Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dream #136 (February 28, 2010)

This was a little frightening.

Right at the beginning of the dream, a middle-aged man, tall with blond hair, hired me, along with about fifty others, to mine and polish crystals at an old building in the middle of a big city.

For my first day of work, I prepared myself some scrambled eggs in my clustered, tiny apartment as I dressed myself in a white shirt and blue work pants. I don't remember actually eating the eggs.

Next thing I knew, I was in the building. The room I first saw looked like a large carpeted gymnasium, with a ceiling that must have been forty or fifty feet above the floor, and only two doors, one leading to a pure white hallway, and the other leading to an old science lab.

I began harvesting a 300 pound red crystal out of the carpet, when the boss spoke to us from a large glass box office near the ceiling. He ordered us to work hard.

I noticed a couple other people that I know in real life (Nathan Boyle and Justyne Kranenburg), but I did not know any of the others. So I just focused on my work.

After I finally uncovered the large red crystal, I noticed a small note which read, "you must escape." I immediately understood everything that was once unknown. I knew that the man who hired me actually hired the fifty people to work as slaves forever, never to escape the dungeon I was in. So I ran.

I first decided to try the old science room to hide, for the horn was blowing, letting everyone know that it was time to go. I ducked into a little white cabinet, closing the door behind me.

I listened as the sound of footsteps disappeared. I was greatly relieved, until I heard an announcement proclaiming that I had stolen a gem, and that I must be captured and taken in. Instead of searching for an exit, I remained hidden.

For several minutes I heard people snooping around the science lab, but I remained undiscovered. Unfortunately, I next heard the sound of Nathan Boyle's voice as he informed everyone else that I was hiding there. As I emerged from the little place I saw two large henchmen coming for me. It was then I decided to run.

I managed to duck under the big men's grasps, making my way back into the carpeted gym, then into the other door that led into the pure white hallway. The hallway was so white that I could barely see. However, I could make out an exit sign about thirty feet down, so I ran there and rammed my body into the door, forcing it open.

I was surprised to find a high class hotel on the other side. There were no guest there, which was odd, but there was a desk clerk, who stared at me, not missing a single move of mine. I bolted the door behind me, ignoring the man at the desk for the moment, and searched for a way out. However, there were no other doors. There was, on the other hand, I large window looking out into the city. Just when I noticed this window, I noticed a large bus full of people leaving the parking lot.

Knowing they were my only hoped, I jumped up onto the window, pounding my fists hard onto the glass, shouting with every bit of air in my lungs, but to no avail. Moments later, several large men pulled me off the window and began beating me with their nightsticks. I looked up and saw my 'employer,' laughing at me.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dream #135 (February 27, 2010)

Another dream.

This dream began on a long and hilly road in the middle of a grassy green field. My little brother Mike and I were riding bicycles up and down the inclines and declines. After several fun minutes, we ended up at a camp (there seem to be many camps in my dreams) and met up with Kelsey Minix, a classmate of Mike's whom I do not know very well, and several little kids that were with her.

We then journeyed out of the camp; it felt a little like the Exodus from Egypt. After a long journey of few words (though I did ask Kelsey a few questions as to why she was in charge of so many children), we arrived at cliff that dropped down to an ocean beach. Near the edge of the cliff stood my old youth paster, Peter Badertscher, and he was doing some sort of funky dance. He tried to get the attention of the children, but they just ignored him.

What they were paying attention to was something far more interesting. I looked into the area they were starring into and witnessed the tide coming in quite quickly. Then, after only a matter of about a minute, the water had risen at a rapid pace, almost reaching the top of the 80 foot cliff on which we were standing.

Fearing for the lives of the children, I began to shout, telling everyone to move back toward the road. The water kept rising, and the kids didn't respond, so I started pushing them away, encouraging them to "run for the hills." Instead, everyone, including myself, began to play in the waves. It was so much fun.

After the waves died down, the water began to sink back. After I reached dry ground, I found that only Mike, Kelsey, and I remained, yet not one of us was concerned. We simply left the place.

Then I awoke.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Dream #134 (February 26, 2010)

Where do these come from?

Last night (in my dream), my little brother (Mike), his friend Kody, and I rented a car and took off down the road.

After driving for several minutes, we decided to stop to eat because it was a tradition for us to do so. We had two choices: Taco Bell and McDonald's. For some reason I chose the latter. I think maybe in the dream history we went to Taco Bell the time before.

Mike and Kody stayed in the car while I went inside the trashy, ghetto McDonald's to pick up some McChickens and Double Cheeses (I always order from the Dollar Menu). As I was waiting in line, I began to feel a severe pain in my chest. Then I blacked out.

