Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dream #319 (January 25, 2010)

This is pretty odd and involves some famous people.

The first part of the dream began in a classroom. I was filming the teacher deliver a lecture to the class. The room was set up in an old-school way. The teacher (who was wearing a Cosby sweater) wrote a few notes on the chalkboard behind him and the students, with notebooks and pencils, sat at their desks and wrote down every word that was spoken.

Several minutes into the lecture, none other than Bob Dylan (as he looks now) walked into the room carrying a briefcase and wearing a blue suit with a bow tie. He stood in the center of the classroom and began teaching a bit about music composition. The teens gathered around and listened to the master story teller without losing focus.

After Bob was finished, he left the room. I really wanted to meet him, so I set my video camera down and followed him out of the room, out of the school, and into the parking lot. He got into an old blue car and began to drive away. I hopped onto my red bicycle and followed him all the way to his hotel (which was probably only a quarter mile down the road). Him, being Bob Dylan, drove right through the front doors of the hotel without damaging the building (the hotel resembled the lodge at Turkey Run State Park in southern Indiana). I followed him in there (but I parked my bike outside the hotel), and saw him greet the doormen as they loaded up his car with several of his bags (which matched his blue suit). I began running to him, so that I could introduce myself to him, but before I could catch him, he got back into his car and speeded away.

I chased him on my bike for a little bit, but he got too far ahead of me.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was apart of some great competition, and there were only eight groups left in it when I entered the dream.

The competition was strange. Each team had to build an environment, complete with life bonuses, energy boosters, traps, and shortcuts, then the teams would have a battle across all of the environments. The team that gathered the most of their opponents flags before the time ran out won.

Though most teams were made up of at least six people, my team only consisted of me and Daniel Craig. However, during the first competition, against members of the band The National, we kicked butt. I would run around and gather flags while Daniel would defend our environment. Then we began building the next environment, which was made up of many grassy hills and trap holes. I was supposedly the best environment constructor ever to have lived, and I was quite proud of this one. I had many banana bushes (I know they don't exist) set up here and there to lure the opponents. Oh, the opponents were various characters from the game Donkey Kong Country.

Then something unexpected happened. I received a call that forced me to leave Daniel Craig to face the monkeys all on his own. However, I had set up a pretty awesome environment, so I was confident that old Danny boy could pull it off alone.

I ran out of the huge stadium and into a building that was connected with a walkway. I ran through a few hallways and entered a large, futuristic-looking room full of huge computers and white, shiny panels. There were a bunch of college students there signing up for classes, and that is the reason I skipped out on the biggest tournament of my life. I was merely signing up for a class that I feared would fill up (I believe it was some sort of web design class). I waited behind someone who appeared to be nearly finished. I had guessed right, and when the student got out of the seat, I recognized her to be Joanna Suter. I said hello, asked her what classes she had signed up for and, without really waiting for a response, began checking off classes I wanted to take. For computers that looked so nice, they operated quite poorly. The layout reminded me of the old computers found in libraries that only had the card catalogs on them.

I finished quite quickly, then returned to the tournament. I soon discovered that Daniel Craig had indeed conquered the Donkey Kongs, and was in the final match facing a group led by policeman and friend Bo Ennis. The environment he had built was rather weak, for it was an exact match to the stadium bleachers (which I found kind of interesting; maybe he was trying to confuse his opponent to buy some time). I had certainly come just in time, for Daniel looked as if he was about to pass out. He and Bo Ennis were the only remaining participants, for Bo's teammates had all been taken out by Daniel.

Just as Daniel collapsed, I caught him and held him with one hand while I threw a hard football at Bo. This caught Bo off guard and caused him to fall out of the bleachers of Daniel's environment and into the real bleachers. We had won, though I felt bad about conquering Bo in such a humiliating way. After the crowd began to clear, I walked over to Bo, who was still lying where he had fallen, and apologized. He didn't respond to my words.

Then I awoke.

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