Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dream #320 (January 26, 2010)

Some very interesting things were going on in my head last night.

In the beginning I was inside of some sort of military base filled with scientific equipment. There Lauren Bello (formerly De la Calzada) was setting up the computers trying to prepare for some sort of missile launch that was intended to prevent some sort of earth-shattering explosion from taking place (it had something to do with meteors maybe). However, there was a missing piece that Lauren needed to finish setting up the supercomputer. It was up to Mike, Kevin, and me to retrieve the piece from a nearby island (the military base was itself an island).

I first went to the docks and instructed a boat full of island savages and military interns (the savages were wearing loin cloths and the interns were wearing green sweaters and hipster glasses) to follow the three of us in our little john boat. Kevin, Mike, and I then boarded the john boat, and I paddled it, against a current, to the neighboring island, with the savages and interns following behind in their ship.

When we reached the shore, Mike tied the boat down whilst I dismounted the boat and waded to the beach. I waved for the savages and interns to follow me, and they did. I found the large piece of metal that was so important to the military operation; unfortunately, it was being guarded by a one-eyed giant. Not only did he only have one eye, but he had a horn on his head and an extra mouth on his chest. He was quite muscular, and he spoke in a strange language (both moths would speak simultaneously). I didn't know how I could defeat this thing until the interns, on their own initiative, jumped off their boat and threw themselves on to the giant, many of them climbing up to his head and flinging their fists into his tough skin (the giant was probably forty feet tall). This distracted the giant, allowing me to run off with the hunk of metal (that was quite heavy and nearly as big as me).

I shouted a quick thank you to the savages and interns, who were still putting up quite a fight, then Kevin shoved us off and I rowed us all back to the base. When we got there, we dropped off the hunk of metal and returned to the boat, paddling all the way back to the giant's island. I wanted to check on how the savages and the interns were doing. When we neared the island, I beheld a strange sight. Apparently our friends had befriended the giant, and they were all waiving at us and smiling. That was enough closure for me, so I turned the boat around and headed back. Unfortunately I took a wrong turn when trying to get back to the military base, and I ended up traveling a little extra distance (I actually visualized a map that showed my path compared to the one I had taken before).

When I returned to the military base, I left Kevin and Mike and went to see how Lauren was doing with the construction of the supercomputer. She told me she needed a lot of help, so she told me to accompany her to the second floor of the base to get the computer interns (different from the other interns) to help assemble everything. I asked if those guys would be available to give up a whole day, and she informed me that they knew before they were accepted that they had to help her assemble the computer.

When we got to the second floor (parts of which resembled my grandfather's basement, though it was much more futuristic), we found all the interns gathered around a computer that resembled an arcade game. They had tapped into all of the security footage and had put together a video of a bunch of the heads of the military base doing embarrassing things (apparently they did have time on their hands). Just as Lauren and I looked over their shoulders, we saw footage of Lauren doing some very interesting dance moves in her office after hours (involving many jerky hand motions and random freezes; she was also dressed in a female version of Darth Vader's outfit). Surprisingly, Lauren did not lose her composure. She walked up to the computer, typed in a few codes, which erased the computer's memory, then instructed the inters to follow her to the first floor to begin some actual work.

Then I entered into a different dream.

I was standing in a parking garage that was outside of an airport smoking a cigaret (I don't smoke), wearing a trench coat. After standing there looking at the airport lights and at the full moon for a while, a man by the name of Drew Rannels (whom I don't really know and whom I haven't seen for quite some time; he is six years older than me and graduated from the same high school as I) called me on my cell phone. He instructed informed me that he wanted me to accompany him on his next trip to China. He was a part of some sort of orphan care agency, and he wanted me to spend the next two years of my life with him in China taking care of children there.

Then he hung up, leaving me confused, until he walked up beside me. He continued his plea, saying he could really use my help. Why me? I was certain that there were more qualified people out there, but he kept persisting I join him. I wondered if I would be willing to give up two years of my life. Apparently, my life would somehow be endangered as well, or so Drew told me.

I soon awoke.

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