When I drifted back into consciousness, I opened my eyes to discover the cashier standing above me, explaining to me that I had suffered a heart attack (was he a doctor as well?). He then advised me to immediately enter the back room of the McDonald's and get a shot. Trusting the advice of the McDonald's cashier, I followed him into a concrete room, in which a toothless employee was standing, holding a needle that was hooked up to a large air compressor.

He said to me, "Now I'm just going to jab this thing into your chest..." With that, I bolted from the room, forsaking my desire to eat a McChicken or a Double Cheese, entered my car, and drove away.

Mike, Kody, and I next stopped at a beach. We decided to leave the car in the parking lot so that we could find another ride. We searched through the beach possessions of many people there and finally found some sort of cart with a handicapped parking pass stuck on the back of it. We all jumped into the cart and rolled down the road (lucky for us it was all downhill from there).

Minutes later we were at the final destination: a water park. There to great us was a tall, arrogant, middle-aged man who had informed us that, because he owned the place, he could get us to the front of every line for free (the place charged per ride).

It was at that moment that I had a strange revelation: I said to myself, "I have already seen this one," meaning that I had already seen the outcome of the dream (which is very unlikely, seeing how I have never before dreamed this dream, to my conscious knowledge anyway). I knew that the man we were with was going to turn out to be a fake, the we were not going to even get into the park, and that the man would sit for several minutes with his head in his hands, crying. Now, even though I knew all of these things, I let the rest of the dream play out exactly as I knew it would.

Then, before waking, I fell into a completely different dream in which I was the stage manager of the musical "Jane Eyre." I will give only a brief description of a much longer dream.

I set up all of the props on the stage, for the opening show was about to start. Unfortunately I left my ladder and Walkman out on the stage, and I also forgot to move one of the gold vases and the large bush into their correct positions. To make matters worse, I forgot to leave the stage before the curtain opened at the begging. Tim Matteson (my supervisor) was very upset with me, and he scolded me for several long minutes on the catwalk as the play was going on.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dream #133 (February 25, 2010)

This is not as lengthy as the previous post, so do not fret.

I played a sweet concert in the middle of my woods. It didn't look too different from the real place, except there were far more teepees than usual. This was an interesting dream because I had the day before discussed, with my older brother, putting on such a concert.

Anyway, I played some crazy bluesy stuff, along with some old-timey junk. At the end of the concert (by this time night had fallen), I lit my piano on fire and played it until my hands and wrists were charred.

I woke up somewhere between being burnt and being completely engulfed in flame.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dream #132 (February 24, 2010)

This was interesting and entertaining.

At the onset of my dream, I attended a reunion for the Indiana state championship Class 1A basketball team of 2007 (a team for which I 'warmed the bench' throughout high school). I was not too excited about it, for I never really connected with many people on the team (or in high school for that matter). However, I did go, showing that I had at least some interest.

When I arrived at a weird room that was carpeted on the floor, walls, and ceiling, Austin Corneil and Andrew Jensen (who actually quit playing the year the team won the championship) greeted my by attacking me with ping pong balls. After that shock, they made it up to me by giving me some orange juice (it was not good at all).

I then followed them out of the doorway into the main part of the room and saw a large projector and screen set up, and it was playing a documentary. As I watched the documentary, I entered into a different dream.

I found myself in my thirties at a reunion party hosted by the old 'gang' of friends (which never existed in my real life, not even one of the other people; I was even completely different: overweight, black hair, and very tall). We all sat in a grassy and tree-filled junk yard (a weird combination) and ate a picnic on the ground. We even had one of those red-and-white checkerboard cloths to eat on. As we were eating, an older woman, who had the appearance of being a former tomboy, began to tell a story about Lucas's death, and how my cowardice caused it.

The story took place in the exact same picnic area, and the 'gang' and I were eating a picnic in a similar style, though we were about 20 years younger. Suddenly a gang of sweatshirt-wearing old men came and began throwing our food everywhere. Then they pulled out some nasty knives (there were about ten in all), and they headed straight for Lucas, who was mentally and physically handicapped. I was sitting next to him, and instead of defending him I...

Suddenly, the story began to change and the younger version of my dream self changed the dream history. Instead of running away as I recalled, I fought off all ten of the old bullies, saving Lucas' life. The weird thing is that the older woman telling the story was surprised when the outcome was different, even though it came from her old mouth.

After the story was told, my girlfriend and I (I have no girlfriend, and this woman came out of nowhere in the dream. She didn't really even have a face that I can remember) left and went to the train station. We sat on the steps there together, as annoyed people walked around the inconvenient place we were sitting, and we talked about the past. Then I opened up a secret compartment in the steps and pulled out an old silver hubcap, and we reminisced about how we used it to play frisbee, bake pies, and rob trains.

