Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dream #111 (February 3, 2010)


I dreamt that I was back in my old kindergarten classroom with many of my old kindergarten classmates. Also, my old goldfish was alive, thriving amongst many other fish in an aquarium in the classroom (which is where I got my pet goldfish that lived for seven years or so, which is quite impressive. It actually may have never died, for it was flushed down a toilet. There is more to that story).

Anyway, I wasn't learning much, for the material was a bit too base for my mind. I remember thinking about patterns and how they can really only be theories (I actually thought these thoughts in kindergarten, and still apply them to my thinking today). What if, in a basic pattern of 0102010201020102, for example, there is a three hundreds of numbers down the line? Then there might be a new pattern with 0102 repeating numerous times with a three after every hundred digits, or there may be another change in the pattern. Also, can patterns 'change'?

I thought of such things in my dream. They very well may have been the very thoughts from my past. I eventually awoke, not in the mood to substitute teach P.E.

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