Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dream #313 (January 12, 2010)

This was much fuller than the night before, and made up of many parts. The second part is boring, if you would like to skip it.

In the first dream I was visiting the dunes of Michigan. After walking through the mountains of sand and through some small forests, I found the beach. The water was purple, as was the sky, and there was a still tidal wave, hundreds of feet high, resting on the shore like a wall. It was quite a site to see. There were hundreds of people there sunbathing, playing frisbee and volleyball, doing usual beach stuff, but nobody was in the water (which was probably difficult).

I decided to be the brave one there, so I headed for the water. I realized that I was not wearing a swimming suit, so I walked to the parking lot behind a large changing station, got into my car, and grabbed my suit (I don't know how my car got there, since I had just journeyed a long ways to get there). Then I went into the changing room, which was all red, and prepared to swim. Right when I walked up to the giant, still wave, I switched dreams. Nuts.

In the second dream I started out practicing with the boys' basketball team at Oregon-Davis High School (where I went to school). It was my senior year and, though we had won the state tournament the year before (in my dream, in real life we won my senior year), most of the seniors, except for Brandon Johnston (the center) and me, decided not to play.

During practice I went out into the hallway to get a drink from the fountain. There I saw Adam Pflugshaupt (former classmate) and asked him why he wasn't playing. He told me that he didn't care much anymore. I talked with him further, all the way to the back entrance of the band room (which really isn't far at all in the small school), then we parted. Apparently practice was over, so I waited in the lobby for my little brother to finish with his practice.

After a little while, I met up with Nathan Ferch (another former classmate, and neighbor). I asked him why he wasn't playing, and he told me he was playing with a college team. We walked into the school parking lot and talked a little while longer. We began throwing a tennis ball back and forth, spreading out further and further, until we were a few hundred yards away. Finally Mike came outside, which distracted Nathan, causing him to throw poorly. He hit a bus, causing it to bounce off another bus, then off another bus, then on and on until it had hit every bus there. Finally, the ball rolled under the fence to school track. Mike got on my shoulders and I tossed him over the fence, and he retrieved the ball.

Then I entered into a third dream.

I was just a spectator at first. Donald Duck was paddling a raft down a swampy and dank river. He looked lonely and a bit sad. Suddenly, from out of the trees, a green witch appeared and attacked Donald. She flew down at him, trying to scratch his face off, but Donald deflected her with his paddle, knocking her into the river. She immediately melted (not in a cartoony way, but in a disgusting way), turning the water around her bright orange. Then Donald pulled the witch's hat and ashes from the water and set them in his raft.

Then the river ran into another river, and Donald met up with a large caravan of small boats. That caravan was full of evil people who were on a journey searching for some sort of magical power at the end of the river (I'm not sure exactly what it was). A little ways behind the caravan, my boat was following. I was a passenger in what looked like a motorized paddle boat. David Badertscher (of Prairie Camp) was steering the boat, and I was navigating the way with the use of a map. My little brother Mike was in the back with an orange life jacket on, staring into the water.

As we floated along, I spied on the group of evildoers in front of us, using my old telescope to get a closer look. As I was searching for a weak spot in the caravan, our motorized paddle boat was hit in the side by a one-man canoe, operated by Brent Boehner (Bethel student). He was wearing clothes that reminded me of something Sid, from Toy Story, would wear.

Brent immediately hopped in our boat, leaving his black rebel canoe behind. He tried to act friendly, but David and I were both suspicious (Mike was oblivious, and he kind of disappeared for the rest of the dream). Brent began asking us questions about what we were doing and where we were going, and we gave him only generic answers. We really had no choice but to let him ride with us, for neither of us had the ability to kill the poor guy. He reminded me a little of Gollum from Lord of the Rings in that way.

Darkness soon overtook the river, which allowed us to get much closer to our enemies. We were even able to ride right among them without being seen. After a little while, to our surprise, the entire caravan halted in a cave, through which the river ran. The evildoers parked their boats on the rocks beside the water, and their leader stood up and addressed the people.

Right in the middle of his speech, Brent stood up in our boat and gave us away.

Then I entered into a fourth dream. I'm guessing we would have ended up dead in the last dream, so my brain was sparing me the pain.

I was in my parents' kitchen playing a board game with my dad. It was an abstract strategy game, so the turns took quite a while to carry out. In the middle of the game, my little brother walked over to the refrigerator, opened it up, grabbed an entire package of cheese singles, a bottle of Louisiana hot sauce, and a box of crackers (we don't usually keep our crackers cold) and began to feast.

For some reason, this gave me secondhand diarrhea, and I sprinted to the bathroom.

Then I awoke. My brain spared me of pain yet again.

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