Then I found myself back in the room full of basketball players living in the past, watching this documentary. The whole team was there by that time, and people were running around, throwing liquid at each other.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dream #131 (February 23, 2010)

Another dream in which I am wanting to make a film. Unfortunately this one is rather boring.

My dream began last night in my house. It must have been about 2 in the morning, and my brother and I were running around the hallways, trying to think of something to do. Finally, after I had run out of breath, my little brother came up with the idea to create a film. I thought that could be great fun.

Mike and I decided to go to the place he works as a janitor, which is also where I used to work, Territorial Engineering. The place is an old bank, complete with a safe and some interesting rooms. It is an ideal place to shoot a film. When we arrived there, we decided that the colors of the walls and the carpet would not work with what we wanted for the film, so I started painting the walls deep forrest green as my little brother ripped up the carpet.

Then I heard a phone ring, coming from the other room. When I got in there, I saw my house phone on the ground and my old cell phone next to it. I decided to try the house phone, which brought me to the discovery that it was the cellular phone that was ringing. I answered it, finding that it was my older brother (who lives in Washington) on the other end. He explained to me that he really wanted to help with the film. I thought that would be fun, so I invited him over to a place I did not own.

He arrived moments later.

Then I awoke.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dream #130 (February 22, 2010)

Was this a nightmare? Not really. I did watch Psycho before going to bed.

During the first part of my dream my younger brother Mike, a bunch of middle aged men and women, and I were running all about an old mansion, trying to avoid a knife-carrying murderer. It really was not all that scary, and I was certainly not at all scared (though many of the middle age people were running around, screaming at the top of their lungs). In fact (can I say that when discussing dreams?), I was eating a turkey sandwich while observing all of the chaos as it ran about me. I almost enjoyed it.

For the next part of my dream I had some relaxing fun at a lakeside park. I spent most of my time swinging around a tire swing that hung from a branch over the water.

I awoke after that.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dream #129 (February 21, 2010)


In my dream last night I was shooting a film. My two actors, Nathan Galvez and Jonathan Ayee (both friends from Virginia Beach), and I were on a pirate ship in the middle of a frighteningly stormy ocean. I was not there because of the film, for that is where the three of us lived in my dream.

This film was not something I am too proud of, for it was one of those kinds where the main characters are extremely stupid and random (it had low level humor). There weren't too many memorable scenes that I shot over the course of the dream. I do recall having Jon Ayee jump through a wooden wall in the ship onto the deck, which was actually a pretty cool shot (I was shooting on 16 mm film). There were several other shots of a meal with the two characters at a large dinner table on the ship.

I do remember one particular scene very well. Nathan, who was wearing ridiculous earrings, which had clusters of tiny oranges on them and dangle down to his neck, and Jon were supposed to pick up a real orange off the ground, stare at it for a beat or so, scream in a typical dumb comedy way, then take off running. Right when we were ready for the shot, I started doubting the comic effect that the orange would have, so, as the director, I decided to switch the orange prop out with a little alien Barney head (I had several nearby). Nathan did not like this decision, and he threw quite a fit, arguing that oranges are extremely funny. I, on the other hand, thought that people wouldn't really even be able to determine what it was and that I would laugh at one of those alien barney heads without any other explanation. Because Nathan disrespected me in front of Jon Ayee, I made him do twenty push-ups.

Then I had to leave the ship for a moment. This does not fit in any way, but I became a toy that was a part of Toy Story 4. I was with a bunch of other toys who were staying absolutely still in a large living room so that the owner would not catch us. I noticed an old female toy beside me winking at me, and I was very disturbed.

I again found myself on the ship. Nathan had decided to take a break, and Jon Ayee was a little boy. I mean, he went from being in his twenties to about age 10 or 11. He even had a little fro. I've never seen even a photograph of Ayee from when he was a child, so this look is completely made up by my subconscious. I tried to explain the next shot to little Jon, but he was quite squirmy, and he would not listen.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dream #128 (February 20, 2010)


(The previous period is a bit of self-mockery). Last night I had a dream in which I was all over the place. I started out attending a basketball game in the middle of the night. This NBA game was at the Pacers' new gymnasium, and they were playing the Hornets (a team that I don't believe exists anymore). The gym was very cool, for it was in the middle of an opera house, complete with balcony seating and fancy decorations. Unfortunately for me, I had to sit in a stairwell at watch the game on a television because I had forgotten to bring my fancy clothes (this basketball game was quite a classy event). Kevin Chupp (former roommate) also forgot to dress up, so I had some company.

