmate of mine, and his mother was teaching the class we were in. Then his grandmother walked into the classroom in the middle of Mrs. Pflugshaupt's lecture on mathematical sociology. The moment she walked in, Austin Corneil threw a paper airplane, which stuck in her white hair. Not reacting to the projectile in any way, she proceeded to tell Adam and I to go home sick. This brought around much complaining, for both Adam and I felt perfectly healthy. However, she insisted, so we went home.

As we walked out the door, Adam and I discussed what we would do about practice. Players weren't allowed to go if they were sick, but we weren't really sick, so we decided that we would return to the school for practice.

The time jumped to the night, right as Adam and I were walking out of practice. We were in a parking lot that looked nearly identical to the parking lot at my old high school. However, there was something unusual going on. There was a suspicious-looking red shiny van about fifty feet from us. Then, without warning, the van transformed into a giant walk-in freezer and sucked Adam into a compartment, locking him inside. Then two guys with guns walked out of the van (the freezer had turned back into its previous form) and told nobody to follow them (I was the only one there). Then the villains re-entered the van. Contrary to my predictions, the man in the driver's seat turned off van, and it sat there, idle, for several minutes. I did not know what to do.

Before I could take action, I awoke.

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