Monday, January 10, 2011

Dream #311 (January 10, 2010)

Last night felt like a weird mash-up of dreams.

One part of the dream I was in my parent's old bedroom from the place we lived before I entered the third grade. I was looking in the closet for something when my younger brother Mike walked in with Morgan Ferch (neighbor) and LeeAnn Meyer who immediately shoved me into the dark closet and closed the door.

Then I was in the gymnasium of California Road Missionary Church (where I went to church when I lived in the house I just mentioned). There were mats laying all around (the mats that I used the Little Lamb Daycare kids had to use for napping; I was one of those kids), and the place was a mess.

Then I was in a submarine with Mike. We were a part of a video game or something like that (it didn't make it any less real), and our mission was to capture a great blue whale. We emerged from the water and floated on the surface of an ocean. When I crawled out on top of the submarine I noticed that there was an island nearby where we could rest, so I ordered Mike to steer the sub over to the island so we could dock on it.

When he pulled it up, I, in scuba gear, jumped off the sub and swam a rope over to the island. When I tried to stake it in, I realized that we didn't arrive at an island but at the great whale. When I pounded the stake into his back, he turned with great force, damaging the submarine in the process.

Then I found myself on a dimly lit forest path. I could see the whole path, for it on wove back and forth straight up a mountain. I walked along this path, not cutting across for some reason, and encountered little life until I neared the top. There I found Scott Johnson (former Bethel Professor, who recently died of cancer) laying on the ground, holding a blue and scarlet flower, smiling at me. I had to leave him there and journey on.

When I reached the very top of the mountain, I walked up to a cliff and looked down upon a bright city below me.

Then I found myself in the yard of an elementary school with my little brother. We were both elementary school-aged, and we were building catapults to launch fireballs at the school. After a short while, we were prepared to fire, so we launched at the school everything we had gathered to light on fire. We lit toy soldiers, bushes, sports equipment, and playground equipment on fire and launched it at the school, which soon became enflamed.

Then I awoke. That might have been too many places for one night.

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