After watching this game for several minutes, I decided to go into the basement of the opera house, which looked very similar to the basement of Alik Hall (high school and college classmate). There I mixed myself a drink (it had no alcohol, only mixed fruits).

I suddenly had the urge to play some basketball myself, and that urge must have transported me to the next portion of my dream. I was in this large high school gym, and there was an intense game of 5-on-5 basketball going, in which I was playing. Unlike usual basketball, though, we were playing with food instead of a ball. It was weird and sloppy.

After the game, Kyle Heffelfinger approached me and asked if I would help him "beat the game." Wanting to help him, I followed him into a video game world. There Kyle ran around and destroyed 'bad guys' while I collected all of the floating tokens (which were brown and resembled Scooby Snacks). We played through many levels in this way, including a dark green forrest, a bright kitchen, and a blue land of glaciers.

I awoke while collecting tokens in the glacier world.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dream #127 (February 19, 2010)


I had a dream last night. I woke up at Bethel College in the freshman dorm, and I needed a shave very badly. I had several long black hairs dangling from under my chin, and my cheeks and the space under my nose was quite fuzzy.

So I decided to go to the Taco Bell across the street for the daily community shave that always took place before work. When I arrived there, I entered the bathroom with my razor and shaving cream, and I found a spot at the trough-like sink, where about sixteen other men were also cleaning up their faces. Other than a few awkward bumps during my shaving, I rather enjoyed shaving with others.

After a shave that lasted much longer than it should have, I was running late for work. So, I grabbed my suitcase (that I did not have before) and rushed out the door. I hopped into my Jeep (that I don't own) and started the engine. As I looked up into the mirror, I noticed that I missed several four-inch hairs on my face that stuck out as strongly as one would think several four-inch hairs would stick out on an otherwise cleanly shaven face. I panicked.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dream #126 (February 18, 2010)

Last night.

I dreamed that I wrote and acted in a play. The story was pretty awful, for it was about a plane that crashed nose-first into the ground and stayed there. The main character, played by me, survived the crash, but decided to live the rest of his life up in the rear of the plane. He just built himself a bird-like nest up there and lived there. Throughout the story, two women try to win his heart, the first being his former wife, played by Amy Ennis, and the second was a young protest girl, played by actress Rashida Jones. We ran through the entire play, though my dream seemed to skip certain parts of it. At the end, I was not too pleased with the story, though I did think it was kind of interesting.

As I walked down from the tower that was supposed to be the plane (a spiral staircase lead to backstage), the director of the play stopped me in there and told me that he had another student of his (apparently this was at Bethel and I was a Bethel student) rewrite the play. Now that would not have been so bad if the first show was not supposed to have taken place to nights later. I was a little infuriated because many people had worked hard to build the sets and memorize the lines. However, the director reassured me that it was the best decision. He also informed me that none of the current actors would be acting in the play and it was going to be staged at a professional theater. What a waste of time all that work had been.

I decided to visit the other theater to see how things were going, simply because my name was attached to the project. When I arrived, I discovered that Faith (whose last name escapes me right now; she was a classmate of mine at Bethel College) was the rewriter of my story. She also happened to be directing the story, and she was busy pointing at actors and at different parts of the stage, telling people where to go and what to do. Professional people always point.

At that point, I was unable to watch my story get ruined, for I noticed from the set and the costume that the story had turned into a war piece. I decided to go next door, along with my father who had accompanied me to the professional theater, to a bar/stage.

When I walked in, two magicians were performing a routine. They asked an audience member to come to stage, and when a man in his thirties did as they asked, they handed him a shiny metal crystal they claimed to be magic. Instead of waiting for the trick and the awe, the man took off with the crystal, leaping off the stage and rushing out of the emergency exit. The two magicians followed him, each with a look of severe desperation on his face. I followed them all out of curiosity.

Outside of the emergency exit was a red city. All the buildings were red, and the road lines and lights were also red. The man with the stolen crystal jumped into a grey van, which proceeded to speed to the ocean, which was not far away. The magicians followed the van via motorcycle, and I chose to hitch-hike the two mile trip. It just so happened that Jonathan Ayee (a classmate of mine at Regent University) was driving a red convertible with the top down, and graciously took me to my destination.

When we arrived at the beach, I found that the magicians had already caught up with the thief, and they had hung the man up on a ten foot electrical pole. He was still twitching, but surely dead. To rub salt in his wound, the magicians stowed their motorcycles in the guy's van and took off. I stood alone on the beach and watched the waves approach the shore.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dream #125 (February 17, 2010)

A dream.

In the beginning of the dream, I was in my home in the middle of London. It was a bluish, run-down place, and I lived alone. As I stood in my kitchen, doing absolutely nothing but staring at the wall, I heard a knock on my door.

