Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dream #310 (January 9, 2010)

Here is a dream. I'm on a roll, I think. If only I had blogged on January 1, I would have not missed a day yet.

I found myself in a parking garage. It was empty except for a single blue car and the car's owner.

I was a part of some sort of contest that had many different stages, and this was one of the middle stages. Hundreds (if not thousands) of people had already fallen out of the competition, but there were still quite a few people still ahead of me.

In this particular stage, Rob Mills (a middle-aged guy from Koontz Lake) was in charge. He instructed me that I was supposed to roll a bowling ball across the parking garage, around several cones, and into what looked like thirty bowling pins. It looked impossible, and I didn't have much hope of success.

Then Rob told me that the competition was a matter of life-and-death. Those who fell out were to be sacrificed. That forced me to have a little hope in myself (for if I didn't have any, there is no way I could knock down all of those pins). I took a few steps, then, with quite some force and much spin, I release the ball.

It rolled around the cones, as it was supposed to, then, to my pleasure, hit the pins in the perfect spot, causing them all to fall. I was able to move on.

The excitement was short-lived, for I soon remembered that in order to survive, I would have to conquer challenges more difficult than this one.

I appeared in a busy street. I'm not sure if this was a part of the same dream (I doubt it, but it is nonetheless possible). Some sort of war of the worlds was taking place, and bizarre-looking spacecraft were blasting away at the city, knocking down skyscrapers, blowing up cars, tearing up the road, and disintegrating people. Those who survived were running around, hands flailing above their heads, throats expelling ear-tearing screams. I, however, did not panic, but, rather, walked slowly and calmly down the street as if nothing was happing at all.

I then entered into another dream. I was wandering through a woods and, at the same time, I was being hunted by a pack of witches. I again walked slowly and calmly, through the dark forest, as I was being chased.

Then I found myself in an aquarium. It was closed, and all the lights were off except for a few random purple lights that lit up a few of the tanks. I walked around, studying the great whales and sharks that were on the second floor of the building.

I soon awoke. I wonder why my mind couldn't rest in one dream world for long last night.

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