Friday, January 28, 2011

Dream #322 (January 28, 2010)

This was a bit sad and a bit crazy.

I started off the dream driving the old van my parents used to own. I was alone in the vehicle on the main stretch of a small city.

When I pulled up to a stoplight, which had just turned yellow moments before, another van (this one was brown) sped past and stopped next to the man on a motorcycle in front of me. A young guy in a grey suit hopped out carrying a rifle and shot the man on the motorcycle.

I was shocked and frightened, and I immediately crouched down under my steering wheel and put my hands over my head. I even began to cry, for I had never seen a man die in such a way in real life.

I soon remembered that I had a gun in my glove compartment (I don't really carry a gun), but I was too scared and broken up to get it. Seeing unexpected death so close really affected me.

Then I jumped ahead in the dream. I was 40 years old, dressed in Middle Age knight garb (it was a yellow breastplate). I was also blind (but I was looking at myself in the third person, as if I were looking into the future). Apparently the blindness was caused by extreme stress brought about by the death I had witnessed. I was a helpless man. At that point in the dream, I was begging for food at a feast being held in the suburbs. There was a great amount of food, and the atmosphere reminded me of a graduation party. People would occasionally come up and talk to me (they knew me as being a 'wise old hermit'), but nobody fed me any food. Even so, I would give the youngsters who talked to me very good life advice.

Then I jumped even further into the future. I was on a street, old with a long white beard, and I was blind and crippled. It was raining, and the world looked grey. Nobody passed me by.

Then I jumped into another dream that was strangely connected to the previous one. Though it was much different, I still remembered these experiences from the first dream in the second dream.

I was in a great cylindrical tower. There was a spiral path that wound around the tower from the bottom to the top. There was a great march going on, and every living person who had fought in the military were in the parade, and they were all being honored at the top.

I myself had not fought in the military, but I was accepted into the parade because of my harsh and violent life. I remember the others marching feeling angry at my being there, but I also remember Bo Ennis welcoming me with a smile and a pat on the back.

When I neared the top of the huge building, I somehow got separated from the group and ended up inside a blue elevator (by the way, everything else in the building was blue and shiny). I took the elevator to the top floor and found nobody there. I looked around and couldn't find a sign of anybody, which is weird, for the military people were all marching to what they thought was the top of the building. I was there, and they were nowhere to be found, so I grew suspicious of this parade of 'honor.'

Before I could solve the mystery, I found a secret exit to the building that led to a person's backyard. That backyard was the same backyard where my middle-aged self was begging for food. Unfortunately (of fortunately) I did not get a chance to see myself. I went back into the blue cylindrical building and entered a tube slide (like one found in a McDonald's Play Place). I began to slide at a horrifying speed.

Then I awoke.

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