When I opened it, I saw a young girl of about ten years standing with an elderly man. The man informed me that I was to take care of the girl through the rest of her schooling. I might as well call it adoption.

The next part of the dream was a montage of my time spent with the girl. In each part I had a very confused look on my face (I was also about ten years older than I am now), and I was always trying to purchase something for her. I was in a Barnes and Noble, at the park by a hot dog stand, and in an airport shopping area. Finally, I was back in my own house, alone.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dream #124 (February 16, 2010)


I started off the dream walking on the draw bridge of a large, orange castle, which was complemented by an orange sky. I was wearing my typical attire (sweatpants and a T-shirt), but everyone else in the dream was dressed as if they were from the Mediaeval Period.

Once I entered the castle, after passing by two armored knights, I found the office of Doug Miller. He was reclining in his office chair, watching a horror movie. On the television I could see several pairs of feet dangling, the bodies held up by some sort of neon green ooze, blood dripping from the toes. I did not want to watch any more after that short clip.

The moment Doug realized I was in his office, he sat up and turned the television off. He then explained to me the murder of a colleague of his who was killed in the castle. It was then that I realized I was a private investigator.

After receiving all of the background information on the case, I left Doug to finish his film, and I began searching the castle. I passed several corridors, chambers, and cells, and I finally found the staircase where the victim was slain by an axe. I soon discovered that the body was still there, though the head was missing. To add to the grotesque image that I looked upon, a bug-infested cat walked onto the body and began nibbling at the mans bloody neck.

Then I awoke.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dream #123 (February 15, 2010)

I had a dream last night.

I found myself in a campground in the middle of a thick woods. I walked about the various campers and tents;, whistling all the while, studying how much visual damage man can do to nature. After about a quarter mile, I crossed paths with Michael Kaser, a former classmate, who was on his mountain bike. It just so happened that he was towing another mountain bike behind him just in case he ran into somebody he knew that would like to ride (such as me). I, of course, refused to accept his offer, for I wanted to go to the ocean. Michael then warned me of an approaching hurricane and left.

I proceeded to the ocean as if it was were I was intending to go all along (though I really was just wandering around aimlessly before). I took a shortcut through some very thick brush, climbing over fallen trees, fighting through branches, and dodging thorns. Fortunately the bushwhacking did not last long, and I reached the sand of the beach. Unfortunately, however, the hurricane hit right when I arrived.

Everything was taken by the wind, including trees, towels, beach balls, lawn chairs, and tourists, though somehow I was able to walk normally in the midst of all of it. Then Asha, an actress whom I occasionally assisted during my work with a Jane Eyre musical, ran up to me and begged me to aid her in her search for a missing rag doll. Having nothing better to do but watch what was happening around me, I offered my assistance.

Together Asha and I searched the beach, digging up several holes in the sand and going through several picnic baskets. All the while we were forced to dodge the flying objects in the air. I was only hit once, but that blow was dealt by a large wooden outhouse, which sent me flying right along with it. Looking on the bright side, though, the hit caused me to turn my head awkwardly, which allowed me to see the rag doll riding a distant wave to the shore. I called for Asha and we rushed onto the nearest peer to await the arrival of the doll.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dream #122 (February 14, 2010)

This will be brief.

I was onstage in the Bethel College chapel performing a monologue. I do not remember what the monologue was about, but I do remember being dressed in colonial American style get-up, complete with tall boots and a top-hat.

I awoke in the midst of my performance, I believe, for the dream was a little cloudy.

Dream #121 (February 13, 2010)

This was interesting.

I began this dream inside of a large college classroom building in the middle of the night. I wandered about the stairwell, which was painted red and white, and tried to find the correct exit. However, all of the doors were eight feet off the ground, and for me to look into each of the hallways of the building, I had to run and jump as high as I could and pull my body up onto a small lip in the wall in front of the door.

Once I finally found the right exit (after about five different tries), I entered a room that resembled a small barn. It was filled with tiny cows the size of chickens and much golden hay. On the hay sat Kyle Heffelfinger, waiting to give me my final exam. I took a seat on a bail of hay and began the first problem, which ended up being much more complicated than I had expected, for it was a complex mathematical story problem that took me three pages (front and back) to solve. After that problem, I moved onto other problems, which proved to be much easier. The test covered a range of topics from fashion, to science, to celebrities, to farming.

After I finished the exam, I went back into the stairwell, climbed up a few stories worth of steps, and leaped up to and entered another door. This time I found myself in a small office. My summer camp counselor, Carrie Badertscher, was sitting at the desk holding a manila folder that, in the dream, was my file. She looked at me and explained the situation: I was wanted for murder in Minnesota, so she had to report me to the police. I was baffled.

Then I awoke.

Dream #120 (February 12, 2010)

I don't remember much of this dream. I woke up after a very minimal amount of sleep.

I believed I played in a large baseball game with various NBA players and famous actors. The memories of the dream, however, are very shady.

I awoke quite tired.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dream #119 (February 11, 2009)

Another one for you (really, it's for me). This, like the previous dream, has a short description.

I was on the edge of a very large wall. I could see nothing else but the wall, which was not properly white balanced, for it was too green, and was suspended in its own world. I shimmied along a very narrow ledge, trying with all of my might to not lose my footing, for rain was falling from the sky at a odd angle due to the strong winds, which threw me off balance on more than one occasion.

Nothing much happened. For some reason I was panicking for the entire duration of the dream. I'm not sure what I was fleeing from, but I am sure I was fleeing from something.

I woke up after a very long walk going nowhere.

Dream #118 (February 10, 2009)

I'm sorry I did not post this yesterday, but I did not have access to a computer. It's not that exciting anyway.

I was standing inside of a video game world (which is odd, because I do not play many video games). I was on a large pillar. Several different odd characters were flying past my head, including a pterodactyl, a trench coat, some sneakers, and other things I can't remember at this time.

Nothing else happened.

I eventually woke up.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dream #117 (February 9, 2009)

I nearly forgot this one.

I was being chased by wolves on a snowy mountain. I started the dream atop the peak, so I didn't have to worry about going uphill into the thinner air, which was good because I don't think I could have outrun the wolves otherwise.

After several long and exhausting minutes of fleeing to the base of the mountain, I finally found a place where I could escape from my pursuers. This place was a small cave in the mountainside that must have been man-made, for it had a bright yellow door on the outside. Fortunately for me the door was not locked, and I was able to get in and slam the door behind me just in time.

Though I was grateful to whomever owned the little cave home for aiding me in my escape 0f the wolves, I was disturbed by the shape and contents of the place. All over the ground were puss-covered and shattered bones (I looked down and realized I was standing on one, quickly relocating my foot). There were also bits of flesh on the walls. In the center of the room was a small wooden table with a few bottles of wine, some crackers, and some cheddar cheese (I wish it would have been Swiss; I love swiss cheese). At least I was alone in the room (to my knowledge).

After walking over to the wooden table with the intention of taking a bite of the cheddar cheese (in spite of the gut-wrenching home decor) I awoke.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Dream #116 (February 8, 2009)

Still going.

In my dream last night, I decided to visit my old high school friends Alik Hall and Adam Pflugshaupt at their college. In real life, Alik and Adam do not attend the same college, and neither of their colleges is anything like the college in my dream, which looked much more like a small high school. I first went to a Calculus class with them (which, in the dream, I was overly excited about). The classroom was dimly lit, and filled with faceless students. The teacher, whom I could not quite see due to the poor lighting, handed out a worksheet to all the students. I then helped Alik and Adam with their homework, enjoying every minute of it (I really miss Math).

After the class was over, I ventured into the gymnasium to watch gym class. The students, who looked much more like sixth graders than like college students (which is what they were in my dream), were playing a massive game of dodgeball (old school style, with kickballs). The gym was so filled with flying projectiles that I had to constantly duck and dodge in order to get from one side of the gym to the other.

As I was almost to the exit of the school (I suddenly decided that I wanted to leave), one kid (or guy) was struck violently on the head, causing him to fall down dead. I fled the scene.

Outside, ready to take me away from the school, was Carrie Badertscher (my boss at summer camp). Before entering her vehicle, which was (I am not exaggerating) the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle car, I ran around a large green tube (similar to those found in Super Mario), and hopped into Carrie's vehicle.

We drove off into the woods (it was autumn).

Then I awoke.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dream #115 (February 7, 2010)

Bob Dylan and I are tied.

The dream started in an off-white shack in the back yard of a house. In the middle of the night I walked from the house to the shack, hoping to be able to enter into the woods (the shack, which was more of a shed, was the only entrance to the woods, for all other areas were guarded by 20 foot tall barbed wire fences). I climbed in the window of the shack, since there was no door on the house side, and I walked to the back. The walk took much more time than I had expected, and the area around me grew very dark. It grew so dark that I had to punch a hole in the wall to let some twilight in.

It was then that I noticed the wall had been moved much farther back than it used to be (I had a memory for this nonexistent shack), and the door had been completely covered by boards nailed to the wall.

In frustration I grabbed at one of the boards, which seemed to be loosely nailed, and pulled it off with ease, so much so that I fell on my back. Unfortunately the removing of the board did not uncover the door; rather, it revealed a five foot wide spider nest. Moments later, the agile grey spiders residing in the nest were now crawling all over the walls and all over my body.

In fear, I stood motionless, not wanting to trigger a sudden panic, which could then trigger a bite. This tactic worked quite well, actually, for I remained unharmed while the spiders chewed and bit their way through the boards, door, and wall, revealing the woods I so longed for.

Moments later, the spiders ran away, disappearing into the woods. I followed them.

What I found was slightly disturbing. Every once in a while, there would be a gap amongst the trees with a little street light in the center of the gap, shining upon a figure frozen in time. I came across five such figures. One was a fisherman, another a giant fish, the third a sailor, the next an athlete, and finally a gazelle. All of these looked like they could be alive, but none of them moved even a millimeter.

I next entered a less interesting dream. This one took place in an enormous hotel (the size of several city blocks), which is where 3DYC was taking place (a youth conference). My friend and old roommate Kevin and I entered a room in the hotel (we were working at the conference), only to find that several junior highers were going to be staying with us in the same room. We were both very sad, until we discovered a large wad of cash on the pillow, with a sticky note attached to it that simply read, "COMPENSATION."

Then I awoke.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dream #114 (February 6, 2010)

So strange.

I began this dream flying down Indiana 23 in a Gator (a glorified 4-wheeler), headed toward school in the middle of the night. On my way there, I was attacked by one of the teacher's sons. He leapt from a stack of hay as I was zooming past it full throttle, and he landed on my back and began biting my shoulder. I quickly swerved, launching him from my back into darkness.

When I arrived at the school, it turned out that it wasn't a school after all; it was a hotel. I entered the run-down building and took a rickety elevator to the third floor, where I met a young teacher there. She scolded me for being late, but all the while was gave a seductive look (some teachers are desperate) that contradicted everything she was explaining to me. To make matters even stranger (for she was a complete stranger), she asked me to come to her room to stay a while. Knowing her authority, I complied. She led me into the room, and she shut the door behind us after we entered. Then she pulled out a large roasted turkey and asked me if I wanted some. Knowing very well that I would love the food, I turned her down in my head, not saying a word, and I fled the scene. Instead of taking the door and the elevator, I decided to be dramatic and leap out the window.

Fortunately I landed right next to my Gator, entered it, and sped away. After a few miles, I stopped by a gas station to refuel. Chance would have it that my father and older brother, Matt, were there at the exact same time (by this time, the sun was starting to go up again). Then Matt proceeded to invite me into his home, which was apparently right across the street from the gas station.

When my father and I entered his humble residence, he invited us to join him in a new game he bought on the Wii. My father, to my knowledge, has never played the Wii, or any other game system since Nintendo. However, he seemed quite excited at the opportunity.

My brother turned the game on, and immediately I entered into it. I was no longer myself, for I was now two characters: a woman and a man in their thirties. The game setting was a small water park. The object of the game was to destroy all of the evil ducks. From that description the game sounds like a cake walk; however, it was not so easy. These ducks could fly very fast, and many of them had laser cannons in their bills. It was quite scary.

Throughout the game duration I switched back and forth from the man to the woman, feeling everything they felt and thinking the characters' thoughts. After killing many of the smaller ducks, several two-headed ducks emerged from a fake waterfall near the edge of the map. As the male, I tried take them out early with my fists, which did not go as planned, for I found myself hurled into a black ghost-world, which I could not escape. I was left to only play as the woman.

Knowing that my fate would not be pleasant (the ducks were rapidly increasing in number), I made a suicidal move. I grabbed the largest two-headed duck in the water park and aimed its bill at the other mallards, blasting them to animal kingdom come. My kamikaze attack was actually working for quite a while, for I nearly cleared the map of all the evil ducks. But this hope of victory did not last long, for the large duck I was holding began to wiggle out of my grasp. After much desperate struggling by both the duck and me, the animal managed to squirm free. Instead of flying away, which is what I expected it to do, it flew in a circle and nose-dove right into my left shoulder.

This great shock and pain caused me to shake, wake, and nearly fall out of the bunk bed in which I was sleeping for the night.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Dream #113 (February 5, 2010)


I was on vacation with my family in this dream. However, my family was not my family. Instead of having a father, mother, a younger brother, and an older brother, I had a mother, a little brother (ten years younger than I), and a very little sister. We were vacationing in the ancient ruins of an inexistent oceanfront.

When my family arrived on the beach in our big green van, we carried our supplies (a multi-colored beach umbrella, a picnic basket, towels, and a beach ball) down to the waterside and set up a little base. Unfortunately, we did not have much room, for the beach was extremely crowded, even though it was cloudy outside. Then a family friend (a tall and strong man in his fifties) came over to us wearing scuba gear. He asked me if I wanted to explore the underwater hieroglyphs with him. Of coarse I accepted.

After I was all hooked up to the oxygen machine by the cliff that dropped off into the area where the underwater hieroglyphs were located, I was overeager to get down there, so I leaped off the edge of the cliff into the pool of water below, disregarding the crowd below, of which I could have easily injured any single person. For some reason, the family friend was shouting at me, telling me not to go yet, saying I was not fully ready. I soon realized what he meant, for I began looking underwater and discovered that, other than the large blue flippers I was wearing, I was completely naked from head to ankle.

I did not know what to do, for if I took the long climb back up, I would be exposed to the people below for a long period of time, but I couldn't just stay there. Well, actually, that is exactly what I did. I sat there in indecision for several minutes, wondering what to do.

Luckily I was taken out of my dream this morning by a blessed phone call.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dream #112 (February 4, 2010)

School seems to be a strong element in my dreams as of late.

I was in a small elementary school, which looked a little like my kindergarten building, attending high school. I was in class with Adam Pflugshaupt, an old classmate of mine, and his mother was teaching the class we were in. Then his grandmother walked into the classroom in the middle of Mrs. Pflugshaupt's lecture on mathematical sociology. The moment she walked in, Austin Corneil threw a paper airplane, which stuck in her white hair. Not reacting to the projectile in any way, she proceeded to tell Adam and I to go home sick. This brought around much complaining, for both Adam and I felt perfectly healthy. However, she insisted, so we went home.

As we walked out the door, Adam and I discussed what we would do about practice. Players weren't allowed to go if they were sick, but we weren't really sick, so we decided that we would return to the school for practice.

The time jumped to the night, right as Adam and I were walking out of practice. We were in a parking lot that looked nearly identical to the parking lot at my old high school. However, there was something unusual going on. There was a suspicious-looking red shiny van about fifty feet from us. Then, without warning, the van transformed into a giant walk-in freezer and sucked Adam into a compartment, locking him inside. Then two guys with guns walked out of the van (the freezer had turned back into its previous form) and told nobody to follow them (I was the only one there). Then the villains re-entered the van. Contrary to my predictions, the man in the driver's seat turned off van, and it sat there, idle, for several minutes. I did not know what to do.

Before I could take action, I awoke.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dream #111 (February 3, 2010)


I dreamt that I was back in my old kindergarten classroom with many of my old kindergarten classmates. Also, my old goldfish was alive, thriving amongst many other fish in an aquarium in the classroom (which is where I got my pet goldfish that lived for seven years or so, which is quite impressive. It actually may have never died, for it was flushed down a toilet. There is more to that story).

Anyway, I wasn't learning much, for the material was a bit too base for my mind. I remember thinking about patterns and how they can really only be theories (I actually thought these thoughts in kindergarten, and still apply them to my thinking today). What if, in a basic pattern of 0102010201020102, for example, there is a three hundreds of numbers down the line? Then there might be a new pattern with 0102 repeating numerous times with a three after every hundred digits, or there may be another change in the pattern. Also, can patterns 'change'?

I thought of such things in my dream. They very well may have been the very thoughts from my past. I eventually awoke, not in the mood to substitute teach P.E.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dream #110 (February 2, 2010)

Short, but interesting.

In last night's dream, I wandered about a post-apocalyptic Virginia Beach. Opposed to most post-apocalyptic worlds, this one was not that bad. Somehow everything regressed to pre-Industrial Revolutionary times, which was actually kind of nice. Though there were many smothering buildings all over the city, the air was somehow clearer. I kind of liked it.

Anyway, I was trying to find Caitlin Geeslin and Nathan Galvez, for Nathan and I were just returning from a long and tough journey. In my memory in my dream, I recalled that I had journeyed through many forests, across many great bodies of water, and through many odd villages. After sifting through all kinds of strange people (everyone looked homeless), I finally found Caitlin. She informed me that Nathan had never returned from the journey, which was horrible news. I didn't believe a word of it, so I continued to search through the many people in order to find him. It was then that I noticed Caitlin was the only female in the entire city.

Then I awoke.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dream #109 (February 1, 2010)

Here is but a brief description.

For all of the dream I was in the lobby of Oregon-Davis Elementary School working on an elementary-level Math assignment with my old classmate Adam Pflugshaupt. We were doing very well, and college professors were scouting us to see if we were skilled enough for them to take a more in depth interest in us. Adam and I got into several arguments near the end of the dream about various simple Math problems.

I eventually awoke.